Argonaut fans mixed feelings about Ricky. | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Argonaut fans mixed feelings about Ricky.

Sethdaddy8 said:
Its nothing personal, definitly not ignorance, and not even arrogance, but Canadian football is second rate football. Second rate football is hard to watch, like the XFL was. Pinball Clemons' really does mean crap to NFL fans because the playing field is inferior. And Warren Moon..c'mon, what was he there for, 15 minutes? CFL did have Flutie who was a very decent NFL back-up...I'll give ya that. If Ricky plays in that league, it would be a waste of his time, but a blessing for Canadians. Its not Canada's fault you pro league is so don't have a vast football culture throughout your county's schools and communities. I will admit, you guys rock at curling though.

We'll pretty much kick America's @zz at any sport that is played on an ice surface.

US CANADIANS KNOW THE CFL IS SECOND TIER FOOTBALL. Drop the f'n subject. I dont even watch CFL games, and not many do, but believe me, you wont find a CFL game playing in a bar if an NBA, NHL or especially an NFL game is on.

It simple, so stop pretending like you're telling something we don't know, because your typical American ignorance and arrogance shines through most of these posts.
I have litsened to a lot of Toronto Sports radio today and the overwhelming majority of the fans said that they would be absolutely thrilled if Ricky came to Toronto. The very few callers that did express concern did not speak of his ability, as everone said that they had no doubt he would be great here and that it would be tremendous to see him play here. The only concern was related to the drug issues and if he would be able to stay clean, but even those calls were very few. Also there are many Dolphins fans here in Toronto so people are very excited. I know I am very excited about it.
Trekbiz said:
LMFAO at CFL fans concerned with Ricky's "loss of speed".

Is there any doubt that the CFL has never seen anything near the talent Ricky Williams has. :lol:

I was thinking the same thing. Ricky even with one leg, should be miles beyond anything the CFL is used to. Like Marino wouldn't run the table in the arena league still today or something.
How can anyone question Ricky's talent in the CFL? Just plain stupid.
Some of you guys are so beyond arrogant that it's amazing that you can put your socks on without congratulating yourselves... Most people in Canada know that Ricky will do VERY well in the CFL, Most people in Canada know the talent level in the NFL far surpasses the CFL so LET IT GO. You have 300 million people and a huge budget for football (even your high school teams’ get thousands of fans), we have 30 million people and almost no budget for football... if the NFL wasn't way beyond the CFL then you would have serious issues
Tone_E said:
We'll pretty much kick America's @zz at any sport that is played on an ice surface.

US CANADIANS KNOW THE CFL IS SECOND TIER FOOTBALL. Drop the f'n subject. I dont even watch CFL games, and not many do, but believe me, you wont find a CFL game playing in a bar if an NBA, NHL or especially an NFL game is on.

It simple, so stop pretending like you're telling something we don't know, because your typical American ignorance and arrogance shines through most of these posts.

He was arguing against people who were saying the talent level was high in the CFL and throwing out anti-American comments at anyone who disagreed. Then, you agree with him about his point, which was correct; followed closely with a bash on "typical Americans." Fortunately, I know that your ignorance and arrogance is shared by only a minority of, sadly, very vocal Canadians; the same as in the U.S.
I think the people in Toronto will love Ricky....especially since he will likely be the best RB they ever had. Hope it works out for him and Toronto, and then Ricky can come back to play for the Phins in 2007. I'll be the first to welcome him back.
Argos31 said:
ummm, the reason there are mixed feelings about Ricky is that everyone outside of Fins fans thinks Ricky tested positive for marajuana again and doesn't know about the turn around he has had in his life.

Also, I do not think Ricky is faster than John Avery(obviously much better though)

wtf......john avery is a turd.....
1) Ricky stays in game shape
2) the larger field will help him add another dimension to his game
3) he wont be given a million carries in the CFL game, causing wear and tear...he might get 8-15 tops...

