Winston wants to be dolphin... Miami not overly interested | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Winston wants to be dolphin... Miami not overly interested

For whatever it's worth Drew Rosenhause did say last night that his client was willing to play for "much less" than what Jake Long signed for in St. Louis. Strange situation. You'd think the Dolphins would want to sign this guy so they don't have to use up a 1st rd pick on a Tackle.
The fact that they don't/haven't/ aren't interested now or later tells you something.

For whatever it's worth Drew Rosenhause did say last night that his client was willing to play for "much less" than what Jake Long signed for in St. Louis. Strange situation. You'd think the Dolphins would want to sign this guy so they don't have to use up a 1st rd pick on a Tackle.
I think it would look bad for us and create a bad reputation for us to jerk guys around. If we weren't gonna be in the same ballpark with a guy then we shouldn't even bring a guy in for 'kick the tires' session. I'd be pissed if I was Winston and Miami low-balled him with 60% or less than what he was looking for after spending the time with him, unless they could point to specific physical issues that they're afraid of.
Oh yeah I'm sure no other NFL team "Jerks" guys around! Just the Miami Dolphins...Not the Bears, Not the Broncos, Not the Patriots, Not the 49ers..nah

I think it would look bad for us and create a bad reputation for us to jerk guys around. If we weren't gonna be in the same ballpark with a guy then we shouldn't even bring a guy in for 'kick the tires' session. I'd be pissed if I was Winston and Miami low-balled him with 60% or less than what he was looking for after spending the time with him, unless they could point to specific physical issues that they're afraid of.
One of the few things that could absolutely torpedo this season for us is relying on a rookie and 2nd year player at the T positions. Sign Winston to a team friendly deal. However much he makes this year is irrelevant then draft for the future at the position. I'm a huge advocate for signing both Winston and Grimes. Leaving our draft entirely open to BPA picks and substantially increasing the experience and depth on this team.
A lot of people are just assuming the two sides are haggling over money. Not that I truly believe this, but could they also be struggling with wanting to move Martin over to LT or not and if not, then why sign Winston, as we have a RT and perhaps they've been planning on drafting one to start for us? I don't know if we have that luxury with all our needs, but isn't that a possibility? Remember, they never really expected to get Jake to stay and they didn't originally expext Winston to be cut and available. So now this wrinkle has made them re-think what they were going to do to address the OL via FA and the draft (and not in a very swift manner) ??? Just food for thought.
What JFoxx said... Maybe they want a LT? Ireland said they drafted Martin to play RT. If Winston wants to sign at a bargain rate then they'll jump, if not seeya. He's been released by the last two teams he's played for. That does not bode well for him.
What JFoxx said... Maybe they want a LT? Ireland said they drafted Martin to play RT. If Winston wants to sign at a bargain rate then they'll jump, if not seeya. He's been released by the last two teams he's played for. That does not bode well for him.

You would think that very obvious fact tell us something about the guy and why we or frankly any other team aren't breaking the bank for his services.
Rosenhaus said that Winston is willing to play for less than what Long signed for? Well I sure hope so. Anyone who gives Winston 9 million a year is crazy.
Rosenhaus said that Winston is willing to play for less than what Long signed for? Well I sure hope so. Anyone who gives Winston 9 million a year is crazy.

His exact words were "much, much less." Sounds to me like at least half of what Jake signed for. This is 1000% on the Dolphins if they don't sign him.
I couldn't disagree with you more. I like the way its shaking out. Werner opposite wake. Jesse williams, #1 because he fell and i have a higer grade on him than guys like poyer and amerson, and secondly because we have two dts on contract years.
Swope, with rumors of moving bess, and bess' mystery injury last year, coupled with the fact that i think swope is an upgrade over bess, and i like the tannehill connection and the value of swope vs, ol here. I actually tried trading up for eric reid but another viper beat me to it.

I targeted barrett jones, and he came off the board just before if i recall. There are about 5-7 cbs i have targeted coming up that i think are upgrades and major value they way i saw the draft shaking out.

There are also 2-3eric safeties available, 2-3 rbs, and a few guards and mike backers i could go.

