Braylen may only see the field in the 2nd half - from a Jets beat writer | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Braylen may only see the field in the 2nd half - from a Jets beat writer

I hope Braylon plays the entire game but I am sure he'll sit the first series. This week he'll actually have to play against CBs that can cover and I don't anticipate him seeing the ball much. When the defense gets pressure on Sanchez, watch him turn in to Trent Edwards.
Miami keeps it in house and leads the league in arrests while we have one arrest and people act like we had even half as many as you guys did.

and if Braylon would've done this in the dead of the offseason like our guys, it would likely have been much less an issue. But now with the NFL front and center, and the Jets being this year's face of the NFL, even more reason to scrutinize. Double-whammy.
I don't care if it is a person's 1st or 5th offense, they deserve to be suspende but if your guys weren't why should our guy? and this was strike 1 in regards to the substance abuse policy.

There is a difference. Braylon has assaulted someone before...and more alarming, was with Donte Stallworth the night that he drove drunk and killed that pedestrian. You arent going to see me act like our guys getting DUIs isnt a big thing, but you do have an owner who goes over and above to prevent these things. You guys did have the whole reporter incident, and then the hard knock issue, so it happening to a Jet player might get a little more coverage. That being said, I think due to what Edwards has done (especially seeing what can happen when you do drive drunk first hand), it is more disappointing and probably a tad bit worse than when our guys got arrested over the offseason
that is for the resident whiner vaark.

Where was vaark even on this thread? Don't be so quick to throw babies, Junc!

For once the Jests are finally doing something to rein in lack of discipline (which I think cost them the first game), and you start crying about it? Your coach may be a blowhard, but he knows he has got to get Braylon's mind right as an example to him and to the rest of the team to stay on focus and be the all-powerful avenging armada you claim them to be.
It bothers me that we have to hurt our team while other teams w/ multiple DUIs don't have to sit their guys. Our team is bowing down to the ridiciulous media pressure instad of ignroning it like you guys did.

Did you hear the interview with Joe Namath? First, he talks about Edwards DWI as being inexcusable and should be held accountable. That Edwards shouldn't play at all. Then Namath says that if the Jets play Edwards then he should play the whole game b/c that would be punishing the team...WTF? Not playing him at all wouldn't be punishing the team, but holding him out for the 1st series would be...I think the legend is drunk Susie Kolber, RUN!

Given Edwards past, I would say it is long overdue he have some consequences come his way. A little jail time would perhaps be in order.
and if Braylon would've done this in the dead of the offseason like our guys, it would likely have been much less an issue. But now with the NFL front and center, and the Jets being this year's face of the NFL, even more reason to scrutinize. Double-whammy.
The Jets are not the face of the NFL. They are the a$$e$
Why should the fins be worried about Braylon "HANDS OF STONE" Edwards. It's not like he's Larry Fitzgerald.
Why should the fins be worried about Braylon "HANDS OF STONE" Edwards. It's not like he's Larry Fitzgerald.

He played like him against us last year... I remember he made one of the better catches of the season against us, I believe it was the second game?
Where was vaark even on this thread? Don't be so quick to throw babies, Junc!

For once the Jests are finally doing something to rein in lack of discipline (which I think cost them the first game), and you start crying about it? Your coach may be a blowhard, but he knows he has got to get Braylon's mind right as an example to him and to the rest of the team to stay on focus and be the all-powerful avenging armada you claim them to be.

He's always whining.

For once? We had 2 incidents, you guys had FOUR arrests and a GM ask a potential drfatee if his mom was a prostitute. Worry about your team not mine.
It bothers me that we have to hurt our team while other teams w/ multiple DUIs don't have to sit their guys. Our team is bowing down to the ridiciulous media pressure instad of ignroning it like you guys did.

I wonder what Jet fans would be saying had Edwards got in an accident the other night when he was driving twice the legal limit .16 and Ferguson and Gholston were injured or killed? It is bad enough to drive himself, but to drive around his teammates drunk...what an idiot. Talk about risking hurting your team.
Did you hear the interview with Joe Namath? First, he talks about Edwards DWI as being inexcusable and should be held accountable. That Edwards shouldn't play at all. Then Namath says that if the Jets play Edwards then he should play the whole game b/c that would be punishing the team...WTF? Not playing him at all wouldn't be punishing the team, but holding him out for the 1st series would be...I think the legend is drunk Susie Kolber, RUN!

Given Edwards past, I would say it is long overdue he have some consequences come his way. A little jail time would perhaps be in order.

Who cares what Namath has to say? this is a guy who embarrassed the organization at a team function by being drunk on the sidelines.
Which one am I missing....I got the Allen, McDaniel, and Brown?
Braylon may be facing jail time. Ohio is waiting for the DUI to work its way through the system but Braylon is facing a possible six months in jail for violating probation from his assault case due to his incident last week. And this is a contract year for him, where he should be demonstrating he is a valued player and not damaged goods. His mental miscues are not just off the field but on the field as well! Ryan has got to get hold of this guy before he goes off the edge. I think that is what the Jests front office is thinking.
Who cares what Namath has to say? this is a guy who embarrassed the organization at a team function by being drunk on the sidelines.

You call that embarrassing? I call that being awesome
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