Report: Mallett Conceded Drug Use | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Report: Mallett Conceded Drug Use

Fact is, most teams don't care if the drug use is of the herb variety, many players experiment in college with drugs. All teams care about is if the player has moved on from it or will get suspensions due to it. Otherwise it's a non-issue.
Fact is, most teams don't care if the drug use is of the herb variety, many players experiment in college with drugs. All teams care about is if the player has moved on from it or will get suspensions due to it. Otherwise it's a non-issue.

hell, Percy Harvin FAILED a drug test at the combine and still was a first-round pick.
I wold like to know when he admitted this. Because if it was before his visit with the Vikings then maybe we can trade back and get him. I'm guessing he admitted this fairly early though. That explains so many people projecting him going in the second round to the Titans.
I sort of suspected that Ryan was being straight with teams when he refused to discuss it at the Combine PC.

He kept saying he was talking to teams about it. I had a feeling that he was trying to be straight up about it with teams but felt no need to do it publicly. I think he said he was "talking to teams" about it like three times.
There's this ridiculous over-glorification of the quarterback position. To me it's very distasteful. I know what Paul Burmeister would say if I said Percy Harvin failed a drug test at the Combine and went in the 1st round. He'd say but that's Percy Harvin, we're talking about quarterback, the face of your franchise.

You know what, yeah...the job description is different, between what Percy Harvin does and what Ryan Mallett does. But not THAT different. We've had U.S. Presidents that have experimented with drugs in college. Heaven forbid a quarterback did it? Seriously? Being a quarterback in the NFL requires better leadership skills and more stringent character selection than being the leader of the free world? Talk about a bunch of puffed up arrogance from people that want to over-glorify the sport and over-glorify its most important position.
There's this ridiculous over-glorification of the quarterback position. To me it's very distasteful. I know what Paul Burmeister would say if I said Percy Harvin failed a drug test at the Combine and went in the 1st round. He'd say but that's Percy Harvin, we're talking about quarterback, the face of your franchise.

You know what, yeah...the job description is different, between what Percy Harvin does and what Ryan Mallett does. But not THAT different. We've had U.S. Presidents that have experimented with drugs in college. Heaven forbid a quarterback did it? Seriously? Being a quarterback in the NFL requires better leadership skills and more stringent character selection than being the leader of the free world? Talk about a bunch of puffed up arrogance from people that want to over-glorify the sport and over-glorify its most important position.

I'm happy if it causes him to slide. I've been against us trying to trade back a few spots because I think someone will trade up and take Mallet but maybe teams have read so far in to this drug thing that they don't have him on their boards. I'm still weary of trading back but I'm considering it now.
There's this ridiculous over-glorification of the quarterback position. To me it's very distasteful. I know what Paul Burmeister would say if I said Percy Harvin failed a drug test at the Combine and went in the 1st round. He'd say but that's Percy Harvin, we're talking about quarterback, the face of your franchise.

You know what, yeah...the job description is different, between what Percy Harvin does and what Ryan Mallett does. But not THAT different. We've had U.S. Presidents that have experimented with drugs in college. Heaven forbid a quarterback did it? Seriously? Being a quarterback in the NFL requires better leadership skills and more stringent character selection than being the leader of the free world? Talk about a bunch of puffed up arrogance from people that want to over-glorify the sport and over-glorify its most important position.

completely agree with you ...

The best college team in canada, Rouge et Or, won 2 titles in 5 years with a quarterback that was a big, BIG, 420 user... he also was the league MVP twice

I know this reality is far from you guys but I think you make a point CK, and examples are everywhere (hell, even in canada ! )

Leadership grows from a lot of things, but not EVERYTHING. Setting the example, being a good teammate, being smart, good discipline, etc

In the end, if you are a quarterback who's got talent, dedication, and your team's respect, I don't care what you do outside football, because you're gonna win games. and if people still think dedication is being a tim tebow, then hell you need to get real, get laid, and smoke a joint !
I don't understand the posters that are writing "No duh" to this thread. It is a HUGE admission to come right out and say there was admitted drug use (rotoworld is saying it is without precedent to admit drug use without a criminal record of drugs), and as many of you have pointed out it could be a big positive for Mallett.

I hope the Dolphins are smart enough to see past this and use it to their advantage. This might be just what the Dolphins needed to nab him later than 15.
He will slide if teams feel it's going to be an issue for him in the NFL. Don't think it will be, he's not an idiot.
There's this ridiculous over-glorification of the quarterback position. To me it's very distasteful. I know what Paul Burmeister would say if I said Percy Harvin failed a drug test at the Combine and went in the 1st round. He'd say but that's Percy Harvin, we're talking about quarterback, the face of your franchise.

You know what, yeah...the job description is different, between what Percy Harvin does and what Ryan Mallett does. But not THAT different. We've had U.S. Presidents that have experimented with drugs in college. Heaven forbid a quarterback did it? Seriously? Being a quarterback in the NFL requires better leadership skills and more stringent character selection than being the leader of the free world? Talk about a bunch of puffed up arrogance from people that want to over-glorify the sport and over-glorify its most important position.

Fantastic Post CK....
Given that drug use was already assumed, by pretty much everyone everywhere, even the people that pointed out that it's not been confirmed...this is a positive. To be honest about it even though you never failed a drug test, never were caught in possession of drugs by authorities, or caught otherwise with drugs in your system...that shows character. I'm a fan of Cam Newton but compare that kind of honesty with Cam's continued claims that he never knew what his dad was doing with respect to pay-for-play.

Wait a minute. Universal Draft did a whole article with David Hyde telling everyone that all of the drug rumors were unsubstantiated , and now he confirms that the rumors were true and that is a good thing? Sure he gets some credit for being honest, but he had to know that the NFL teams knew the truth all along. There was too much "smoke" with all of the rumors, for there not to be at least a little "fire". Now you have to wonder if all of those rumors of him being a terrible leader have any validity.
i still like him
but I think this makes it more likely we trade down then snag him with a later pick
I think we really need a RB and I can see Ingram slipping to the early part of the 2nd round causing the other RB in the draft to get pushed just a bit back I hope we can get Ryan Williams with someones second round pick
and therein lies the reason ryan mallett is being viewed as a 2nd round pick by the masses...drug use
Wait a minute. Universal Draft did a whole article with David Hyde telling everyone that all of the drug rumors were unsubstantiated , and now he confirms that the rumors were true and that is a good thing? Sure he gets some credit for being honest, but he had to know that the NFL teams knew the truth all along. There was too much "smoke" with all of the rumors, for there not to be at least a little "fire". Now you have to wonder if all of those rumors of him being a terrible leader have any validity.

Obviously reading comprehension is NOT your strong suit...
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