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Best Article on AJ

typical liberal move:

Use the media to make an absolute statement (only when the articel fits your agenda).

now put up the fassel article if you dare.
Originally posted by Dol-Fan Dupree
you are never likely to get a good return on your investment.

never? never say never. If he does better than fiedler is it a good return? define a good return for us so we can hold you accountable.:rolleyes:
That article sucked. Not informative at all. Just another pissed of journalist b*tching about Feeley.
The problem with the Cote article is that it totally deals in the realm of emotions and Public Relations.

It does nothing to take a closer look at the question of does this guy have talent...and what are the strengths and weaknesses of his game.

He jumps to, he "failed to beat Koy Detmer for the Philadelphia backup job." Was there ever competition for the backup job? Cote doesn't know. He's more concerned about yanking on the hot button emotional joystick.

Then he goes a little farther suggesting that there was no work or intelligent thought in the selection of Feeley..."to reveal that their thinking was formulated over ****tails. Lots of them."

Oooh, more emotional buttons Mr. Cote. The negative fans drink this stuff up.

He could have talked about the ****tail of Spielman's formula. That would take some research though. That would take hard work to find out the parameters and priorities of the factors used to judge up and coming talent.

Naaaa. Cote just sticks with the emotional argument. He points out the PR problem with this decision to go after Feeley.

No Mr. Cote....Public Relations was not one of the factors in judging the talent of a QB.
Someone answer me this, why feeley when he is unproven?
We did not want Henson despite HUGE potential. He was unproven and only started 8 games. Freeley started 13 in college and the pros combined. Henson want too much money and would cost a second next year. ummmmmmmm isn't that what we just did for feeley?
We did not want or think we could get Rivers. I bet we could trade up high enough if we traded our 1st rounder and a second next year. That would net the same basis result. I just hope he is still an option, although I bet not.
Were you mistreated as a kid? Seriously what is your complex with everybody having to feel your opinion is far superior then their own? Guess what, your whole post did nothing, zero, zilch, nada to change my opinion. Greg Cote, wow yeah he is a normally positive reporter now isnt he? Even if he questions it, so what? Many do question it w/o selling out their manhood in protest.

He said it best we lost out in a bidding war for Brunell, many feel teh skins overpaid for Brunell, so was that the better option, extremely overpoaying for a 35 yr old injury prone qb? I love teh article questioning the decision, but funny, it proposes no practical alternatives that should have been taken rather than teh route they took, why is that?

Dont give me the Rivers, Henson, Losman argument either, where is it written that they will be any better than feeley? You Miss Cleo? IT doesnt happen because you say so. At least Feeley has experience and teh maturity needed. Yes it is a gamble, but they all are, and considering they exhausted several other option first, I applaud teh aggressiveness and the unwillingness to gamble yet again that someone would fall to them and then get stuck with nothing. Again for every Greg Cote, there is a Jim Fassell who may not be a great Head coach, who did get to a super bowl who also is known as a qb guru, who thinks Feeley will be a "very good NFL starting qb".
Yes you are right Henson would have cost a second next year. He also wanted a 10 to 15 year contract. Now before you say sure that was a neg ploy and he would have settled, I ask, were you in the negotiation process? Rick was and he said he was too expensive. Maybe he was too expensive up front cause he would not be ready to start for 3 years which still leaves us ina quandry for this year, since if you cannot read between teh lines WAYNE WANTS JAY OUT! NOW! Feeley is considered to be ready, Henson, Rivers and Losman are not considered to be ready.
"Best Article on AJ." Well of couse it is for you since this moron Cote shares the same point of view as you!!!

As someone else stated already...Look at what Fassel had to say about Feeley...Fassel was an offensive cordinator...a QB's coach...and Cote is a writer...who just wants to stir the pot...when Feeley has a big game and throws for 250 + 23/30 completions...with 3 tds...Cote will write an article about what a great gamble it was by getting Feeley...just watch...that two faced punk flip his which analysis would you hold more accountable...a coach's or a writer's...hmmm according to fin-atic...a writer's probably...

Go Feeley!!!
Go Fins!!!
Originally posted by Sal Lisitano
"Best Article on AJ." Well of couse it is for you since this moron Cote shares the same point of view as you!!!

As someone else stated already...Look at what Fassel had to say about Feeley...Fassel was an offensive cordinator...a QB's coach...and Cote is a writer...who just wants to stir the pot...when Feeley has a big game and throws for 250 + 23/30 completions...with 3 tds...Cote will write an article about what a great gamble it was by getting Feeley...just watch...that two faced punk flip his which analysis would you hold more accountable...a coach's or a writer's...hmmm according to fin-atic...a writer's probably...

Go Feeley!!!
Go Fins!!!

I think the best way to explain the difference is,

What Cote said is an overview and opinon of the actual trade.

What Fassel said is an overview and opinion of Feely's abilities.
Originally posted by rickeyrunsover
Were you mistreated as a kid? Seriously what is your complex with everybody having to feel your opinion is far superior then their own? Guess what, your whole post did nothing, zero, zilch, nada to change my opinion. Greg Cote, wow yeah he is a normally positive reporter now isnt he? Even if he questions it, so what? Many do question it w/o selling out their manhood in protest.

