BREAKING NEWS: Dolphins have offered their 1st round to Wash for RAMSEY. (merged) | Page 10 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

BREAKING NEWS: Dolphins have offered their 1st round to Wash for RAMSEY. (merged)

Ok, maybe he's a little better than Jay, but the 20th pick for him? I'm just not sure guys. But to be honest, I really haven't seen him play much. Maybe I'm just tired of not having a 1st round pick. I hope that Rick knows what he's doing. And everyone keeps on talking about the fact that we'll get a 1st round pick if Ogun leaves but we'd still have to replace him and no, Bowens and Jay Williams can NOT replace him and do the things he can do. I'm just not sure about this but is not up tp me so I can only hope that things work out for the best.

Ozzy rules!!
For an established QB that can become so much better and is not even 25 yet.
Phins offer pick for Ramsey

You've probably already seen this on the main page of the site, as reported by the Sun-Sentinel. I just wanted to pass along that the Washington Post reported the same thing, so that you didn't think that Kevin Lerner was smoking crack...

"The Dolphins have switched their interest from Brunell to Ramsey, according to an NFL source, and have offered Washington their first-round pick (No. 20 overall)."

Ramsey, Gibbs Discuss Brunell

Personally, I'd be happy with Ramsey. A first round pick for him? That might be a little high, but he's cheap, he's young, he's talented, and he can step in immediately as the starter (unlike Rivers, Henson or Losman). I saw Ramsey play enough last year to believe that he's going to be a very good NFL QB. He's already better than Fiedler (then again, my cat Phoebe is arguably better than Fiedler).
I am an idiot. I missed the topic on the forums page, despite the fact that it's in ALL CAPS. Sorry about the topic pollution.
One more "excuse" for Ramsey's stats last year. Remember, they went into the season with TRUNG CANDIDATE as their featured running back. TRUNG CANDIDATE!!!
Originally posted by DrAstroZoom
One more "excuse" for Ramsey's stats last year. Remember, they went into the season with TRUNG CANDIDATE as their featured running back. TRUNG CANDIDATE!!!

Whoa, hey, hang on Dr. Z. You forgot about the awesome power of Ladell Betts! :lol:
Originally posted by phunwin

Whoa, hey, hang on Dr. Z. You forgot about the awesome power of Ladell Betts! :lol:

Yeah, they were practically Denver Bronco-like with their inexhaustible supply of dominating runners. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by chambers84

Still no quote from Ramsey's mouth. Again its speculation and blown out of proportion.

check the washington article too on their board
you can tell hes not happy with what he heard from gibbs
"open competition, looking forward to compete for the job"
stuff like that, you know that no starting qb in the nfl looks forward to competing for a job that they had securely last year.
especially when youre young. talented, and it would kill your value to be a backup(not to mention their was no discussion about it until a few days ago when your team went behind your back to try and find a guy), and you already have a small contract, which wont get any bigger under these circumstances

don't be silly, read between the lines, put yourself in that situation and tell me if the opportunity to leave to become a starter was there, you wouldnt be leaning toward that. Especially with a team like miami.
Originally posted by Cranx
I'll take him. The guy was putting up Pro Bowl type numbers last year until he got injured and even then was doing pretty darn well. He's tough, smart, and a solid young guy with experience; you can't ask for much more than that!

I don't think this is going to happen but if it does I'll be a happy camper! The only problem with this: for the third year in a row the Miami Dolphins' draft is going to be a snooz fest. :cry: I think I can live with that for Ramsey though.

unless we get a number one for ogun.
Actually I liked Ladell Betts and still do. He can be a good runner for Gibbs, and maybe Trung can help out a little. For Spurrier's system though, totally miscast.

Anyway Ramsey had better stats than Fiedler this year bottom line. I often feel that the TD/INT ratio is probably the most important stat for QBs. The rest of Ramsey's numbers weren't too good, but he was a 2nd year QB in a monkey offense that didn't protect him, and yeah ok he had a broken foot. Point is that in the draft he was selected it was considered "surprising" when Ramsey fell as far as #32. And actually the Redskins were lauded for their maneuvering down while still getting the guy they had targeted. So when you're considering his current value in trade you start with what he was worth back then...which is to say a lower first round grade. Now you ask did he really do anything to hurt his stock since he began his NFL career? Well, no not really I wouldn't think. He got sacked a lot his second year but he was fighting a broken foot and he wasn't protected at all by Spurrier who, as ChrisBob pointed out, asked Ramsey to check down like 4 or 5 receiver options on any given play. So if he didn't really HURT his stock, did he help it? I think so. He displayed what we all knew he had, a first class arm, and a lot of toughness. That doesn't help his case cuz I think the NFL all knew he had that when he entered the draft. But a 14/9 ratio of TD/INT over 11 games when you're being murdered behind your OL, thats pretty good for a 2nd year guy. He also never showed an inkling of attitude problems and in fact showed that its a plus, winning over Laveraneous Coles so quickly to the point where Coles called him a mirror image of Pennington. The most import thing he showed in his pro starts is that he has the ability to play in this league and be successful. He has made the right reads, the right throws, and has made plays on his own that made you drop your jaw. When a young guy shows that, it takes away a lot of the mystery that was involved in the equation when he was initially drafted. With first round QBs there's always a mystery portion of their draft status, will they flop or be successful. I'm sure with Tulane not facing the defenses of the ACC or SEC etc people questioned whether he could do it in the pros. Ramsey showed that he can be successful and that takes away the mystery and you put that together with his first class arm, toughness, and intangibles that people were aware of before the draft, and overall he's increased his value from the #32 pick that he originally was.

