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Beck -vs- Leinhart

It seems like you're asking would you prefer the higher touted, less motivated QB or the lesser known, more motivated QB. Assuming similar abilities, then you would always want the more motivated QB.

Some people will claim that Leinart was the superior prospect (ability wise) b/c he was more highly touted. IMO that correlation is dubious.
Leinart has had a lot of offensive weapons and still hasnt shown anything. Plus he is a celeb first and QB second, where Beck is a QB first and foremost.

Mormons are not allowed to have pre-marital sex at BYU, and they are not the beer and hot tub types...Beck has different values than Leinart. It doesn't make Leinart a bad guy for enjoying himself, but I would rather have Beck just because I think he is focused on football and has a bright future.
It seems like you're asking would you prefer the higher touted, less motivated QB or the lesser known, more motivated QB. Assuming similar abilities, then you would always want the more motivated QB.

Some people will claim that Leinart was the superior prospect (ability wise) b/c he was more highly touted. IMO that correlation is dubious.

In what way was Leinart a lesser prospect than Beck? Leinart was a heisman trophy winner at a big time program with all the physical/mental/leadership attributes you could want. So he had a party (at his home) during the offseason, who cares and how does that show lack of dedication?

Beck is doing all this extra work because he needs it. He was terrible last year and only now, at age 27, is the new staff trying to fix a hitch in his delivery. If an NFL QB has ever succesfully changed his delivery/release point, please enlighten me,b/c it just does not happen. guys that come into the leage with mechanical quirks typivally always have them. If they are good enough, they overcome them, most don't

Beck may end up being a better pro than Leinart, but let's at least be objective when talking about the subject. Beck has a looooong way to go.
1. Ignore other opinions
2. Clowns can’t run a huddle
3. Fat QBs can’t avoid the rush
4. Know your job cold
5. Know your own players
6. Be the same guy every day
7. Throwing the ball away is a good play – sacks, interceptions and fumbles are bad plays.
8. Learn to manage the game
9. Get your team in the end zone
10. Don’t panic
11. Don’t be a celebrity QB
leinart isn't a good pro qb

his biggest value as an NFL qb was the fact he played in a pro-style offense in college, something Beck did not do.

but regardless, i dont think Leinart will be a good pro QB
Wow, the delusion continues. I'd trade Beck for Leinart in a second. Trouble is, we'd never find a GM dumb enough to do that. Well, maybe if Spielman goes to the Cards...
leinart. no question. seriously? only fin fans would choose beck - you guys realize he was the worst qb in the league last year, right? i'm not saying it was all beck's fault, but come on. would we really be talking about ryan if leinart was on this team? no way biznatches.
I will take.....John Beck.

Matt Lienhart is a NFL BUST! He has proven it time and time again. Besides he is left handed and that sucks if you are an NFL QB unless your name is Steve Young.
honestly, i dont see the big deal, hes a young guy and its the offseason, if he wants to go out and have a good time once in awhile then let him do it, all season long your life is football and you need to get away sometimez. and itz not like hes showing up to games drunk or hung over (cough vanderjagt cough). players deserve a chance to get out there and have a good time just like every1 else
Sorry about the misspelling.
Honestly, I agree... what is the big deal. It's a party and in the off season.
Some hit the post right on the head. Whether we would rather have Leinart with all the baggage and hype or our guy Beck.
Beck could work hard and come in and dazzle everyone. However, if Leinart came in next year and played as well in the NFL as he did at the college level; would anyone be that surpised?
It's true we wouldn't be thinking about drafting a QB is Leinart was our starter. We have an older qb that has a TON of work to do if he want to be mediocre. I'm not bashing the guy. I hope he comes in and leads and performs the way he should. That being said, if Beck did the same things Leinart was doing what would our reaction as Miami Fans be?
In what way was Leinart a lesser prospect than Beck? Leinart was a heisman trophy winner at a big time program with all the physical/mental/leadership attributes you could want. So he had a party (at his home) during the offseason, who cares and how does that show lack of dedication?

Beck is doing all this extra work because he needs it. He was terrible last year and only now, at age 27, is the new staff trying to fix a hitch in his delivery. If an NFL QB has ever succesfully changed his delivery/release point, please enlighten me,b/c it just does not happen. guys that come into the leage with mechanical quirks typivally always have them. If they are good enough, they overcome them, most don't

Beck may end up being a better pro than Leinart, but let's at least be objective when talking about the subject. Beck has a looooong way to go.

Leinart's arm is weaker and he has less accuracy. As for the enlightenment you requested the most recent appropriate is Tony Romo. The year before Romo started David Lee (the same guy who's coaching Beck) changed Romo's delivery to be more over the top. This is exactly the same thing they are working with Beck on.
Leinart's arm is weaker and he has less accuracy. As for the enlightenment you requested the most recent appropriate is Tony Romo. The year before Romo started David Lee (the same guy who's coaching Beck) changed Romo's delivery to be more over the top. This is exactly the same thing they are working with Beck on.

How the hell do you figure that Leinhart is less accurate than Beck, based on what. David Lee helps out one firggin qb and people act like he can do this everytime.
1. Ignore other opinions
2. Clowns can’t run a huddle
3. Fat QBs can’t avoid the rush
4. Know your job cold
5. Know your own players
6. Be the same guy every day
7. Throwing the ball away is a good play – sacks, interceptions and fumbles are bad plays.
8. Learn to manage the game
9. Get your team in the end zone
10. Don’t panic
11. Don’t be a celebrity QB

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