Anyone else catch Ireland's interview where he mentions a possible trade | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone else catch Ireland's interview where he mentions a possible trade

Maybe we trade Starks for that John Beck guy.. he put up solid numbers tonight. :que:
just pack Starks bag with an appreciative thanks and send him on the flight back to Carolina in Olson's assigned seat
Ireland said you look to make trades sometime after the 3rd preseason game, and you trade your positions where you have a lot of depth. The announcers later mentioned our depth at Dline. Its also odd that Starks didn't play today.

Well if Starks didnt play tonight it could be him or scouts want a better look at Odrick...very little pro tape on the guy....
I'd trade merling for an O-lineman or a back up TE from somewhere. I don't think Fasano is an elite #1 but the depth behind him is god awful.

If Starks were to go, I want something nice for sure.
If we do trade Starks, I want something good out of it. No scrub quarterbacks. No Dallas players. And please don't trade him for a 2nd rounder, we'll only whiff on the pick anyway.
I think that you are right it was not Ireland. They were talking about we have so much good depth on the d-line that if we needed to make a trade that would be a good spot to take a player from.

Yep that is exactly it, Jeff Ireland said no such thing. But, he did mention about there being 14 scouts at the game in reference to players that might get cut from the Fins or Panthers and make another team's roster.
I don't recall him saying that. I believe it was Dick Stockton or Bob Griese speculating along those lines.

Ireland was speaking about the depth on the dline and cutting the roster to 53, where he also hinted at possible trades taking place around the 3rd preseason...said there were scouts from 15 diff teams at the game..he didn't say MIA could make a trade, he just said that's when teams like to..don't read too Much into it
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