top 10 reasons we are done...player edition | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

top 10 reasons we are done...player edition

How does Hartline get in front of Wheeler?

Pretty simple...early in the season wheelers snap count was very limited miami worked more 2 lb sets and so his negative impact wasn't so was only after attrition and having to play so much base 3 lb looks vs the downhill run did wheelers true terrible play and awareness get to show out...hell if wheeler had never played as much as he ended up playing especially when our season was on the line and he was the next man up so to speak he wouldnt even be on here...

As for hartline there was no limited snaps or reps we got butchered play from a starting wr all year...and I mean singled up all over the place either shirked contact or couldn't defeat coverage or couldn't locate the ball in the air or caught the damn thing with his chest and went to ground...the fact that he was our 2nd wr and his impact as such was a killer blow for the offense all season

So when you pretty much give me 14 games to date of terrible play in a starting role with a heavy snap count your impact in a negative way is higher than even the tragedy known as philip wheeler
Is there any trade value with Hartline, realistically? His contract is a load, not sure many teams will want to take it based on production this year - but he's proven that he can be valuable in particular systems. I'd prefer to get something back from it rather than just cutting him loose, but if we have no alternative..
Is there any trade value with Hartline, realistically? His contract is a load, not sure many teams will want to take it based on production this year - but he's proven that he can be valuable in particular systems. I'd prefer to get something back from it rather than just cutting him loose, but if we have no alternative..

Seriously doubt it...someone will just wait for you to cut him and sign him to a pretty much vet minimum 1 year flier deal or something in that my guest I say
it was tough for me to put samson and colledge on there but at the end of the day these guys got to go...thank you for your effort and you made a nice check in the process but i got to do better going forward

I can't put Colledge and Satele in the same category....Satele played okay...Colledge got destroyed...just like Dallas Thomas.
I can't put Colledge and Satele in the same category....Satele played okay...Colledge got destroyed...just like Dallas Thomas.

Well I put colledge in front of satele if that makes it any better for ya...colledge more injury related than anything else...well that and Father Time...our interior oline play was not very good as a whole...pouncey wasn't in the top 10 cause he didn't play a quarter of the season and with the position switch and the season being impeded overall by the hip I gave him benefit of the doubt...but he wouldn't be far off had i gone higher than top 10
I really hope then injury hasn't done him in and Pouncey can rebound next year regardless of position
This team needs better starters at both OG spots, move Pouncey back to center or sign/draft another center. Need better depth at OT. An big physical Alpha receiver to start opposite Wallace with Landry staying in the slot. A dominant seam busting TE to go with Clay (if resigned, he's a solid player but not worth top TE money) and Sims. A physical RB to spell Millier.

On defense they need a true Mike LB to replace Misi who can not be counted on when needed most. An OLB to start opposite Jenkins as well as some competition/depth for McCain, Tripp & Jordan. Please no more Trusnick, Wheeler or Ellerbe. A big DT/NT to replace Starks. Another DT to replace Odrick if he is not resigned. Mitchell can be kept as depth. A safety to replace Delmas. A CB to replace Finnegan. Another DB to replace Jimmy Wilson. I would not count on Taylor or Davis, I would get them as much competition as possible. Walt Aikens should be given a shot but they will need some competition for depth at Safety. I'd stick with Wake, Vernon and Shelby for now, but in 2016 I'd start looking for a replacement for Wake.

A kicker to replace Sturgis.

All of these holes will not be filled, at least not with high quality players, in one off season. However a good GM can do enough to turn this team into a playoff contender in 2015.
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