He said it best we lost out in a bidding war for Brunell, many feel teh skins overpaid for Brunell, so was that the better option, extremely overpoaying for a 35 yr old injury prone qb? I love teh article questioning the decision, but funny, it proposes no practical alternatives that should have been taken rather than teh route they took, why is that?

Dont give me the Rivers, Henson, Losman argument either, where is it written that they will be any better than feeley? You Miss Cleo? IT doesnt happen because you say so. At least Feeley has experience and teh maturity needed. Yes it is a gamble, but they all are, and considering they exhausted several other option first, I applaud teh aggressiveness and the unwillingness to gamble yet again that someone would fall to them and then get stuck with nothing. Again for every Greg Cote, there is a Jim Fassell who may not be a great Head coach, who did get to a super bowl who also is known as a qb guru, who thinks Feeley will be a "very good NFL starting qb".

Good post.
You know what surprises me is the same people who were happy as a punk in jail when Speilman was promoted to GM are now crying the

I like the move because we get to see what this kid Feeley can do. Maybe he can be the man at QB.....if he cannot, then we just have to go in another direction. Doesn't mean the sky will fall though.
Nobody is a guarantee!
Typical reaction. As soon as it is laid out in balck and white and in facts for you you take personal shots. Hey the guyy has been covering football longer than all of you have and closer han you have. Fassel?? Give me a break! Oh yes the guy who just GOT FIRED! Wow that's a real expert. For every Fassel, there is a Dungy who says "The guy was a back-up for a reason".

You guys are a joke. Feeley the Waterboy's record is all fact. He has only played five games and is third string. The points Cote makes are right on the money and "You can't handle the truth!"

It's nothing against Feeley. He may be okay. Maybe even good. But to bunt when you need a homerun is very questionable. And you people who take shots at me because I blow your little Warner/Delhomme/Brady fanatasy apart can bite me. You are suck ups and you would worship a turd if someone wrapped it aqua and orange. You haven't had enough of losing obviously to have one wrinkle in your smooth brains go "You know what?? Maybe this team isn't going about things the right way." It is fans like you who give Miami fans bad names. You have no passion for winning and you buy whatever company line Wanny and his boyfriend Speilman throw out.

If this crap was going on in Boston or New York the fans would run Wanny and Speilman out of town. But here it is "Oooohh Wanny and Rick you are genuises!! You have done nothing but get worse for four years, but this third string waterboy is going to lead us to the Super Bowl!! OOoo Your so smart and you have taken such good care of our team".

Give me a break. You people live on fantasy island and just enjoy losing. So keep stroking each other that this was a "brilliant move" just like you do each year. And here we are still playing whipping boys to the Patriots.

Wake up and smell the coffee.
Originally posted by fin-atic
Typical reaction. As soon as it is laid out in balck and white and in facts for you you take personal shots. Hey the guyy has been covering football longer than all of you have and closer han you have. Fassel?? Give me a break! Oh yes the guy who just GOT FIRED! Wow that's a real expert. For every Fassel, there is a Dungy who says "The guy was a back-up for a reason".

You guys are a joke. Feeley the Waterboy's record is all fact. He has only played five games and is third string. The points Cote makes are right on the money and "You can't handle the truth!"

It's nothing against Feeley. He may be okay. Maybe even good. But to bunt when you need a homerun is very questionable. And you people who take shots at me because I blow your little Warner/Delhomme/Brady fanatasy apart can bite me. You are suck ups and you would worship a turd if someone wrapped it aqua and orange. You haven't had enough of losing obviously to have one wrinkle in your smooth brains go "You know what?? Maybe this team isn't going about things the right way." It is fans like you who give Miami fans bad names. You have no passion for winning and you buy whatever company line Wanny and his boyfriend Speilman throw out.

If this crap was going on in Boston or New York the fans would run Wanny and Speilman out of town. But here it is "Oooohh Wanny and Rick you are genuises!! You have done nothing but get worse for four years, but this third string waterboy is going to lead us to the Super Bowl!! OOoo Your so smart and you have taken such good care of our team".

Give me a break. You people live on fantasy island and just enjoy losing. So keep stroking each other that this was a "brilliant move" just like you do each year. And here we are still playing whipping boys to the Patriots.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

Where is the homerun?
....or who is the bonafide homerun out there? Point to him and put your house on it that he will win your team a superbowl.

This is not Madden to Rick Spielman, it is real life. He just staked his job on Feeley.
If you proclaim he was so good to be a GM, why not stake a morsel of hope that he may just know more about this guy Feeley than you do.
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Man, the more and more I read of Fin-atic's post, the more I get the impression that he likes looking at everything negative. Fin-atic, you and me have had our differenes in the past but to come out and just lambast people for liking this move shows you to be a hypocrite. You are cutting people down because they don't have the same views as you. You are telling other people that they are ignorant for not sharing your point of view. Couldn't the same mantra be used to explain what you are doing?

I for one, am reserving judgement on this until I see him play. Far too often I have gotten over excited about an acquistion or too down about losing someone ( Lorenzo Bromell was a favorite of mine, good thing that worked out the way it did eh?) only to have it not play out the way I thought I did.

Initially this looks like a gross over payment by Rick Spielman but knowing who he has wanted in the past and what they have accomplished ( Hassleback, Boldin) I am willing to give Feeley a shot before haging him alongside Wanny and Spielman.
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