As ChrisBob the skins fan said, he'd want the #20 plus a conditional 2nd rounder that could become another 1st rounder. Thats how highly he is thought of around there.
Re: Phins offer pick for Ramsey

Originally posted by phunwin
He's cheap, he's young, he's talented, and he can step in immediately as the starter (unlike Rivers, Henson or Losman). I saw Ramsey play enough last year to believe that he's going to be a very good NFL QB. [/B]

You sir hit the nail right on the head as to why I think Ramsey is the best option for Miami.

First off, he IS talented. As I used before, you don't pass for almost 300 yards against a d@mn good Tennessee defense by accident or by fluke. The guy has a gun for a arm, and can read a defense farily well. Is he a top notch QB NOW? Of course not, but at 24 there is still PLENTY of room to grow and flourish in to one. At this point, I think the guy is an All-Pro waiting to happen in the right system.

Secondly, he CAN immediately start, thus saving the Dolphins the cap space it would cost to bring in a vet such as Brunell or Gannon. This guy already got his trial by fire and proved that he can at least hold up to the pressure of the NFL game. Our other options each have flaws. Rivers has issues with his delivery that are going to take more than one training camp to remedy.. Henson hasn't played a down of football since 2000. Wanna see a prime example of how much of an impact four years away from the game can have on a player?? Two words.. Chad Hutchison. Ricky Ray's agent has already stated that he's at LEAST two years away from being ready to produce on the NFL level and Losman is one who too is going to have to grow in to the NFL game.

Also, heres another point. Having a rookie QB getting his baptism by fire to the NFL ultimately puts a hell of a lot more pressure on the RB to produce, where as an established name, who can dump the ball off and make the plays needed puts less pressure on the back. I know Ricky has the ability to do so, but do you honestly want another season of Ricky being forced to carry the rock 35-40 times a game, thus putting a physical wear and tear on him that could ultimately shorten his career?

To summarize, I have no doubt in my mind that Henson, Rivers, Losman and Ray may very well develop in to good or even great NFL QBs.. However, to give up a first rounder for Ramsey isn't as perposterous as it sounds. By trading for him, the Dolphins kill two birds with one stone.. They get their established QB AND they get a guy with NFL starting experience who has proven he can play at the NFL level. Also, to those of you complaining about not having a 1st rounder the last two seasons, lest not forget who we acquired with that pick.. If given the opportunity to take those two first rounders back for Williams, I STILL make the deal 100 times out of 100.

Also, lets take a look at the last decade of Dolphin first rounders. Not exactly a legacy of greatness left behind, although some did develop in to nice pros..

2001-- Jamar Fletcher (still could develop in to something nice, so I won't pass judgement)

1998-- John Avery (Nuff said)

1997-- Yatil Green

1996-- Daryl Gardener (He had a few solid years for Miami, has been a nomad since)

1995 -- Billy Milner (Ugh.. although he did land us a pretty good player in Drayton later on)

1994-- Tim Bowens (No complaints here)

1993 -- OJ McDuffie (Or here)

1992-- Troy Vincent and Marco Coleman (Or here)

1991-- Randall Hill (Hill had a few solid years, nothing spectacular.)

Regardless of our first round woes of past, also remember that if the Phins DO get a first rounder for Wally, the team will then be able to use that pick to fill holes at other positions, maybe landing that coveted #2 WR, or even possibly an upgrade at the OL (Carey)..

So, in conclusion, by trading for Ramsey, the Dolphins accomplish everything they have set out to this post-season. They get their young starter, whose cap friendly contract will allow Miami to make other moves, they can use any draft picks to fill other holes and they get a QB who has an upside of an All-Pro that we all so desperately seem to want.

Brought To You By Members of The TRADE FOR PATRICK RAMSEY BANDWAGON and your local ad council.
It would be GREAT to have PR in Miami!


Clayton (with 1st rounder from Wally)
Its just too bad we couldn't parlay Ogunleye into some good OL help because thats what we really need...not a WR like Clayton IMO. I'm not convinced Vernon Carey will be all that great.

As much as I like Clayton I'm wondering if he wasn't Peter Warrick to LSU's version of Laveraneous Coles...which is Deverey Henderson. Henderson impressed the heck out of everyone at the Senior Bowl practices all week long then translated that into success at the game itself. He's fast. Clayton is big and fast, but doesn't look as polished as Henderson.
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