Will the Fins sell out all their games? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Will the Fins sell out all their games?

Lots of transplanted islanders , in Fla. that are not much into football. I know a lot of true Floridians are moving out west to Naples, Weston,etc. So. Florida has gotten to be very crowded and mostly non-football fans w/c explains why a lot have not been showing up.

There was more attendance in the final bills-fins game of 2001 when AVP was our qb than the dolphin playoff game the next week.
:lol: I thought you were trying to bait me into something.....:o....sorry...:)

Yes and even over here, the large populations of Haitians and Mexicans for the most part are not fans of American football, and this is a large drawing area for the stadium.

IMO the large number of transplants/immigrants is the biggest problem for stadium attendance.....not what race you are or what country you're from......add that to the point that someone made earlier in the thread about the population's overall numbers and it becomes even more obvious.
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Originally posted by dolfan87
Zonk, don't get all bent, InFINS simply meant there are a lot of transplants in Miami, which includes people from the northeast as well as people from Cuba. It's not a racist statement, it's just fact.

I don't want to sound pissy, but I just get really irritated with people who pull out the "race card" over every little thing. :rolleyes:

How so?Many of the 2nd-3rd generations cubans grew up around the sport of Football and the same can be said about other Nationalities.I'm not Cuban but I don't blame Zonk for feeling the way he does because that was prejudice comment.Don't take it the wrong Infin but those comment you made may seem innocent to you but to the rest of hispanic members might be offensive.
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Originally posted by JJ777
A lil off tangent but man wasnt it a disgrace a few years back when there were more FRIGGIN jets fans at pro player than dolphin fans. I just dont get FL sports fans. Being from NY we are fanatical about our teams. (I am a NY home team fan all the way except football where I am a fin fan who even subjects himself to harassment by going to Miami/jets games in my Miami gear). How is it U of Miami and FL state have such a huge following and loyal fans but the Fins cant sell out a playoff game? The Jets tickets are sold out before the season and there is a waiting list to get on become a season ticket holder. Come on fans in Miami...whats up???

I think I can answer this..
It's pretty simple.
Everyone hops on the freakin bandwagon.

Most people know that UM every year is either going to win it all or ATLEAST compete well. I think a lot of people don't like the Dolphins (serious bout this) because a lot of people think just because were the "Dolphins" it's kind of panzy ;). A lot of people don't like our colors. Heh, people are stupid. Everytime I talk to someone about football they laugh at me when I say I'm a Dolphins fan. It's never due to the team sucking though..so..I really don't know. Also, I don't live in Miami, but I gather there is a lot more to do there then in some places. Miami is a pretty nice place to live...in some parts.
Infinsible, I didn't realize you were from Naples.

I'm in Fort Myers.

Holla ;p
Originally posted by minus

How so?Many of the 2nd-3rd generations cubans grew up around the sport of Football and the same can be said about other Nationalities.I'm not Cuban but I don't blame Zonk for feeling the way he does because that was prejudice comment.Don't take it the wrong Infin but those comment you made may seem innocent to you but to the rest of hispanic members might be offensive.

I'm part Spanish and I don't take any offense to it. Then again he was talking specifically about Cubans not hispanics. I still didn't see anything wrong.
Dalfan87- Playin a race card? How so, Infin said that if we had a Cuban team it would be a full stadium , as appose to a Hatian team, a Italian team, or any other nationality. I am a thrid generation American-Cuban and Loving the Dolphins has nothing to do with my RACE!

Infin- using your train of thought, I guess the 49ers fans are all gay. Being from San Fran and all. Ohh yeah and the cowboys fans are all rednecks and Jet fans are all Jerks being from NY (ohh yeah! they are)

You either love/like football and are willing or able to attend games.
I grew up very poor so as a kid I could only dream of going to football games, luckly life has been good to me and I have been able to go for 14 years in a row. And I will go till the day I die not because I'm an American or Cuban but because I LOVE MY DOLPHINS!

I'll get off my soap box now.
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Dalfan87- Playin a race card? How so, Infin said that if we had a Cuban team it would be a full stadium , as appose to a Hatian team, a Italian team, or any other nationality.

Stop being so sensitive will ya? You know and I know Infins didn't mean any harm. If you want to point fingers, point it towards Lucas. Why not?

And I will go till the day I die not because I'm an American or Cuban but because I LOVE MY DOLPHINS!

That's your fault. :D
Just a fan- its not about being sensitive! Its about making stupid comments. We all bleed red blood and are all gonna die one day. Labeling people by race or any other form is IGNORANT!
Originally posted by zonk39
Just a fan- its not about being sensitive! Its about making stupid comments. We all bleed red blood and are all gonna die one day. Labeling people by race or any other form is IGNORANT!

Don't you think you may be taking his comments out of context? He only said if Cubans had a team the stadium wouldnt be full. He did not say anything bad about your race. Just football in relation to Cubans, "the country" not the race. Isn't baseball the no. 1 sport? As far as I'm concerned Hispanics in general are of the same race. He did not blast the hispanic race.

Maybe a bad example on his part but IMO it wasn't racist.
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I guess we will agree to disagree.

I have been going for 14 years now and I'd venture to guess that at least 40% of the stadium attendance is Hispanic.
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There is a widespread perception that Miami fans do not support their team.

The facts about the Dolphins attendance is that they have been 7th in the league for the past three years consecutively.

The Giants, Jets, Redskins, Denver, and the Chiefs consistenetly draw more fans than Miami, but they also have larger stadiums.

The Fins fans are also very consistent, 7th place every year, whereas some other teams in our division don't enjoy the same consistency of support at home.

New England
2002 - 14th
2001 - 24th
2000 - 23rd

2002 - 13th
2001 - 19th
2000 - 10th
Don't fool yourself. Half of those that watch those games are not finfans. Between having to watch their team play in Pittsburgh or miami, most fans would rather go to Miami and enjoy the beach as well. :D
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