4) Pinball Clemons, the coach, is one of the best coaches in all of sports when it comes to relating to players...he has taken several players banished by the NFL and turned them into reclamation projects...ricky who has had a troubled life, will no doubt benefit from working under Pinball, who in addition to being a coach is active in preventing crime in Toronto communities and a great motivational speaker...sharing the training facility of the argos i can tell you their team atmosphere is unlike any other team ive ever seen...they are an incredibly tight group...Pinball runs his team like a family, so the fear that maybe this is merely a promotional push and that hed be treated like a piece of meat, is squashed...this would definetly be a move to increase the talent level on this team...

5) excitement...i was kid when Rocket Ismail turned down the NFL for the Toronto Argonauts, and it made the league electric...Ricky could sit in the Dolphins training facility pining over "what could have been" or he could be involved in the passion of the game...

(all that talk about ricky not being able to play in the CFL is hog wash...Toronto fans are dying to see him tear it up...yes, he would have to adjust to one fewer down, a longer field and and wider field, but thats life...ricky will dominate regardless...and no speed is not an issue for Ricky)...

Con- 1) the fields...if im correct only 3 teams have grass or synthetic grass fields in the 8 team league...i think this is Nick's biggest concern...astroturf fields could cause serious injury...If this is a concern, one suggestion I have is for Saban to strike a deal to have him only play games in Toronto, Montreal and Edmonton...with the team boasting John Avery and Jeff Johnson (two capable running backs) it's likely that the Argos could agree to this...

2) Some idiot trying to make a name for himself by laying out Ricky Williams...but hey, thats true in every league...I think most CFLers would love to have Ricky in the league because he'll bring more eyes from the NFL...lots of CFL players are invited to camp every year in the NFL...
Majpain said:
Been reading up on forums they are concerned about his off the field problems and they think hes lost alot of speed.Other than that Argonauts biggest need is a RB and the ones that wan't him are excited.Just thought Id share that with my fellow phin fans.

No worries there mate.Ricky was actually faster last year because he was below his normal playing weight...He lost a little power but he is still a very gifted back with the field vision of the great ones.
Phinstrodamus said:
I am Canadian too, despite the negatative comments, it is true the CFL doesn't see talent like Ricky everyday. I am sure he would tear it up there just look what he did up in Buffalo 2 years ago!

course you only get 3 downs in the CFL so you can't run run pass there :)
Argos31 said:
I think many people are vastly underestimating the CFL, ya an NFL team would destroy a CFL team, but not by nearly as much as a CFL team would destroy a team like USC or Texas. If the game was played by CFL standards(field and rules), undoubtedly the NFL team would still win if they were given time to practice and adapt to the game, but it would be a lot closer than many people would imagine.

Also, someone said Edwards was one of the best RB's in the league, he's not even the best on his team. That little french white guy Lapointe is better than Edwards

I personally think a team like USC would be able to beat a CFL team. They have stars all over the place reggie bush would have tore it up, matt linart would instantly be better than most CFL qb's, they got talent that most CFL teams would only dream of. Point blank is CFL players don't have the physical ability of guys in the nfl and guys like bush and the freak athletes USC gets. I'm not bashing the CFL its a nice league, however most of there better athletes come from scrubs on NFL rosters and guys that couldn't stick around in the NFL.
Majpain said:
Been reading up on forums they are concerned about his off the field problems and they think hes lost alot of speed.Other than that Argonauts biggest need is a RB and the ones that wan't him are excited.Just thought Id share that with my fellow phin fans.
:sidelol: Thats great.Hey guys dont worry about rick he will be just fine.U are only going to get him for a year anyway so i woundnt worry about it that much.I bet he will break the single season CFL rushing record if he does go to the Argonauts.
I had to laugh at this local show we have called "off the record" on TSN.
The guests were questioning whether Rick would be a destraction to the team with all his off the field antics.
IMO, the cfl as a whole would benifit from this. Hell, I may even go see a game.
CsonkYa said:
I had to laugh at this local show we have called "off the record" on TSN.
The guests were questioning whether Rick would be a destraction to the team with all his off the field antics.
IMO, the cfl as a whole would benifit from this. Hell, I may even go see a game.
I will be up there this season, so I will definetly go (may even consider season tickets) if this ends up happening. Just from the response I have seen here, ticket sales will most certainly go out, if only out of curiousity. Considering this is a business before anything, I can definetly see it happening. Like I said earlier, it's a win-win-win situation, with very little to lose.
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