What position will the dolphins take in the 1st round next year? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What position will the dolphins take in the 1st round next year?


Comon Mannnn
Apr 24, 2002
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i would love the dolphins to take a QB since i cant stand fedlier! that whould make my day nowing the dolphins took a Qb. i would also like them to take a de.
The problem with the Dolphins is... it is unlikely they will take a QB in the first round for some time to come. Mainly because they are perennially successful and it is unlikely they will be drafting in the top 5 of the draft any time soon. And really that is the only place in the first round where you will find a sure-fire starter in the NFL at the QB position (even there it is risky) and after that there is a SERIOUS dropoff in talent. So a late first-round QB generally isn't much better than a 3rd round QB... they are all generally crapshoots at that point.

Besides, give Fiedler a chance... this is his 3rd year as a starter... generally the point where QB's finally start to "get over the hump" So, if he fails miserable it is over for him. But I seriously doubt that will happen.... and I still don't understand why so many people have this deep hatred for Fiedler (other than he is not the clone of Dan Marino), he is better than many if not most of the QB's in the league, and has had a succesful stint with the Dolphins... I think only Kurt Warner matches him in Wins over the last 2 years. So, give the boy a chance... and realise we will NEVER see another Dan Marino in a Dolphins uniform for some time to come.
No #1 next year IMO

I think Ricky Williams will have no problem getting over 1,500 yards this year, so I doubt we'll have a #1 next draft. I could see us taking an OL (LT) next draft round two with our first pick.
It will be hard to guess where our specific needs and where we will be picking from a year from now...FA has changed the landscape of the Draft. Maybe we should be asking "which player available in next years draft do we want?" I think that is a more realistic question JMO...:D
who knows now - I hope/half expect that we will not a #1 pick next year thanks to Ricky
And really that is the only place in the first round where you will find a sure-fire starter in the NFL at the QB position (even there it is risky) and after that there is a SERIOUS dropoff in talent. So a late first-round QB generally isn't much better than a 3rd round QB... they are all generally crapshoots at that point.

Grooves...I feel where you are coming from and do not necessarily disagree....BUT...I remeber us picking up a rather solid QB in the late 1st rd. Pick #26 i believe. Maybe you heard of him...Fella by the name of Dan "the Man" Marino...You know all time leader in Passing yds...TDs...Attempts...Completions... I am NOT trying to be a jerk...Just never say never...Next years crop of QBs is supposed to be better than this years...so you never know...
QBs are so hit and miss in the draft that I think it is illogical to draft one very high. The lower the round, the lower the risk and the returns are about even. How many starters in the league were first rounders compared to say 2nd day or undrafted? I'd say pretty close, so I really wouldn't draft a QB very high, based on the percentages.
Originally posted by phins054
And really that is the only place in the first round where you will find a sure-fire starter in the NFL at the QB position (even there it is risky) and after that there is a SERIOUS dropoff in talent. So a late first-round QB generally isn't much better than a 3rd round QB... they are all generally crapshoots at that point.

Grooves...I feel where you are coming from and do not necessarily disagree....BUT...I remeber us picking up a rather solid QB in the late 1st rd. Pick #26 i believe. Maybe you heard of him...Fella by the name of Dan "the Man" Marino...You know all time leader in Passing yds...TDs...Attempts...Completions... I am NOT trying to be a jerk...Just never say never...Next years crop of QBs is supposed to be better than this years...so you never know...

Next years' draft is supposed to rival the famed class of '83, so there may well be first round talent from 1-32. Number 32 being the key number there since that's where we'll be picking.
I would have to say....

the Dolphins SHOULD take Ken Dorsey if possible. The guy's got potential out the yin-yang. Whether they do choose him or not is up to the powers that be.:cool:
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