What makes you a "DIE HARD" Dolphins fan? | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What makes you a "DIE HARD" Dolphins fan?

What lets you know how sick of a DIEHARD Dolphins fan I am.

First of all, I became a Dolphins fan in the second grade many years ago. I had to pick out a book in the library and I came across a book about Bob Griese and Larry Csonka. That day I became consumed with the Miami Dolphins. Through the years I have witnessed many Dolphins victories and I've pitched many a tantrum over Dolphins losses. When I was a teenager my mother threatened to never let me watch another Dolphins game in her house after the way I behaved when the Dolphins lost to the Chargers in the playoffs of the '81 season. During my life as Dolphins fan, I've been to see the Dolphins play many times. The next two things I'm about to tell you. sum up how muchg of a Diehard Dolphins fan I am. First of all, my wife and I have two little boys. Both Zach and Mason are named after Zach Thomas. Mason's middle name is Thomas. Zach and Mason both came home from the hospital in Dolphins jerseys. Both boys first pictures were in a Dolphins onsie shirt. Every year me and about 20 fellow Dolphins fans from around the United States go and see the Dolphins on our annual road trip. We pick out one game when the schedule comes out and we all go watch the Phins. It's always a 3 day event. Several years ago we all flew from different parts of the country to see the Dolphins play the Chargers. It was Seau's first game back in Sandiego. As you are all aware, the game was moved late Sunday night to Tempe Arizona because of the fires that had taken over on late Saturday evening, early Sunday morning. We had a decision to make. We could either stay in Sandiego and watch the game on tv, or we could drive the rental van across the desert overnight, stand in line all day because tickets were being given away for free to insure the game looked like a sellout because it was a Monday night game(we already had tickets, but were told we would be given a refund and our tickets would not be honored and if we wanted seats we had to stand in line like everyone else to get a seat). We chose to drive all night and stand in line all day, watch the game then drive back to Sandiego to catch our flight back home. Out of the 23 of us that flew to see the game 15 of us drove to Tempe. Thirteen of my friends were able to reconnect their flights in Phoenix at little or no cost, Me and my friend who is also from North Carolina could not afford the difference in cost to fly back home from Phoenix so we drove back to Sandiego switching drivers every 30 minutes to keep from falling asleep while driving. Needless to say, I think I have earned the title of being a DIEHARD Dolphins fan. Go Dolphins!
I started with the phins in 69 when I was old enough to understand football, then Shula showed up...haven't stop watching them since, no matter where I'm at in the world..I go to games as often as I can, but since high school, I haven't lived in FL...college then where ever the job took me...but in all that time I've kept up with the phins.
i loved the fins since i was 9 and im 25 now and i poop and blled dolphins!!!!!!!!!!!
:dolphins: When i was shot out the nut sack i was wearing a Dolphins helmet.I bleed teal and orange.Its always been that way and its always going to be that way.
I was born a month early in Miami, so I could get in on the start of football season! My Dad said I would always sit and watch the whole football game even at 1 year old. In school starting in about the 5th grade I would sit during class and write from memory the entire starting lineup, offense and defense, including numbers. In the time before cable I would sit and watch the game on a channel I couldn't get clearly just to catch glimpses of the game while listening to it on the radio. Lived 8 years in hawaii, got to see very few games, paid to listen to the games on RealOne player. Also watched for updates on the NFL gamelive site. In teens/early 20's I lived and died with the Dolphins, if they won I was the happiest person on earth, if they lost people knew to stay away from me and not even speak to me for a couple days.
My devotion to the Miami Dolphins makes me a die-hard.....

I've been a Phinz fan as long as I can remember. Even in the 1st grade, I had a "hand me down" QB B. Greise jersey I always wore to school. Let's just say that I was basically transformed into a Phinz fan at a very early age, and have been a fan ever since....

