AI wants out of Philly | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

AI wants out of Philly


Moon Runner / The 3 AM Crew
Jul 20, 2004
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Report: Iverson wants out of Philly

Allen Iverson and the Philadelphia 76ers have put up with each other, through good times and bad, for the last decade.

But that could be coming to an end very soon. According to a report on the New York Post's website, Iverson has demanded a trade.
Citing two agents whose clients play for the 76ers, the Post report said Iverson went to team president Billy King last Tuesday and made the demand, even though he'd said throughout his career that he'd never do such a thing.
The Post also cites two general managers that King contacted on Thursday, who claim the 76ers are aggressively trying to accommodate Iverson's request. The 76ers have lost five straight to fall to 5-12 on the season. And even though that mark leaves them just a game-and-a-half out of first place in the woeful Atlantic Division, Iverson has grown increasingly frustrated with the team's situation.
As a Sixer fan, I'm for it. Philly needs to blow it up and start over, it also wouldn't hurt to get rid of Billy King. The guy is a joke. On the flip side, we may suck so bad that we get Oden. Also, I want AI to have success elsewhere, always thought he would be a good fit in Dallas. He'd give them some balls, and would be willing to tone down his game a bit for a ring.
phinman1 said:
As a Sixer fan, I'm for it. Philly needs to blow it up and start over, it also wouldn't hurt to get rid of Billy King. The guy is a joke. On the flip side, we may suck so bad that we get Oden. Also, I want AI to have success elsewhere, always thought he would be a good fit in Dallas. He'd give them some balls, and would be willing to tone down his game a bit for a ring.

I think AI would be a nice fit here in Colorado with the Nuggets. Maybe trade AI for Andre Miller, a top pick and another player....he would mesh well with Carmello. I think AI would love to go to a team where doesn't have to shoot it all the time because nobody else can score. I think he would be good with a fast tempo team.....the Nugs, Suns, Mavericks. The Sixers need to blow it up and start over. BK has made so many bad signings.....C-Webb, Dalembert...players who are no longer on the team, and I loved Mo Cheeks as a player but he is not a good coach.
I can see the papers in NY now, AI to the Knicks!!!

Man are the Knicks piss poor!
Would have thought Webber would have been gone first,looks like AI is the first to ship out.
Dre3000 said:
Would have thought Webber would have been gone first,looks like AI is the first to ship out.

You kidding me? Who wants an over the hill, lame complainer making over 20 mill? Maybe next year when his contract expires.
Roman529 said:
I think AI would be a nice fit here in Colorado with the Nuggets. Maybe trade AI for Andre Miller, a top pick and another player....he would mesh well with Carmello. I think AI would love to go to a team where doesn't have to shoot it all the time because nobody else can score. I think he would be good with a fast tempo team.....the Nugs, Suns, Mavericks. The Sixers need to blow it up and start over. BK has made so many bad signings.....C-Webb, Dalembert...players who are no longer on the team, and I loved Mo Cheeks as a player but he is not a good coach.

Yeah, love Mo, but let's face it as a coach he blows. Maybe bring Brown back in so the new team can overachieve. Although, at this point his baggage may not be worth it.

As for Dalembert, this guy has all the talent, but the mental capabilities of a small squid. What a waste. Every Sixer player can go except Igoudala, Carney (showing promise) and Korver (a three point sharp shooter like him is a must, even though he is a bit overpaid).
phinman1 said:
You kidding me? Who wants an over the hill, lame complainer making over 20 mill? Maybe next year when his contract expires.
No argument there,still wouldve thought Webber would have left first.
phinman1 said:
As a Sixer fan, I'm for it. Philly needs to blow it up and start over, it also wouldn't hurt to get rid of Billy King. The guy is a joke. On the flip side, we may suck so bad that we get Oden. Also, I want AI to have success elsewhere, always thought he would be a good fit in Dallas. He'd give them some balls, and would be willing to tone down his game a bit for a ring.

He fits horribly in Dallas.

Dallas is so good because no one man dominates the ball. Even when Dirk gets going..he is in the post and elbow so he touches the ball last usually when they exaust their offense. He doesn't handle it. I also doubt that Dallas would trade Howard and that is what it would take.

I think that he is perfect for Phoenix...and they can trade Marion and Barbosa for him.
Dre3000 said:
No argument there,still wouldve thought Webber would have left first.

Nobody wants C-Webb...I think he is owed $42 million the next two years....the Sixers would be better off cutting him and just eating the salary. C-Webb is the worst defense/rebounder for his size ever. He should be ashamed to take a paycheck with how he plays. :tantrum:
Roman529 said:
Nobody wants C-Webb...I think he is owed $42 million the next two years....the Sixers would be better off cutting him and just eating the salary. C-Webb is the worst defense/rebounder for his size ever. He should be ashamed to take a paycheck with how he plays. :tantrum:
Yep,I figured they would cut C-Webb before they let go of Iverson...Hes been a sore thumb for awhile.
Section126 said:
He fits horribly in Dallas.

Dallas is so good because no one man dominates the ball. Even when Dirk gets going..he is in the post and elbow so he touches the ball last usually when they exaust their offense. He doesn't handle it. I also doubt that Dallas would trade Howard and that is what it would take.

I think that he is perfect for Phoenix...and they can trade Marion and Barbosa for him.

Disagree. Note that I stated he would have to tone down his game, which I think he would do. Certainly he couldn't be the one man show he was in Philly. Think his penetration would get Dirk some easy looks? I'm telling you he would morph into whatever the Mavs wanted at this point, he has all the individual stuff, just wants a ring.

Again, he would give the Mavs some guts, something they evidently didn't have as they crumbled in the Finals last year.

Dallas wouldn't let go of Howard, but Phoenix would trade Marion AND Barbosa? Don't think so. Dallas could include Harris and Diop and some number 1's. Diop will be a nice center for a decade or so, and Harris could come into his own at the point. May seem like nothing, but these two could develop. Although I haven't thought about the matching salary aspect of this.
Isnt this like the third or fourth consecutive year we have heard the same thing from the same guy>?:confused:

Yet, there he is, still in Philly....:shakeno:
Philli should consider itself lucky if they get a decent young player and an expiring contract. Noone is going to give them an all-star in his prime for a 31 yr old scoring PG with 60 mil left on his deal. They can have an oversized SF and a PG with decaying knees though if they want 'em :D
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