Armando: Caserio wanted to fire Philbin/Hickey will have final say on 53 | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Armando: Caserio wanted to fire Philbin/Hickey will have final say on 53

Mark Dominik would be a strong addition esp if it is TRUE that Hickey has control of the 53 man roster. Dominik is quality.
I'm sure I'm in the minority, but if the reports are true that Caserio wanted to fire Philbin to potentially bring Mcdaniels as head coach, I'm glad we didn't give him the job. I think we've seen enough to know that the Patriot way doesn't work so well without Brady.
I'm glad too.
After hearing this I am pretty upset. How can you sit here and think you know more than I guy like Cers who comes from NE not to mention. SMDH. Wtf are you doing Ross?
Why do we think he knows more just because he comes from New England. Scott Pioli sure didn't know much about choosing coaches in KC and he came from New England back when they were still the best franchise in the league. New England is surviving solely on the arm of Brady and the wisdom of Belicheck. They don't have great personnel, why do you think they gave so much playing time to god awful receivers like Dobson and Thompkins. I'm upset our franchise has let this get public as it really makes it look like no one wants to be here, but I'm not convinced Caserio was the answer.
I knew the new GM had to have his hands tied to Philbin, why else would everybody drop out of the Miami GM race.
Yes, because McDaniels was such a success in Denver. Everyone talks about not wanting anyone associated with BP and Ireland.
Caserio would essentially be doing the same thing as BP. Where is the vision in that? He would be going with what is familiar to him, instead of being open minded. Saban did the same thing in focusing mostly on SEC players in the draft.
At least BP had the professionalism to interview Cam Cameron BEFORE he decided to fire him.

As crazy as it sounds, I have more faith in McDaniels than I have with Philbin. McD was young and naive when he got the gig in Denver. I think he was humbled by the experience and will be better because of it during his second time around. He will get another opportunity and could end up with a Bellichick-like reversal.
So we got a guy from NE that knows how to win and he says to's what I want to do, clean house and bring my own guy and I'll show you how to win and to that Ross said......"No, I want Philbin to be the HC so we can't hire you. Instead, we'll hire a guy from the bucs"....are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!

Ozzy rules!!
Yep he has a future as a perennial side kick.
Head coaching jobs and GM positions are hard to find and don't come along that often. The guys who are hungry to succeed and be in charge will take any opportunity that presents itself.
BB and Tom Brady are the reasons for the Pats success. Cesario has proven nothing in this league.
Why would they continue to proceed in making the offer to Nick Caserio when he would insist on firing Philbin straight away?
Oh btw, who know if Caserio wanted JM from NE to be his HC? But he wanted someone that HE himself picked and Ross should have been fine with that.

Ozzy rules!!
Yep he has a future as a perennial side kick. Head coaching jobs and GM positions are hard to find and don't come along that often. The guys who are hungry to succeed and be in charge will take any opportunity that presents itself. BB and Tom Brady are the reasons for the Pats success. Cesario has proven nothing in this league.
That's true.
You ride Failbin to the end Ross, and it will not look pretty!
So you would let an unproven GM in Caserio unilaterally hire Josh McDaniels as HC? The same Josh McDaniels that traded up for Tebow and went 3-9 and was fired. Or maybe Caserio would bring in Mangini or Weiss or Crennell instead. No thanks.
So we got a guy from NE that knows how to win and he says to's what I want to do, clean house and bring my own guy and I'll show you how to win and to that Ross said......"No, I want Philbin to be the HC so we can't hire you. Instead, we'll hire a guy from the bucs"....are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!! Ozzy rules!!
Pioli, McDaniels, Crennel, Weis. They all left the Patriots 'knowing how to win'. Yet, they seem to have left their knowledge in Foxboro.

Maybe Clark Hunt would have been better off saying No to Pioli.
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