bring in T.O. poll. | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

bring in T.O. poll.

bring in T.O. poll

  • yes

    Votes: 90 24.8%
  • no

    Votes: 273 75.2%

  • Total voters
Coach Or Gm

definitely want a guy that caught 38 td in last 3years. i dont care about the locker room crap. i want performance .


even if you liked TO ... what do you think his asking price would be ... way too much for us - that's for sure
I really think the real question is, why would anyone vote yes. :confused:
it doesnt matter whether we want TO or not. Parcells left Dallas in BIG part due to TO being brought in against his wishes. I wouldn't expect Ross to undermine BP like Jones did.

All this TO talk is a waste of bandwidth.
Its funny on Sirius today

A finfan called into the Blitz and argued that BP should bring in TO. Both Schein and Wilcots shut him down and and basically dismantled him stating obvious reasons.. They both agreed TO may not even find work this season and is out of the NFL for the year.. I definately would not put it past teams to not sign him and he is forced to take a year off... Maybe that would quiet his baby*** babblings [doubt it though]
I don't know why any team would give him YET ANOTHER chance????? how many bridges must he burn to finally be shown the exit door of the NFL?
Are we?.....because I don't consider it rebuilding when you won your division or have the great majority of last year's players still on the team.

If you actually don't think the team is still rebuilding after both whoopn's by the Ravens, then I don't know what to say.
Now to the TO thing. A guy who separates the locker room into 'factions' isn't what any fan should want for their team. I was just watching ESPN talking to T. Newman of the 'girls. He said the guys on Defense understood and liked TO. But what about the guys on Offense? The guys who block, run and throw the ball? We don't know, their the quietest ones on the subject. Moss had to goto OAK to learn exile from the NFL and the gift of the sport to be able to play. TO hasn't reached that point yet.
Because when it comes down to it, TO never does wrong. Its either the qb's fault (McNabb, Romo, Garcia) or the coaches. But never his fault.
After a few months on this board and some of the stupid things I've read. To see some here actually 'want' a full blown cancer is amazing. This guy hasn't learned a thing. NYG and the Skins have came out already and said NO to this guy under any circumstances. Why would we say 'YES'!?

And to one last point, Ricky never divided the locker room. When he messed up he alienated the WHOLE team. Parcells came in and gave him a chance. And Ricky earned the respect needed to get a extension. Ricky before he 'retired' was being run into the ground by stale offensive schemes and would be out of the league by now if he hadn't 'retired'. Ricky would have been a Okoye or Eddie George. Guys who ran and ran and ran, straight into the line taking hits and being done by the age of 29-30.
K Rant Done.
Sorry, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with someone wanting TO, or not wanting TO. We all have valid opinions here regarding Owens and this issue, there is no right / wrong. The members here who are calling out / ridiculing the "yes voters", need to shut their pie-hole's....THANKS.
What is surprising is 29% of our fans said!!!! If we learned anything about last yr it was the team concept that Sparano and the players lived by.....TO would destroy that , I mean could you really see TO attending after practice meeting being called by a player? Do you really want our young players hanging around TO? I'm shocked we have fans who want this guy on our team........
TO will make this offense WAY better, passing and rushing. And if one of your receivers can talk some crap and ruin your team, then your team didn't deserve to win anything in the first place. You people that won't give him a chance are the people that are really eating up the soap opera crap that they sell you on TV. Come on now people, this is football.

Stay away, this guy does nothing but screw with chemistry. Let Dan Snyder & the Redskins have him perfect fit. A team full of overpaid superstars that always is around 500. NOOOOOOOO Thanks T.O. take your act to the circus you clown.
TO will make this offense WAY better, passing and rushing. And if one of your receivers can talk some crap and ruin your team, then your team didn't deserve to win anything in the first place. You people that won't give him a chance are the people that are really eating up the soap opera crap that they sell you on TV. Come on now people, this is football.
Soap Opera Crap that follows the same player. TO should be on Days of our Lives as much as he's been a Soap Opera. He's done it through 3 teams now. He did it to a owner who rather eat 9mil in cap space then have him there another year. A owner who ran Johnson out of town, after building a dynasty. A owner who ran out Parcells by bringing this 'player' in. A owner who hasn't won a playoff game in a decade.

And to shut my pie hole? Please talk with some intelligence and you won't be made fun of for your less than stellar knowledge of football.
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