1st sunday EVER, I chosen to do something else rather than watch the game..... | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

1st sunday EVER, I chosen to do something else rather than watch the game.....

I never miss a game unless there was something planned well in advance that simply can't be missed. Even during the 1-16, I watched every single minute of frustration. If you are a diehard like most posters on FH, you would watch the game no matter what...

I too watched every play in the 1-15 season thinking when we become good again it will be that much sweeter. I am off work (surgery) so for the 1st time in a long I can watch the game live instead of on my DVR but I really am not excited about watching because of the feeling of impending doom I have. If ANUfan is fed up with this team like I am he has every right to post on this board if you don't agree with him you don't have to click on the thread. After losing at home to the Bills with a 3rd string QB after your bye week this team doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt IMHO. Flame away
I almost started a thread, "that's it, I will never drink again"... Then I thought to myself, does anybody on this site gives a crap about this? answer was obviously no... Then I thought to myself, there's a 12 pack of beer in the fridge right now, is there a good chance I actually end up drinking it during the game? answer was Absolutely... So.... I didn't post the thread because it was a stupid thread idea with no foundation...
But the coaches would tell you different. That they practiced for Gronk, that they feel Wilson is able to handle his coverages.

Well then the coaches are delusional. These are the same coaches who told us over the bye that Clabo and the offensive line was just fine and just needed work on technique. The failure of the coaches to make the required adjustments this year is clear evidence that they are rigid and have tunnel vision.

Edit: Man, I can't believe I just wrote that about Philbin -- I used to be his #1 supporter but this year is showing him to be just another coach who was made by his quarterback, not an expert like Shula was.
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Good riddance... there are good times and bad times... I watched the entire 1 and 15 season... if you arent with us during the hard times you dont deserve to be with is during the good times... I hope we win the superbowl and you miss it for not having any heart or loyalty.

You should become a Pats fan... I hear they win a lot.
Dude...ITS A GAME. Relax. We go on living regardless who wins. Been a die hard since I was a kid. 30 years has taught me that there are more important things to get upset about than football. I'm as frustrated as any during our losses, but I no longer let it ruin my Sundays and Mondays.
I dont blame you and noone else on this board should. For all the thumbs down you got, those members should thumbs down the organization as it is the organizations fault as to why you are not watching this week, not yours.

I said I wasnt going to watch the game today but I am allowing these a-hole Dolphins to play me out once again. I know we have zero shot of winning or even being competitive in this game but much like a crack addict, I am allowing them to use me another week.

I'm tired. I'm disgusted and this team doesn't deserve my precious time.

I can no longer watch other teams line-up their best receiver on J.Wilson and we refuse to do notthing about it
I can no longer watch us abandon 4-5 yrds per carry average
I can no longer watch us put the ball in the hands of a struggling scared qb
I can no longer watch us come-out with the same Vanilla play-calling
I can no longer watch us not exploit other teams weaknesses

I will not watch as we allow NE to line up GRONK on Jimmy Wilson
I will not watch as we allow NE to line up Amendola on Jimmy Wilson
I will not watch as we allow S.Ridely to run a Wheel route on Ellerbe/Wheeler for a TD

That is alll.....
I too watched every play in the 1-15 season thinking when we become good again it will be that much sweeter. I am off work (surgery) so for the 1st time in a long I can watch the game live instead of on my DVR but I really am not excited about watching because of the feeling of impending doom I have. If ANUfan is fed up with this team like I am he has every right to post on this board if you don't agree with him you don't have to click on the thread. After losing at home to the Bills with a 3rd string QB after your bye week this team doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt IMHO. Flame away

No need to defend me dablur.
Something is seriously wrong with this organization and its baffling as to what exactly could it be? Especially, when you consider the various regime changes that we have had, yet the results always seem to be the same. Then again I guess this would be true for other organization that have had to endured many years of even less success than the Dolphins. But, it's not about them it's about us. Besides the converse of consistent success is also true for other organizations. WHY NOT US?

IMO, it one thing to lose games because we just aren't good enough to compete with a superior foe. However, I don't think that's the case for all but one of the teams we've faced this year so far. That exception being "maybe" the Saints. The problem recently has been fueled by lack of preparation and worst the inability to adjust week in and week out and in a lot of cases on the fly. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE FOR A PROFESSIONAL TEAM!!!!!

I'm sure you would agree there is no way in your profession that you could go into a surgery not being prepared. Further, the nature of human anatomy suggest there is more variability on the interior of people than the exterior. Thus, you must anticipate finding something unexpected and in those cases rely on your landmarks to properly compensate and find your way.
hehe, oh you guys and your 'real fan' talk. Sometimes it's ok or even therapeutic to miss a game.
I'm tired. I'm disgusted and this team doesn't deserve my precious time.

I can no longer watch other teams line-up their best receiver on J.Wilson and we refuse to do notthing about it
I can no longer watch us abandon 4-5 yrds per carry average
I can no longer watch us put the ball in the hands of a struggling scared qb
I can no longer watch us come-out with the same Vanilla play-calling
I can no longer watch us not exploit other teams weaknesses

I will not watch as we allow NE to line up GRONK on Jimmy Wilson
I will not watch as we allow NE to line up Amendola on Jimmy Wilson
I will not watch as we allow S.Ridely to run a Wheel route on Ellerbe/Wheeler for a TD

That is alll.....

WHO CARES? You sound like a whining little girl in grade school looking for attention. Grow a set. LOL
As I said before...at 1pm you'll be watching. It's stronger than you are. It starts with you saying to yourself I'll just watch the first series...then it's all over. You can post during the game, we know you'll be watching! Talk at you during the game fellow Dolphin nut!
As I said before...at 1pm you'll be watching. It's stronger than you are. It starts with you saying to yourself I'll just watch the first series...then it's all over. You can post during the game, we know you'll be watching! Talk at you during the game fellow Dolphin nut!

I'm tired. I'm disgusted and this team doesn't deserve my precious time.

I can no longer watch other teams line-up their best receiver on J.Wilson and we refuse to do notthing about it
I can no longer watch us abandon 4-5 yrds per carry average
I can no longer watch us put the ball in the hands of a struggling scared qb
I can no longer watch us come-out with the same Vanilla play-calling
I can no longer watch us not exploit other teams weaknesses

I will not watch as we allow NE to line up GRONK on Jimmy Wilson
I will not watch as we allow NE to line up Amendola on Jimmy Wilson
I will not watch as we allow S.Ridely to run a Wheel route on Ellerbe/Wheeler for a TD

That is alll.....

Yeah right. You'll look in here occasionally to see how the Dolphins are doing.
lol the day we are crushing it. no celebrations yet, but i hope this guy misses the rest of the season.
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