Braylon Edwards: Dolphins lied to me and used me | Page 8 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Braylon Edwards: Dolphins lied to me and used me

he has the tools to be a top notch receiver. He is NO top notch receiver yet.

He was NO Randy Moss in college. 13.7 ypc isn't so great, is it??
Braylon needs to grow up a little. It's a business and yeah he was used as trade bait, but when your dealing with the NFL and millions of $$$...yeah, some lies will be told and you will be misled at's the territory you come into when you enter professional sports. Edwards just needs to deal with it...
well i must say that braylon will be more productive than thompson, boston and gillmore combined.

listen , edwards may have been a big dolphin fan in which verry few players are. thus he may not have wanted to play for cleveland , would you want to play for cleveland? i would be devestated . anyways i dont condone his temper tantrum and i think if he complains too much he will be run out of cleveland.
Is this the first time a player has ever been used in attempt to trade? Why is he getting so much attention. What's he gonna do? Lay a lickin on sam madison? He's the one who's gonna be in trouble. Receivers should never talk trash like that.
kpcane, I'm assuming he means he's gonna light us up on the scoreboard. I agree receivers shouldn't talk trash, its just stupid. Rookie receivers on the other hand, have at it.

I can't wait to see this Meeshigan punk run an "in" to meet Jason Taylor at his new linebacker position. Knock the potential out of him...
greatwade said:
kpcane, I'm assuming he means he's gonna light us up on the scoreboard. I agree receivers shouldn't talk trash, its just stupid. Rookie receivers on the other hand, have at it.

I can't wait to see this Meeshigan punk run an "in" to meet Jason Taylor at his new linebacker position. Knock the potential out of him...

Either way, he's being foolish. He has trent dilfer as his quarterback and he's saying we're gonna be in trouble? I hope ronnie plays defense that day just to knock him the f* out.
I can't believe that Edwards is STILL whining about this. I don't think his feelings were hurt......I think it's his ego that was bruised more than anything. Well Braylon, welcome to the big business of the NFL. Instead of continuing to whine about the Phins not picking him (and possibly alienating his fellow Browns teammates) he should be thanking Saban for bringing more attention to him before the draft. Bottom line is.....get over yourself Braylon, the Phins did.
Why are we even wasting our time on this topic???...

I could care less what Edwards thinks, especially when we got the best player in the draft!!!...

He acts like he's the first player in NFL history to be used as bait. What a cry baby....

I think everyone is blowing it all out of proportion. The deceit that goes on around the draft is all part and parcel of the game, the teams know it,the players know it and the draftees know it. Sure he would have been a good addition, but so would any of the top ten picks.
Mr.T said:
Ain't no surprise that fool Spielman was tellin' lies........ Mr. T would've straightened that sucka out.........
for two weeks before trhe draft San Fran was picking Aaron Rodgers. I do not hear him complaining about going 18 and losing a ton of money. Braylon should shut his mouth and just accept the fact that he is a Brown even if he does not like it. :fire:
finfromthenorth said:
for two weeks before trhe draft San Fran was picking Aaron Rodgers. I do not hear him complaining about going 18 and losing a ton of money. Braylon should shut his mouth and just accept the fact that he is a Brown even if he does not like it. :fire:

I agree, if he is such a nice guy he should just sign for a bit over last years #3 and be in cap right away.
Thems fightn' words.

"I wish the players and their team good luck and when we see them -- they're in trouble," Edwards said.
:fire: Well well well You were great in colege and you will be in the pros Braylon, but be careful when you talk unless you back it up, which you can(unlike ***ex.) Lets see how good you do when Roth lays out Dilfer a few times, whos gonna throw to ya then?
bakedmatt said:
2 months later...

oh well... sue the team braylon or shut up.

and he doesn't hold it against saban, although saban was the guy who had to start it. blaming the wrong people too.

You're so right!! He's playing with the big boys now and he'd better learn to cope or get out of the NFL!! He struck me as the prima donna type!! Glad Cleveland has to deal with his tactics!! :yell:
Mr.T said:
Got a problem with Mr. T? What's a matta sucka? Can't deal with a real man postin' on this board?

I can deal with it just fine, except for the fact that you contribute nothing to any thread. I think that I would trade you for another Bills fan, you that annoying
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