So in short yea, i disagree with you. Im quite pleased the way things are shaking out.

I moved a few guys as well. Moving past the 7-9 seasons hopefully and i think im going to like how it shakes out here pretty soon.

Really, 2413? We have main needs at CB, OL, and S and you're ok with filling those dire needs with 3rd and 4th round picks?? We have Jared Odrick and Kheeston Randall at DT backing up Starks who we just tagged at $8.5mil and Soliai and you don't think passing on dire needs for yet another DT? And then Ryan Swope when we've spent millions on Wallace, Hartline, and Gibson? If we want to replace Bess we have Gibson, Hartline, Binns, Mathews or a 3rd rounder on it, not a pick we have crucial needs at CB, OL, and S with.
We dont want him very badly, it seems like nobody else wants him more. Plus he has been cut two times in two years. My question is... why?
Volmer just got 17 million over 4 years. Winston isn't getting that... So if we can get him at 3 years 10-11 million I think we jump at that

Eric Winston To The Dolphins?

When the free agent period start a couple of weeks back, some of the biggest needs for the Miami Dolphins included, offensive line, wide receiver, tight end, and cornerback. While the receiver and tight end position has been solved, the Phins are still in search for a cornerback and a couple of new offensive linemen.
There was already a huge hole on the line and then their best offensive lineman, Jake Long decided to sign with the St. Louis Rams. His switching of teams led the Dolphins into an even deeper hole then they were already in. The offensive line will most likely be addressed in this year’s draft, as they possess five picks within the first three rounds in the draft. Despite the likeliness that this hole will be filled in the draft, I think it is important that the Dolphins go out and sign a veteran tackle. One tackle who has interest with the Miami Dolphins is Eric Winston.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Eric Winston, he is a right tackle who formerly played for the Houston Texans and the Kansas City Chiefs. Last season, after being cut by the Texans, Winston signed a contract to play for Kansas City. Despite being ranked as one of the best right tackles in football last season by Pro Football Focus, the Chiefs decided to move in another direction after they franchised tackle Brandon Albert and then cutting Winston.
For the Dolphins, Winston is a match made in heaven. Winston is very athletic for the tackle position and would fit perfectly into their zone blocking system. Winston also has familiarity with the team, as offensive coordinator Mike Sherman was his offensive coordinator for his first couple of seasons in the NFL. Eric’s brother, Matt, is also a scout for the Miami Dolphins. Along with his familiarity with the team, Winston would fit in perfect with the city of Miami, having played his college ball at the University of Miami.
Winston’s agent, Drew Rosenhaus, has expressed Eric’s interest in playing in a Dolphins uniform. While being on WSVN Channel 7, Rosenhaus said, “Eric would really like to play for the Miami Dolphins.”

Despite the good chance that Winston would work out in Miami, the Dolphins don’t seem to want to pull the trigger. One reason as to why they might not want to sign Winston is because of his age. This November, Winston will be turning 30. Even though that isn’t necessarily old, the Dolphins have been going in a younger direction as of late, after releasing veterans Karlos Dansby and Kevin Burnett and then signing younger players such as Phillip Wheeler and Dannell Ellerbe.
In my opinion, Winston would be a great signing. At this point, I don’t believe money is the issue. Over the past couple of weeks the Dolphins have set aside money with the hopes that Jake Long would re-sign. We all know that he didn’t, therefore the Dolphins have some money that they could use on Winston. Not all of the money of course, but some of it. Even though I think he would be an ideal person to fill the hole at the right tackle position, the Dolphins most likely don’t agree. If they really wanted him you would have to think that something would have been done by now.

Wherever it is that Winston goes (hopefully Miami), that team will be signing not only a great player, but also an experienced leader for all of the young guys in the locker room.

Makes you wonder what the hold up is getting Winston signed when he wants to play for the Dolphins - probably $$$ & being a potential progress stopper for whatever tackle they draft...

Whoever writes that blog needs to work on grammar and proper spelling. Reading a blog with grammar and spelling that bad makes me want to punch myself in the face. All for supporting bloggers, but c'mon
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