Braylon Edwards: Dolphins lied to me and used me | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Braylon Edwards: Dolphins lied to me and used me

Ok here is why Braylon is bitter:

Braylon and the other top guys in the draft were flown out to Miami for the NFL skills competition. Braylon and the guys got chauffered to the clubs on South Beach and Braylon saw the hot looking women, the beaches, the weather and he said, "Miami is the place for me".....then when Miami took Ronnie Brown and he got picked by Cleveland he started to pout. I would pout too if I had to live in Cleveland.....but just get over it are crying like the Baby Boy Souljah,,,,,Kellen Winslow is some kleenex. :lol:
I think this whole thing makes Braylon look bad now. He's already whining about the business aspect of being in the NFL. It also shows that Braylon was excited to come here, and was dissapointed when he found out he would be going to Cleveland or Chicago.

I wonder if we treated Ronnie this way,would he feel the need to publicly take shots at us ???? Braylon is a good kid... but he's no Ronnie Brown.
Finz Fury said:,0,3312830.story?coll=sfla-dolphins-front

I haven't seen this posted. Sorry if it has been. It seems Edwards expressed his anger towards the Phins at the rookie symposium. Thats messed up if they really called him right before the pick and told him he was their man. Oh well, it's all part of the business I guess.

What p*ssed me off the most about that article is this quote "I wish the players and their team good luck and when we see them -- they're in trouble," Edwards said. He has no bussiness talking crap yet! He has yet to even play in an NFL game. I hope he comes across the middle and gets waxed by Shulters(assuming he signs)
Clevelands coach ought to tell Edwards to shut the heck up.
He can cry on his pillow of millions of $$$ to make him feel better for having to live in Cleveland, boo-hoo!
the REAL reason i did not want us to pick him. he's another headcase. who knows if he'll even make it in the nfl? look at all the wr's picked early over the last several nice to have a class act like ronnie!
inFINSible said:
The crybaby completely dismisses Saban from responsibilty saying it was all management decisions.

Doesn't even know Saban IS management.

Blames it mostly on Rick Speilman and then says he's going to make the Dolphins pay.

I wonder if the petite flower knows that Rick isn't even in Miami anymore?

Thank GOD we didn't draft this whining little girl.

He also mentioned Mr. H as being responsible. Yea right. Shows yo how much he really knows. What a putz!
T is turning out to be way better than Yoda!

How do you think Aaron Rodgers feels, Braylon? You just "dropped" one spot, not 23 (or around there)!

Cry me a river!
This is why Braylon is upset...

He has this.....


Instead of this.....

greatwade said:
He definitely sounds at list a bit soft. That's one thing, to the poster who said he's the 2nd coming of Randy Moss, you might wonder about. Randy may be skinnier than most of the girls you've dated, but you wouldn't hear this kind of whine out of him. Sure he'll mow down meter maids, and get kicked out of schools, but he's got some nads down the sideline.

This guy just doesn't sound like he's got the toughness, and maybe more importantly, the intelligence:

THE GUY ACCUSED WAYNE OF MISLEADING HIM. I work with Wayne. $5 says he doesn't know who Braylon Edwards is. Sorry gang, he doesn't visit this site. I'll try
and pass it along...

Can you get me a ride on his helicopter? :eek:

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