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Merged: Terrell Owens

TO is alot of talent, but with that talent comes alot of cancer....

Saban trusted Ricky would straighten up....the question will be can Saban trust TO???

Do you guys think TO has learned his lesson in the fact that he may think he's bigger than the team, but he realized he isn't bigger than the league....this could be his last option at playing with a team and im sure he knows that
FanMarino said:
Im English and we pronounce it zed. ;) Sorry to add that but Canada is Commonwealth so thats probably why they pronounce it that way.
Regarding TO. Would Chambers want to be a No2 WR after the season he has just had? Granted it wasnt stella but it was good. TO on a 1yr deal would be ideal but in my eyes the guy would want big bucks and a longer contract. Im not sold on him anyway purely of the damage he has left in his wake. Dont want that happening to our team.

Canada needs to step up and declare a republic btw. having a foreign person as your head of state is ****ed up. other countries have done it before, its their turn along with aussies and NZ.
mbsinmisc said:
You hit the nail on the head. TO might come in with good intentions, but he cannot control himself. I truely believe he is the best receiver in football, but he is a destroyer of team chemistry. He is not worth the trouble, which is so sad, I wish him the best in the battle with his demons.

Maybe so, but don't you think it might be wise to trust Nick to make the right decisions about this? And support him after he makes it?

As much as we all like to think we know about the situation, we really don't know more than him.
Shamboubou said:
I dont care what anybody thinks, TO in Miami would be the best thing that would happen to the Fins since Dan. He would give the fins WR the attitude that he game to Philly WR and they will start making more and more plays. If we do get TO we wont resign Booker though. I love the idea of TO to Miami, if there is anybody in this league that can control a TO I would say it has to be Saban. Look how well he handled the Ricky situation, TO in Miami makes my mouth water.

I live near Philly. You have no idea what an imbecile and disruptive force this guy is. You need to read the arbitrator's text. He is cancer, pure and simple. A great talent that would rip the locker room apart. It's not what you need on a team that is building for the long term. The Eagles got him because they thought it would put them over the edge since they were just a player or two away. T.O. tore them apart. He disprespected the coaching staff. Andy Reid is not to be messed with. Why would TO learn to respect coaches all of a sudden?
mbsinmisc said:
You hit the nail on the head. TO might come in with good intentions, but he cannot control himself. I truely believe he is the best receiver in football, but he is a destroyer of team chemistry. He is not worth the trouble, which is so sad, I wish him the best in the battle with his demons.

I agree....I also agee with what Retnuhrace said that he'd be good for one year than with his success and Miami's success he'd start running his mouth again and screw up the chemistry of the team. He'd never "Get out of himself and into the team" because he can't. You can't control a guy that doesn't want to be controled.
phinfan_1 said:
I agree....I also agee with what Retnuhrace said that he'd be good for one year than with his success and Miami's success he'd start running his mouth again and screw up the chemistry of the team. He'd never "Get out of himself and into the team" because he can't. You can't control a guy that doesn't want to be controled.

I totally agree and tie that to the fact that he will be 32 next year and gets paid somewhere in the neighborhood of $5-7m per year, wants even more money on top of that plus the draft pick that the Eagles may ask for and you have a really bad combo.
BlueFin said:
Maybe so, but don't you think it might be wise to trust Nick to make the right decisions about this? And support him after he makes it?

As much as we all like to think we know about the situation, we really don't know more than him.
I completely trust Saban. If Saban thinks the team needs him, and he can be a team player, I trust that judgement. IMO To will never be a dolphin as long as Nick Saban is the HC.
death7star said:
Canada needs to step up and declare a republic btw. having a foreign person as your head of state is ****ed up. other countries have done it before, its their turn along with aussies and NZ.
errrrrrr.....pass. Not my forte im afraid. I was only giving my opinion regarding Canada and the way they speak the English language. Politics I couldnt care less. Football anyone?
Just imagine, every time he scores a TD...

We'll get to see the "Me Me Me" show in full color, alive and in our face. (And repeated 100,000 times on the local news all week long...).

I thought he was funny occasionally when he played on other teams, but he was annoying at least 5 times more often than he was funny....
BlueFin said:
Maybe so, but don't you think it might be wise to trust Nick to make the right decisions about this? And support him after he makes it?

As much as we all like to think we know about the situation, we really don't know more than him.

I trust Sabans judgement. I was just giving my opinion.
Shamboubou said:
I dont care what anybody thinks, TO in Miami would be the best thing that would happen to the Fins since Dan. He would give the fins WR the attitude that he game to Philly WR and they will start making more and more plays. If we do get TO we wont resign Booker though. I love the idea of TO to Miami, if there is anybody in this league that can control a TO I would say it has to be Saban. Look how well he handled the Ricky situation, TO in Miami makes my mouth water.
If there's a contract stipulation that says "If TO so much as opens his mouth in front of a reporter/camera, he has to then give up all of his salary and earthly possessions to charity, move to Alaska and stay away from the lower 48 till about 2030." If they do that, sign him up!
Predaphin said:
TO is alot of talent, but with that talent comes alot of cancer....

Saban trusted Ricky would straighten up....the question will be can Saban trust TO???

opfinistic said:
Comparing Ricky to TO is apples to oranges. I never heard Ricky publicly bash his teammates or the organization. Ricky flaked out, took a year off, got it together and made ammends. He was a man about it. TO pissed and moaned about money. Bashed his team and fellow players and disrupted a franchise that IMO was going to the playoffs this year. If that 'cabesa de mierda' comes to Miami I can only hope that Saban can keep his head on straight and keep his big yap shut. He would be a phenominal upgrade at the WR position, but would his price be worth it?

Listen up!
He may be Canadian, I'll remind you he's from Toronto, not from out West. That's probably where the teaching system failed him. Just kidding man. Thanks for the TO update. I think Saban is the only coach in the league who could control this guy, his first year with Ricky went smoother than a cadillac...

And if he can be controlled he could be a very valuable asset
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