Will Dwyane Wade surpass Dan Marino as Miami Sports Icon? | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Will Dwyane Wade surpass Dan Marino as Miami Sports Icon?

phinfan999 said:
hes saying that b.c he spelled his name wrong :shakeno:(for him not you, lol)
Actually I didnt.. His name is DWYANE not DWAYNE
LOL this could be debated all day....... Bottome line both players can and will be respected as the best regardless of what sport they play
I don't think Wade will ever represent Miami sports the way Marino did. Think about it, you can make a strong case for Marino being the best QB ever, but you can't make a similar case for Wade being better than Jordan.
I would just like to add that "SPORTS ICON" means more than just awesome player for their respective sport, it means being a TRANCENDENT figure in the South Florida area.. A figure which even non-sports fans will recognize and admire.. As well as exceptional on-field play, the title of sports icon entails how the figure handles the community, what they give to the community and how they represent the community..

I think Wade is on his way to reaching Marino-esque status.. The only question is whether he could possibly surpass that..
DearbornDolfan said:
I don't think Wade will ever represent Miami sports the way Marino did. Think about it, you can make a strong case for Marino being the best QB ever, but you can't make a similar case for Wade being better than Jordan.

You can make a case that Wade at 24 is better than Jordon at 24 though

Come on give him some time his career is 3 years old of course he isnt the greatest of all time yet
To me, it's about season. While Dan was here, he brought us some great times. Even without the championship, there was nothing like watching him. Now, the city has Miami, and while I'm not a Heat fan (Celtics), I was watching last night and cheering for Miami. Now, during this season, you have Wade doing great things, and it should be enjoyed. And the best thing about it is he's classy like Dan.

Why should it be, "will he surpass Dan?" It should just be enjoyed.
eventually he will but first he has to get his 5 or 6 rings which he will
Shamboubou said:
Yeah I realize that he is the go to guy on the Heats team, and he is a great player. I'm just saying that the Heat did this year what the Lakers did for a couple of years. They took 2 dominate players and put 2nd level stars around them and won championships. He didn't take an average group of players and lead them to the championship. He took players that were stars on other teams and took them to the championship. Nothing wrong with that, but not as big of an accomplishment as other teams have done. Miami didn't create their 2nd level players to become good like San Antonio, Detroit, Dallas, Pheonix and so on. I mean Haslem is one that they did bring along but, the other players were stars on other teams brought here to win a championship with Shaq and D Wade.

Dude...First of all, Dallas and Pheonix haven't won jack...second, the last time I checked, San Antonio had/has more than one star on the team and Detroit has some damned good players too....and not all of them came up through their own system. The arguement that Miami didn't "create" their
2nd level players thus making it any less of an accomplishment is flat out garbage. One could argue that neither Payton, Williams (either of them) or Mourning were stars (or playing at a "star" level) on their previous teams before coming here. Are you going to tell me that players such as Posey and Doliac or Anderson were accomplished stars anywhere?? Who cares where they came from? Riley put together a team that worked as a team...It took some time for them to jell but they did and this is what the hard work got them....No one had the Heat coming out of the East to the Finals...Some had NJ, and most had Detroit...who the Heat SPANKED even though the Pistons had home court advantage.

And for those of you who didn't know...Jordan didn't start winning championships until they put a team around him too....So don't tell me that if Wade can't win a championship without Shaq, it makes him any less of a player or makes this any less of an accomplishment. One great talent can't do it all by himself...not even the great #23. Ask Coby, Iverson, or even Lebron if they can do it all alone.
Dwyane Wade has a chance to be on the Tiger Woods/Michael Jordan level of super-stardome. Dan Marino is a Miami sports icon but Dwyane Wade could be a world-wide sports icon.

This is a very good point.

Wade could be a MUCH bigger icon worldwide than Marino is/was. But he may never surpass Marino in South Florida. This is a football town first. And Marino is a god down here. But the gap could be closing. The Heat sellout every night. They're a perennial contender. And they just won a title.

Right now it's too early to tell. Wade carried the team to a championship. His post-season numbers were even better than his regular season numbers. Right now, on June 21, he's the hottest ticket in town.

But again, he's only 24. He's only played 3 years. Marino was dominant for over a decade and ruled the region for 17 years. Five years after his retirement, Miami QBs were still standing in his shadow.

Basketball is a much more global sport than football. And Wade probably has surpassed Marino worldwide. But in Miami, he's going to have to keep it up for a little while to rank with Marino.
Muck said:
This is a very good point.

Wade could be a MUCH bigger icon worldwide than Marino is/was. But he may never surpass Marino in South Florida. This is a football town first. And Marino is a god down here. But the gap could be closing. The Heat sellout every night. They're a perennial contender. And they just won a title.

Right now it's too early to tell. Wade carried the team to a championship. His post-season numbers were even better than his regular season numbers. Right now, on June 21, he's the hottest ticket in town.

But again, he's only 24. He's only played 3 years. Marino was dominant for over a decade and ruled the region for 17 years. Five years after his retirement, Miami QBs were still standing in his shadow.

Basketball is a much more global sport than football. And Wade probably has surpassed Marino worldwide. But in Miami, he's going to have to keep it up for a little while to rank with Marino.

Well said. It's almost like comparing Marino to Shaq. Marino is much more beloved down here, but Shaq is one of the most prominent sports figures in all the world...I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he is even more recognizable than Tiger Woods....although it is much easier to overlook a not so big in physical stature golfer than it is a behemoth of a man like Shaq.
littlemarino said:
Im from North Dakota, and Marino turned me into a Dolphins fan.
Welcome to FinHeaven by the way. You'll love it here.

It's not usually a Miami Heat board. Something must have happened overnight. Weird-o round ball fans.

You should see the soccer threads too. Geez, they get all hot/bothered when I tell them the sport was invented for the wives to play while the men are at war.
No way, Dan Marino IS Miami. Always has been and always will be.

I thought Shaq was more popular then Wade, well until now
miamirick said:
I would have to say that Wade is probably the one person right now that has a chance to to at least be on the same level as Marino in South Florida. The people here, myself included, absolutely love this kid. He has become a bonafide superstar (just wait 'til you see all the TV time he's gonna get), he's a team player, and incredibly humble.

Its no accident that his name is being mentioned with that of Jordan and Magic after his Playoff and Final's performance...what we are witnessing in this kid is special and if he delivers another couple of championships, he will get that statue right in front of the American Airlines Arena some day.

And one more thing...yes, this is still a football town first...but the Heat are really beginning to close that gap in a hurry....I haven't seen this kind of passion for a sport down here in a loooooong time...getting tickets to ANY Heat game is getting difficult.


When teams win, the fans come. I don't see the huge surprise
Even though he did win a championship, it's almost impossible!!! Marino is God in Miami!!!
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