Armando Salguero Suggests We're Going from Bad to Worse | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Armando Salguero Suggests We're Going from Bad to Worse

You're completely wrong, it's a well known fact that Ireland is friends with Armando and is his main leak in the building.

Correct. There is a reason Armando repeatedly slams the coaches for 'not getting the most out of the talent' and during BullyGate when Ross came out hard in support of Philbin and everyone assumed 'Philbin is safe, Ireland is toast' Armando was crying about 'shotgun marriages' and how if you get rid of one, you must get rid of both.
"if I throw a lot of **** at the wall and some sticks, then I am a great journalist!"
the way I see this article is that the Miami herald are getting signs that Ireland is staying, but they don't know 100 percent, so they cant write about it. so they write this to keep people interested in reading about the dolphins when Ireland isn't fired. its how the publishing industry works

Names Salguero thinks are likely to be strongly considered if changes are made:

Eric Mangini
Scott Pioli
Mike Tannenbaum

I'm not sure how much of this is a last ditch attempt to help his boy Jeff Ireland by putting the fear of God into the Dolphins fanbase to the point that we'd gladly take Ireland over the 'even worse' scenarios he presents here, but I absolutely want to vomit right now.

Scott Pioli would be awesome....He built the Patriots
I keep telling you guys over and over, this Ross is a disease! he's a NY/NJ infested rat, come into our beloved Miami to kill us from within. he doesn't think like a Miamian, he doesn't speak like a Miamian, he doesn't bleed like a Miamian.. HE IS NOT ONE OF US! he's a cancer, and if don't root him out, we'll be dead and moved to LA by decade's end. heed my words: ROSS IS THE ANTICHRIST

signed - Notsodumbass
Pioli is related to the Tuna and I spite him for that, but he knows talent.
The sad thing is that I can't do that. I'm stuck with this team until my grave.

Then imagine an afterlife where you watch the Dolphins for all of eternity. :tubes:

I think Im dead already and this is purgatory watching these idiots run our team
Steve Ross whoring himself out to anything and everything connected with the New York Jets? Ya don't say! Never saw THAT one coming.
and I think that Armando has to be friends with Ireland, no matter what. he wants things to write about and he has to kiss up to him.he is only writing for the Miami herald, a huge publishing industry in miami
Pioli is related to the Tuna and I spite him for that, but he knows talent.

Pioli was a complete disaster in Kansas City. The best players on their roster arrived before he did and he saddled that franchise with two awful head coaches.
I think Im dead already and this is purgatory watching these idiots run our team

In the afterlife depending on how bad you have been you keep rewatching the same 7-9, 8-8 over and over and over and never chagnes like in groundhog day.
If we hire Tannenbaum we are FU*KING SCREWED. We may as well promote Dawn Aponte because all Tannenbaum is a capologist and a bad one at that
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