The last time we played Dallas on Thanksgiving, I had a Uncle that came up to me and asked "Do you care more about the game or family?". Needless to say he walked off mad. As far as I'm concerned, there is no other team in the NFL

I had the same thing happen to me! No one understands what a dolphin fan goes through.
your right. everyone was on their best behavior there! Just goes to show you the class the Dolphins' fans have!
crazyzach said:
First of all, I became a Dolphins fan in the second grade many years ago. I had to pick out a book in the library and I came across a book about Bob Griese and Larry Csonka. That day I became consumed with the Miami Dolphins. Through the years I have witnessed many Dolphins victories and I've pitched many a tantrum over Dolphins losses. When I was a teenager my mother threatened to never let me watch another Dolphins game in her house after the way I behaved when the Dolphins lost to the Chargers in the playoffs of the '81 season. During my life as Dolphins fan, I've been to see the Dolphins play many times. The next two things I'm about to tell you. sum up how muchg of a Diehard Dolphins fan I am. First of all, my wife and I have two little boys. Both Zach and Mason are named after Zach Thomas. Mason's middle name is Thomas. Zach and Mason both came home from the hospital in Dolphins jerseys. Both boys first pictures were in a Dolphins onsie shirt. Every year me and about 20 fellow Dolphins fans from around the United States go and see the Dolphins on our annual road trip. We pick out one game when the schedule comes out and we all go watch the Phins. It's always a 3 day event. Several years ago we all flew from different parts of the country to see the Dolphins play the Chargers. It was Seau's first game back in Sandiego. As you are all aware, the game was moved late Sunday night to Tempe Arizona because of the fires that had taken over on late Saturday evening, early Sunday morning. We had a decision to make. We could either stay in Sandiego and watch the game on tv, or we could drive the rental van across the desert overnight, stand in line all day because tickets were being given away for free to insure the game looked like a sellout because it was a Monday night game(we already had tickets, but were told we would be given a refund and our tickets would not be honored and if we wanted seats we had to stand in line like everyone else to get a seat). We chose to drive all night and stand in line all day, watch the game then drive back to Sandiego to catch our flight back home. Out of the 23 of us that flew to see the game 15 of us drove to Tempe. Thirteen of my friends were able to reconnect their flights in Phoenix at little or no cost, Me and my friend who is also from North Carolina could not afford the difference in cost to fly back home from Phoenix so we drove back to Sandiego switching drivers every 30 minutes to keep from falling asleep while driving. Needless to say, I think I have earned the title of being a DIEHARD Dolphins fan. Go Dolphins!

That is funny....I have 3 boys and my middle one is named Zach...ofcourse after Zach Thomas as well. I wonder how many Zachs there are running around because of him??
First football game I watched was a game in which the Fins lost, but I've been a fan ever since. I don't remember not being a Fins fan, to me football and the Miami Dolphins are synonomous and I don't comprehend how anybody could like any other team. Other sports have lost all meaning because of my beloved Fins and I wouldn't have it any other way.
the fact that I have been waiting over 20 years for a superbowl and think(except for a couple years) this is the year only to come up short AND still love the team.
OrlandoFinsFan said:
That is funny....I have 3 boys and my middle one is named Zach...ofcourse after Zach Thomas as well. I wonder how many Zachs there are running around because of him??

Good question. I do know Zach is a great person from meeting him several times. My wife and I have a photo of him holding our Zach when he was 8 weeks old. Zach took the time to come by and check on us the next day in the hotel lobby and to autograph the photo we had blown up into an 8x10. I bumped into him again in Buffalo at the team hotel the following year and believe it or not he remembered me and asked how Zach was doing.
crazyzach said:
Good question. I do know Zach is a great person from meeting him several times. My wife and I have a photo of him holding our Zach when he was 8 weeks old. Zach took the time to come by and check on us the next day in the hotel lobby and to autograph the photo we had blown up into an 8x10. I bumped into him again in Buffalo at the team hotel the following year and believe it or not he remembered me and asked how Zach was doing.

Wow, what does that say about the kind of person he is! We too often look at players as players only but this reminds us that they are people first and some of them are very nice people.
crazyzach said:
Good question. I do know Zach is a great person from meeting him several times. My wife and I have a photo of him holding our Zach when he was 8 weeks old. Zach took the time to come by and check on us the next day in the hotel lobby and to autograph the photo we had blown up into an 8x10. I bumped into him again in Buffalo at the team hotel the following year and believe it or not he remembered me and asked how Zach was doing.

That's pretty damn cool. A class act.
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