Jim Hudson
Let's go Jets
Those of you who are hating on him need to calm down. Although smoking pot was obviously not the best choice, and he did abandon you, remember it is just a game. You do not understand what he was going through with that anxiety disorder. My mother has something very similar, and those goddamn pills can seriously affect you and make it worse sometimes. Pot, unfortunately, does tend to work better, and that was Ricky's choice. He wasn't using it recreationally as you guys tend to think and rip him apart over, he was using it medicinally, and if it was recreational at all I doubt it was much. I know that it wasn't the right choice and he did abandon you, but you have to do what you have to do. I'm glad that he is able to return the NFL, and I hope he continues a great career... outside of the AFC.
Good luck this year, and see you soon...
Good luck this year, and see you soon...