Winston wants to be dolphin... Miami not overly interested | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Winston wants to be dolphin... Miami not overly interested

Really, 2413? We have main needs at CB, OL, and S and you're ok with filling those dire needs with 3rd and 4th round picks?? We have Jared Odrick and Kheeston Randall at DT backing up Starks who we just tagged at $8.5mil and Soliai and you don't think passing on dire needs for yet another DT? And then Ryan Swope when we've spent millions on Wallace, Hartline, and Gibson? If we want to replace Bess we have Gibson, Hartline, Binns, Mathews or a 3rd rounder on it, not a pick we have crucial needs at CB, OL, and S with.

well, maybe I wasn't clear the first time. I am fully aware of the needs the team has. However, I personally think it's bad business to draft soley on needs. If I need a cb, but my best rated cb is rated on my board at 70, why on earth would I pass up guys I have rated in the 40's and 50's let alone the top 32... I dont think its wise to pass up talent for a need regardless of any position, save for maybe quarterback...

I said it before I'll repeat it again, because I am thinking you missed it... I love a lot of corners, just so happens I like a lot of them in the 3rd round, and late 3rd round... I have a second round grade on a couple that have actually fallen, and while they come with a little risk, I love their upside. I'll be addressing secondary with the way I stack my board up.
I actually tried to trade up for eric reid about 20 picks ago because I have him as a top two safety on my board, and I would have been thrilled to have him with that pick, unfortuneatly I was a tad too late..

If you had taken the time to read anything in my sig past jesse williams, you'd realize that as a matter of fact I don't have odrick. I traded him in a package to move up for an additional third round pick. I traded back in the first, which afforded me to move up a few spots in the 2nd and gain an additional 3rd... leaving me with 2 2nds and 4 third round picks, where as I've stated at least twice now, i have a lot of value on my draft board.

personally, I think swope is an upgrade over 80% of the WR's you listed in your reply. I wanted to grab at least one WR in the draft, and swope fit where I took him over the next handful of cb's I have on my board...

I had one Ol I considered in the 2nd and it was barrett jones, past that I have many people on my board of higher value, than some OT's...

Just an FYI, this is the second VIP collaborative mock draft we have done in a month... YOu were more than welcome to join in on the fun.. there has been a lot of fun bantering, and plenty of insight into why about 16 different people rate guys the way they do. It's nice to see how other guys rate prospects in comparisson to how I do, it gives me a reason, to go back and research guys and see why other people see things I don't. I don't know for sure but I think the VIPCMD thread is somewhere around 4,000 views... lots of insight... lots of good dialouge. I hope next time you will join in.

like I said, I have made some moves, and taken some guys that werent part of my original plan thats for sure... but you'll never see me throwing talent away, for needs... I dont' necessarily draft for THIS year only... I draft for the future as well...
You would think that very obvious fact tell us something about the guy and why we or frankly any other team aren't breaking the bank for his services.

the problem im havin with Winston is that ALL the reporters are callin him a top 5 OT in the league ? WELL WHATS THE PROBLEM ? if hes that good than we should sign him , somebody is blowin smoke up somebodys ass , because hes either a top 5 OT and we dont wont a top 5 OT ? what are we lookin for one that fits columbos style of playin ? i hear one thing ,than i hear another , Ireland **** or get off the pot , we dont need no distractions going into the draft and with the extra money we have if we are going into the draft with what we have than we need to see if we can get Jones signed to a long term deal , because the extra money we have , we cant take it with us to next year ,from what a site roto world if im not mistaken said that ALL teams has got to spend 85% of there salary for this year . so we need to stay active and agrresive.
Its about money. He is prob asking too much considering his output. The draft has some good ones. Its tricky. Essentially, the market sucks for him, so we can wait.
A lot of people are just assuming the two sides are haggling over money. Not that I truly believe this, but could they also be struggling with wanting to move Martin over to LT or not and if not, then why sign Winston, as we have a RT and perhaps they've been planning on drafting one to start for us? I don't know if we have that luxury with all our needs, but isn't that a possibility? Remember, they never really expected to get Jake to stay and they didn't originally expext Winston to be cut and available. So now this wrinkle has made them re-think what they were going to do to address the OL via FA and the draft (and not in a very swift manner) ??? Just food for thought.

of course it is, when you have a possible Lane Johnson staring you in the face only to give up a 3rd rounder to get him at the last second.
If thats the case isn't he risking losing even more money as the draft approaches?

Its about money. He is prob asking too much considering his output. The draft has some good ones. Its tricky. Essentially, the market sucks for him, so we can wait.
the problem im havin with Winston is that ALL the reporters are callin him a top 5 OT in the league ? WELL WHATS THE PROBLEM ? if hes that good than we should sign him , somebody is blowin smoke up somebodys ass , because hes either a top 5 OT and we dont wont a top 5 OT ? what are we lookin for one that fits columbos style of playin ? i hear one thing ,than i hear another , Ireland **** or get off the pot , we dont need no distractions going into the draft and with the extra money we have if we are going into the draft with what we have than we need to see if we can get Jones signed to a long term deal , because the extra money we have , we cant take it with us to next year ,from what a site roto world if im not mistaken said that ALL teams has got to spend 85% of there salary for this year . so we need to stay active and agrresive.

I personally think this is a shift in spending philosophy. How much money gets allocated to each position. How much and where money gets allocated across a ZBS OLine is different than the traditional LT oriented OLine we've come from. This is why Jake isn't here. Jake used to be the OLine focal point. Now, not so much. There are a lot of moving parts here: team spending philosophy, blocking scheme, money allocation and importance of any one given posiiton and player to the team.

Without taking a peak, name the starting LT from the Packers?

Now name the starting LT from the Browns? Broncos?

The Packers don't emphasize "name" OLineman. We won't either. We might draft great OLineman, but we don't necessarily need them.
As only a few of you have eluded to in this post, it seems clear to me they DONT trust/want Martin at LT. If we sign Winston, it ensures that Martin will be our LT in the future, regardless of what may happen in the draft or who may fall to us. If we are able to land Johnson for example, I don't see any way they would have Martin be a backup to Winston. And Winston would make too much to be a backup.

I think this is clearly a case of waiting to see how the draft plays out unless Winston takes accepts a really cheap deal. Martin was barely average at RT this year, not sure why people think he will be good at LT. I keep hearing he will get better and stronger, but every player in the NFL is lifting weights and getting stronger at the same time. Jake was dominant the second he came into the league, and even that only lasted a couple of years. Martin was the furthest thing from dominant in his first year, and I don't think the Dolphins staff has any confidence he will be an above avg LT in this league.
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