Y'all hatin' | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Y'all hatin'


Soul Rebel
Mar 8, 2006
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I understand some people don't like the unnecessary attention Channing Crowder brings to himself and the team via his antics on (Matt Light Brawl), and off (Rex Ryan "brawl") the field.

However when you take a look at the production he's given over the past 5 seasons, The Dolphins found very good value in the 3rd round selection. When you start to take a look at any of the noteworthy ILB's or MLB's that came out of the 2005 draft in rounds 1-3, you'll see he stacks up quite comparatively.

TT= Total Tackles// ST= Solo Tackle's // S= Sacks // I= Interceptions

~1st Round~

Derrick Johnson | #56 | ILB (15 overall)

TT- 386
ST- 317
S- 13
I- 6

~2nd Round~

Barrett Ruud | #51 | MLB (36 overall)

TT- 467
ST- 344
S- 3
I- 5

Kevin Burnett | #99 | ILB (42 overall)

TT- 212
T- 164
S- 6.5
I- 1

Lofa Tatupu | #51 | MLB (45 overall)

TT- 461
ST- 345
S- 7.5
I- 9

~3rd Round~

Channing Crowder | #52 | ILB (70 overall)

TT- 430
ST- 310
S- 2.5
I- 1

Kirk Morrison | # | LB (78 overall)

TT- 631
ST- 496
S- 5
I- 7


430 Total Tackles over 5 years 'aint bad for a 3rd rounder, & 5/5 years of being a starter 'aint bad neither.

Or maybe we should start hoping for more 3rd rounders like Derek Hagan & Lorenzo Booker :)


Obviously I didn't list every LB from that draft, just the ones I felt were noteworthy. All of the LB's can be found hurrr

One Love Broseidons, Lord's of the Broceans.


edit: oh snap I just hit 2k posts.
The thing you don't see in the stats is how inept he is at making an real game changing plays. The intangibles is what he fails at.
The thing you don't see in the stats is how inept he is at making an real game changing plays. The intangibles is what he fails at.

Not every guy on a 54 man roster is going to be Mr Rodgers.

All I'm saying is that his production on the field met and/or exceeded expectations based upon where he was drafted.

& It seems no one here is willing to agree with that.
52 tackles in 13 starts. That is beyond pathetic, not to mention how much he blows in coverage which is something Dansby is actually good at. Crowder gets owned by every tight end, and he gets rocked blindsided more than any linebacker in the league.
52 tackles in 13 starts. That is beyond pathetic, not to mention how much he blows in coverage which is something Dansby is actually good at. Crowder gets owned by every tight end, and he gets rocked blindsided more than any linebacker in the league.

Not a Channing Crowder VS. Every other linebacker in history thread.

Channing Crowder was/continues to be good value for where he was selected. Agree or Disagree?
If you want to defend this, then be my guest.

He wasn't starter material. Now with Dansby here Crowder can be the 2nd guy and won't have as much on his plate
Totally agree..... He was picked in the 3rd and we finally picked some linebackers worthy of starting in the NFL. He will be replaced by Edds in the nickel and Dobbins or Thomas in base. I love the Miami Dolphins, not individual players.....Call me old school, it works for me!!!!
Everyone complains about Crowder. What I remember from the last two years is whenever he's out our run defence suffers. With him and Fergy out we flat out sucked. I think with all the new help coming he will be just fine :)

~~~ GO FINS ~~~
If you want to defend this, then be my guest.


Basing a players talent off of a play does not mean anything. If we did that then every player in the NFL would be bad. Unless you are sitting in the film room after games breaking down the film and know the play call then you do not know whos fault it is. For all you know that gap could have been the responsibility of the weakside backer. Yes the middlebacker is not responsible for the whole field surprisingly. I am not saying Crowder is good and I am not saying he is bad. But I will say this... for a third rounder I am satisfied because he produces tackles. If I had to guess I would say he is an average linebacker in the NFL at worse and decent at best. Not to mention I would go from Zach Thomas to Channing Crowder than Dan Marino to every other damn QB we have had up to Pennington anyday.
Basing a players talent off of a play does not mean anything. If we did that then every player in the NFL would be bad. Unless you are sitting in the film room after games breaking down the film and know the play call then you do not know whos fault it is. For all you know that gap could have been the responsibility of the weakside backer. Yes the middlebacker is not responsible for the whole field surprisingly. I am not saying Crowder is good and I am not saying he is bad. But I will say this... for a third rounder I am satisfied because he produces tackles. If I had to guess I would say he is an average linebacker in the NFL at worse and decent at best. Not to mention I would go from Zach Thomas to Channing Crowder than Dan Marino to every other damn QB we have had up to Pennington anyday.

Well actually he got run the **** over twice in that video. Don't think you can use the gap excuse when he goes head up with the back and gets bowled over. My point in all of this is, I don't care that he has so and so tackles compared to other guys in his draft class. You know how many inside linebackers we've brought in this offseason? Three. And they aren't here to give Dansby a run for his money.

Sure, the dude has done ok for a third rounder. But it has to come down to that? "Well.. he's done good for a third rounder". Lex Hilliard has done good for a 6th rounder. Doesn't mean he's guaranteed the next 10 years here.
off topic but man was it good to see the dolphins in action again even if it was a bad play lol bell got some wheels idk why some people think he is slow or old
Sure, the dude has done ok for a third rounder. But it has to come down to that? "Well.. he's done good for a third rounder".

It is like that, lol.

It's the reason we expected more from Tedd Ginn, It's the reason everyone hates Pat White, it's the reason no one expects Chris McCoy to come in and make the probowl.

When you select a player in any given round you expect X amount of production from that player, based on the round he was drafted in.

When you actually do get that production that you had hoped for/ expected from that player than you would consider the pick a successful pick. Correct?

Channing Crowder was a successful pick. Nick Saban didn't intend for him to be Ray Lewis reincarnate, and he's not. So I don't understand why the whole fanbase seems to expect that from him. He's done what he was drafted to do. Definitely one of our better recent late round picks, to be sure.
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