Boomer's Day 2 LIVE Combine Updates inc: Cadillac | Page 11 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Boomer's Day 2 LIVE Combine Updates inc: Cadillac

Shows how mobile of a QB he is obviously.
yea, but dude, you can tell someones mobility by simply watching the tape. and how they move around in a pocket... very rarely will he just have to run in a straight path. you dont need the 40 yard dash for that..
Jaj said:
Shows how mobile of a QB he is obviously.
Dan Marino's 40 probably lasted all night, yet in the pocket he floated around like a ghost. Unless a QB main weapon is his legs (Vick) then the 40 matters as much as a kickers benchpress.
If your QB has a good enough 40 time it's likely he can scramble for a few yards when need be. Dan Marino had his own step up, step out, step in, step back that would just barely keep him away from the defender.
Hostile7 said:
Sproles did 23 reps... He's like 5'6" right? Damn he's stronger the Ronnie Brown and Cadillac (18 and 19).
Yeah but when you're just 5'6" you only have to lift the bar like 5" off of your chest cause of your short arms. I mean, come on.....
Ozzy said:
Wow, Caddy is 217? You sure that's correct mate? I mean putting on 10-12 pounds in barely a month is nearly impossible. Unless it's fat, and fat slows you down big time.
Yeah I just read an article on ESPN by Pasquereli who echoed he was just that wieght. He also said it was all muscle and had scouts doing double takes. He also hasnt lost a step supposedly.
Um that's absolutely ridiculous. 10-12 pounds of bulk(mostly muscle, low amount of fat) in only a month?

That's not only absurd it's not healthy.
Jaj said:
Um that's absolutely ridiculous. 10-12 pounds of bulk(mostly muscle, low amount of fat) in only a month?

That's not only absurd it's not healthy.
It has been longer than a month I believe. If I'm not mistaken he weighed in at 212 at the Senior Bowl.
Wow, Caddy is 217? You sure that's correct mate? I mean putting on 10-12 pounds in barely a month is nearly impossible. Unless it's fat, and fat slows you down big time.

Hopefully for his sake, he put added the wieght in his legs, cause them some toofpicks he gots/

If a Rb does not impress with his 225 lift, to me it's no real big deal. I'd like to see how much they can squat. But when a Wr can get over 20 on the bench, that's impressive. I'd be mighty fine with Edwards at #2, over any of the Rb's.

Yeah but you sure can put on about 5 or 6 pounds of water weight with the right vitamins and drinking a lot. Who was it last year that did the same thing putting on a bunch of water weight for the weigh-in and he got delayed in line for so long and had to go to the bathroom so bad that he peed his pants right there at the weigh-in? It was a defensive end, I forget his name. I wouldn't be surprised if Caddy drank a little water just before the weigh-in heh.

BTW that's very brave of Rodgers to decide to run the 40 in Indy, I'm happy to see that. He may be feeling what Boomer alluded to, that the 49ers are really high on Alex Smith, who is also supposed to be really mobile. I've heard that Aaron Rodgers is fully capable of running a 4.7 in the 40. That's pretty fast for a QB, and I've seen Rodgers play and personally I don't doubt he can move like that. I would say he's just a hair worst than JP Losman when it comes to mobility...and from what I HEAR Alex Smith may be a hair better than JP.

I wish Alex Smith and Aaron Rodgers would challenge each other and throw next to each other at the combine. That would tell volumes, IMO.

Also, another thought. Too many people get caught up in what attributes make a good quarterback, or what attributes are most important. You can't really rank them because there will always be a 100 exceptions to every ranking. The position is complicated. The QB runs the whole offense, touches the ball on every play, and is asked to do a lot. These are also people, not machines, that we are talking about and people are very complicated. Every quarterback develops a skill set, his profile as a player. There are too many different skill sets that end up working in the NFL to break it all down logically and say this is exactly what you look for. You do end up seeing tendancies, however. For instance, you don't see many QBs under 6'1" playing very well in the NFL. In fact, 6'2" almost seems like a watershed height, a prerequisite for NFL success. Nothing is absolutely firm, of course, as Doug Flutie enjoyed a season or two of success at his diminutive height, and Drew Brees has also enjoyed one season of success at a hair over 6'0" in height...and Mike Vick of course, the exception to ALL tendancies, is 6'0" even. The frustrating thing about the QB position is that you could point out just about any one attribute to me as "the most important" skill for a QB to have, and I could probably point you to a couple of guys who enjoyed or enjoy tremendous success without being very good at that one attribute. You say mobility and I'll point out Dan Marino. You say pass accuracy and I'll point out Donovan McNabb and Randall Cunningham. You say strong arm and I'll point out Joe Montana. As for the attribute of "decision-making" that's kind of a catch-all attribute, and not very quantifiable in my opinion. Dan Marino use to thread the needle between 3 defenders all the time. If he's a hair off on his accuracy it goes down as a poor decision. If the WR doesn't fully go for it or box out a defender it goes down as a poor decision. If everything goes right, it doesn't count as a black mark in the QB's 'decision making' so really that attribute is not able to be separated from a QB's overall success period.

OK, that turned out to be longer than I planned it to be. My last thought is I love Alex Barron. I would love for the Dolphins to get Alex Barron somehow but I'm torn. On the one hand, I would like it if he shows up supremely well at the combine to where he starts rocketing back up draft boards and he's a concensus top 5 pick, and that way we could take him at #2 and not feel like we 'reached' or something. On the other hand, with the Surtain trade, and other possible trade downs, if he sank on draft boards to where we could get him with our second of two first round picks, that would be AWESOME in my opinion because no matter where teams see him on the draft boards, I'm always going to like him.

I guess I'd better quit typing now...
There is starting to be less and less reason not to like Aaron Rodgers as a QB prospect. His measured size along with his ability to throw the ball will certainly put him in the top five. I wouldn't think too much about what the 49ers are doing. For all we know they like the QBs equally but are just positioning themselves contract-wise. It is a very common tactic for teams holding the top pick.

I wouldn't put too much into Caddy's weight. Most of that could be water weight. It is next to impossible to put on 10 lbs of muscle in a year let alone a month or two. Don't tell David Boston that, though.
the reason people feared his weight is because they felt he wouldnt be strong. he proved today he's stronger than ronnie brown, water weight or no water weight. :cooldude:
This whole thing with the combine and players working out, not working out ... It reminds of the whole one-price car dealerships (stay with me on this one) -- it's only good if everyone does it.

So, they should either make everyone who comes to the combine go through all of the workouts or just not allow anyone to work out. It's just too hard to compare say a 40yd time for someone who runs at the combine on a notably slow surface than a 40yd time for someone who runs on their pro day on a track. But then again, I don't get paid to do all the research either.
chuckcole said:
This whole thing with the combine and players working out, not working out ... It reminds of the whole one-price car dealerships (stay with me on this one) -- it's only good if everyone does it.

So, they should either make everyone who comes to the combine go through all of the workouts or just not allow anyone to work out. It's just too hard to compare say a 40yd time for someone who runs at the combine on a notably slow surface than a 40yd time for someone who runs on their pro day on a track. But then again, I don't get paid to do all the research either.
Yeah, but these players who run at Indy will be able to run at there teams pro day. Scouts usually take the best time, so in the end, it works out.

I'm no lawyer or anything, but if the NFL made everyone work out, and someone got hurt, doesn't the injured party have any grounds for a lawsuit? It could cost them millions of dollars..
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