1st sunday EVER, I chosen to do something else rather than watch the game..... | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

1st sunday EVER, I chosen to do something else rather than watch the game.....

Hate to admit this but I actually had the same thought walking my dog this morning. I actually said you got to be fn kidding me not running the ball on that play last week and the coaches not manning up to it. I really am starting to question the time and money I invest every Sunday going to bars to watch these underachievers (mgmt, coaches and players). I think today will be extremely telling about this franchise.

Thank you for not getting all emotional and understanding my post is not because I love my team any less, But because I know they are capable of so much more. Their play and management has been egregiously unacceptable. Until they get their act together they don't deserve any more of my time, money, energy or emotion I've consistently given to them. If they can't be consistently prepared on and off the field? Why should I be as a fan?
I understand your point, op. But the coaches would tell you different. That they practiced for Gronk, that they feel Wilson is able to handle his coverages. The bottom line is that we don't know, that's why we have to watch it.
We as fans have been waiting a long time for us to beat NE. Maybe this is the day.

But if we are losing 34-10 after the first 2 qtrs. and it's obvious our team has quit, I have no problem doing something else.

^^^ What have you seen in the past XXX-number of games that has you convinced that this coaching staff can come up a game plan to stop an TE? Let alone an Elite-TE?
We can't even game plan to exploit other teams weaknesses, maximize our players abilities, be creative on both sides of the balls.

I hope that I'm wrong about everything I've written. But, seriously what are the odds that I am wrong?
Thank you for not getting all emotional and understanding my post is not because I love my team any less, But because I know they are capable of so much more. Their play and management has been egregiously unacceptable. Until they get their act together they don't deserve any more of my time, money, energy or emotion I've consistently given to them. If they can't be consistently prepared on and off the field? Why should I be as a fan?
Because you're supposed to love the Dolphins, not necessarily the people running the Dolphins.
I love the phins to death- much to my wife's dismay but I agree in that I've given a lot more than I received in return for my support. Will i continue to watch them even when they lose-yeah almost definitely but like any smart investor, it's only natural to begin to question negative returns year after year relative to your investment. May not be the best analogy but that is the way I'm starting to view it. It should be interesting to see how my dedication is tested with this team when my first newborn arrives on March. Living in ny, i may have to push him to become a giant fan. Mainly, to avoid the plight that comes with following this team. P.s. I get it that the giants suck this year too guys.
I love the phins to death- much to my wife's dismay but I agree in that I've given a lot more than I received in return for my support. Will i continue to watch them even when they lose-yeah almost definitely but like any smart investor, it's only natural to begin to question negative returns year after year relative to your investment. May not be the best analogy but that is the way I'm starting to view it. It should be interesting to see how my dedication is tested with this team when my first newborn arrives on March. Living in ny, i may have to push him to become a giant fan. Mainly, to avoid the plight that comes with following this team. P.s. I get it that the giants suck this year too guys.

Hell IMO, The first step to turning around a negative situation is to put your foot down and say, "NO MORE!!!"
Honestly back towards the end of the Marino era I took up FFB....This was my "fix" for watching a team that sucked so bad in which I Love so much.

I have Nfl ticket so I watch most of the game but am also hopping over to watch other games that garner my interest.
This is me not caring. I dont watch the games ever BC I live in central Illinois and I dont post about it.
Don't watch sir I for one don't give a s...! Maybe we win and you. An continue not to watch. Your probably the issue.... Peace
Football season is only so long man, the pain is only temporary
I love the phins to death- much to my wife's dismay but I agree in that I've given a lot more than I received in return for my support. Will i continue to watch them even when they lose-yeah almost definitely but like any smart investor, it's only natural to begin to question negative returns year after year relative to your investment. May not be the best analogy but that is the way I'm starting to view it. It should be interesting to see how my dedication is tested with this team when my first newborn arrives on March. Living in ny, i may have to push him to become a giant fan. Mainly, to avoid the plight that comes with following this team. P.s. I get it that the giants suck this year too guys.
Most fans in general dont get equal return for time invested no matter who you are a fan of IMO. Its in my blood, been that way since I was a kid and I guess till I die. I unfortunately introduced my children also so they share frustration with me. We also enjoy the good times like the Atlanta game being there live. Too bad that hasnt happened more.
The thing that gets me is that the Pats aren't really that good and we're not really that bad and I STILL think we have no chance in a million years of winning ...
MEH 1st sunday EVER, I chosen to do something else rather than watch the game.....

The last game I missed due to personal obligation was the Patriots Dolphins Wildcat game.I had a chance to watch the second half but the person I called for a score update said Miami is getting blown out 21-6 and it's halftime

So I stupidly took my time getting home and when I got home it was 28-13 Miami.I was pissed I missed the game and at my friend for not taking the time to tell me the correct score.

By the way,if we do win today,we're gonna have to ask you to miss the rest of the games this year.
The last game I missed due to personal obligation was the Patriots Dolphins Wildcat game.I had a chance to watch the second half but the person I called for a score update said Miami is getting blown out 21-6 and it's halftime

So I stupidly took my time getting home and when I got home it was 28-13 Miami.I was pissed I missed the game and at my friend for not taking the time to tell me the correct score.

By the way,if we do win today,we're gonna have to ask you to miss the rest of the games this year.

Fair enough. But, In the event that we do not win will you join me in this noble cause?
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