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Merged: Terrell Owens

death7star said:
Canada needs to step up and declare a republic btw. having a foreign person as your head of state is ****ed up. other countries have done it before, its their turn along with aussies and NZ.

I think you mean NZed :)
I think if any coach in the NFL can make it work, it would be Nick Saban. That said, if he DID make it work, Nick would qualify for Coach of The Decade ... forget The Year.
Saban on the CBS pregame special said all players play somewhat for themselves, but when it becomes ME INSTEAD OF THE TEAM, THAT IS BAD AND CAN'T HAPPEN!

I TOTALLY AGREE> He is a headcase no matter where he goes!!!!!! don't need him and i hope nobody takes him this year so he can :cry: :boohoo: all year about him and his family again!!! i also hope nobody signs with his agent either {drew R.} this year as well
Shamboubou said:
I dont care what anybody thinks, TO in Miami would be the best thing that would happen to the Fins since Dan. He would give the fins WR the attitude that he game to Philly WR and they will start making more and more plays. If we do get TO we wont resign Booker though. I love the idea of TO to Miami, if there is anybody in this league that can control a TO I would say it has to be Saban. Look how well he handled the Ricky situation, TO in Miami makes my mouth water.
R U kidding me!!!!!!!! do you know the coaches he already played with? sorry but no thank i don't care how good you are,1 person is not above the team. saban and t.o is like oil and water,like mother theresa and john holmes.etc.OPPOSITES
madmike said:
R U kidding me!!!!!!!! do you know the coaches he already played with? sorry but no thank i don't care how good you are,1 person is not above the team. saban and t.o is like oil and water,like mother theresa and john holmes.etc.OPPOSITES

But what if (just what if) it's more like Belichick and Dillon? Or Keyshawn and Gruden?
The Aqua Crush said:
He may be Canadian, I'll remind you he's from Toronto, not from out West. That's probably where the teaching system failed him. Just kidding man. Thanks for the TO update. I think Saban is the only coach in the league who could control this guy, his first year with Ricky went smoother than a cadillac...

And if he can be controlled he could be a very valuable asset
Ricky never had an attitude problem, he had a drug problem. Ricky went to rehab, TO needs a labotamy.
DrAstroZoom said:
But what if (just what if) it's more like Belichick and Dillon? Or Keyshawn and Gruden?

Well, short-term nice....long term not so nice!
T.O. in Miami Springs...

This evening on my way to play a little basketball, at the Miami Springs Recreation center, I happened to see, thanks to god, one of the greatest wide receivers to have ever played the game of football, Terrell Owens. Of course I didn't get to meet him or even say anything due to all the people crowding him and asking him for his autograph but I was grateful just to be so close to such physical skill. I know I'm coming off like T.O.'s number one admirer, or something of that sort, but I'm just trying to convey the electricity that his presence brings. With that being said, when I got back home I started to think about T.O. in an aqua and orange uniform and it made me a little teary-eyed because it has such a slim chance of happening. But if by some miracle, we were to get T.O., which I know a lot of you don't like, would you guys really not like that? You know he will be playing for less money and will cause less drama, and with a new gun at quarteback ranging from Cutler to Mcnair to Rivers and even Gus that would make our offense not only solid but a force to be reckoned with. I know we have to focus on defense too but with Saban at the helm I think he could balance everything out. Everyone thought Belichik was asking for trouble when he brought in a shakey Corey Dillon but to me that was a great aquisition with risk that paid off, and that is what this could be but this aquisition could be a whole of a lot more beneficial. Tell me what you think? I know something I said someone doesn't agree with (maybe everything I said)... Let me know...
I don't mind bringing in T.O at all but as soon as he acts up get rid of him. I put all trust in Saban and what he decides is best for the team!
Owens is a cancer and a headcase.

How many times does he have to act like a selfish moron before people realize he is what he is?

I hope he rots and never plays again.
I think TO should be our #1 priority this offseason. Having said that, his contract would have to be incentive based and have very specific language to protect the Phins. Definitely no big signing bonus so we can just cut him anytime without a cap hit.
Eagles to Trade T.O

now we can start thinking trade. i have come up with a trade that could work

Phins get:

T.O and conditional 2007 3rd round pick

Eagles get:

Marty Booker
Sam Madison
3rd round 2006 pick

we would be getting madison out, eagles need some experience in the DB area and they would gain a solid veteran receiver.

trade ideas???
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