Brian Flores Claps Back at Reports of Bad Relationship with Tua Tagovailoa | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Brian Flores Claps Back at Reports of Bad Relationship with Tua Tagovailoa

He is so full of himself it really shows his demeanor and the arrogance he possesses. I, have said the Rooney Rule has
forced assistant and position coaches in head coach positions way before they are ready, and the results are devastating
to the teams, coaches, owners, and fans. This is going to cause hesitation about hiring because of Flores actions and hold up
future coaches that could be very capable of being a head coach. With a three year record of 24-25 with the draft, free agency, and unlimited expenses from the owner it's time to stop and regroup period. Three years with a coach you should have a winning record period. Never taking
responsibility for his actions and the in house issues with him is no reason for what he is doing. Your hired to do a job if you do not succeed
you will loose your job !
Wow!!! There is so much BS in that statement, I could smell the stink all the way over here in New Jersey.

As always, Omar hanging on every word, like hearing his favorite Rockstar.

Can anyone guess what Omar's next article will be about?
It always seems, when there is a strained or dysfunctional relationship, the only who will say the relationship was fine, is the one that was causing the strain or dysfunction. Haven't heard Tua come out and defend Flores....not even a little. Sure would like to hear Flores's response to anyone asking him about the rumored halftime degrading of Tua during the Titans game. If true, sure doesn't sound like a healthy working relationship 🤷‍♂️
He is so full of himself it really shows his demeanor and the arrogance he possesses. I, have said the Rooney Rule has
forced assistant and position coaches in head coach positions way before they are ready, and the results are devastating
to the teams, coaches, owners, and fans. This is going to cause hesitation about hiring because of Flores actions and hold up
future coaches that could be very capable of being a head coach. With a three year record of 24-25 with the draft, free agency, and unlimited expenses from the owner it's time to stop and regroup period. Three years with a coach you should have a winning record period. Never taking
responsibility for his actions and the in house issues with him is no reason for what he is doing. Your hired to do a job if you do not succeed
you will loose your job !
I don't think Flores was hired because of the Rooney rule. He was hired because owners think anything connected to the Pats and Bill is great. But not one of his guys has gone on to be a great coach. Just stop with these Pat assistants. The Giants are being sued for that reason. Why hire Joe Judge? And has it been confirmed by anybody that Flores was the reason the Pats shut down the Rams. I still think it was Bill's plan.
This would actually support what Tua said in a presser right around the trade deadline that he was appreciative of Flo being honest with him after he would meet with Grier.

Tua also said Flo would tell him not necessarily what he wants to hear but what he needs to hear knowing it was to help him get better and that he appreciated that because that is what he grew up with in and interview with Darlington at the end of the season.

If Flores was the evil monster this site makes him out to be, there is no way he doesn’t lose the locker room and this team closes winning 8 of the last 9.

I haven’t seen any of the stories some posters predicted of how bad Flores really was that would be getting leaked out.

Seriously, anyone have even one coach or player on the team this past year on record that corroborates him being as bad as he is made out to be?
Here is the thing, this guy may actually genuinely feel this way....and there in lies the issue with Flores. He is either delusional, naïve, or too proud to admit his own faults in all of this. I am not saying there in no credibility in what he has said is true, and that is not for me to decide. However, in ALL OF THIS, I have not once heard him take ANY responsibility for what has happened, which he has a CONSIDERABLE part of. It is all pointing fingers, and I didn't get a job because of this, and I lost my job because of this.

I do believe Flores is a pretty good coach. I hope in all of this, he does some self reflection and can own up to his own mistakes, regardless of those made around him. Right now, it is all finger pointing.
This whole Brian Flores situation has me so disappointed. I grew up in NYC and lived in Brooklyn for many years. I'm stunned by this man's actions, because I was rooting for him. As former Nyer's, it made it easy to cheer this guy on.

After listening to him and reading more about him, it makes you wonder if he's got mental imbalances? Scary if you think about it.
This whole Brian Flores situation has me so disappointed. I grew up in NYC and lived in Brooklyn for many years. I'm stunned by this man's actions, because I was rooting for him. As former Nyer's, it made it easy to cheer this guy on.

After listening to him and reading more about him, it makes you wonder if he's got mental imbalances? Scary if you think about it.
He may just have a complete lack of empathy and that is just the way he is wired i doubt this l, he may overvalue himself so on the narcissistic scale, he just might be mean, I agree the last 2 points to be true

Is he honest? Does he tell the truth, does he have integrity?

Only selectively
This would actually support what Tua said in a presser right around the trade deadline that he was appreciative of Flo being honest with him after he would meet with Grier.

Tua also said Flo would tell him not necessarily what he wants to hear but what he needs to hear knowing it was to help him get better and that he appreciated that because that is what he grew up with in and interview with Darlington at the end of the season.

If Flores was the evil monster this site makes him out to be, there is no way he doesn’t lose the locker room and this team closes winning 8 of the last 9.

I haven’t seen any of the stories some posters predicted of how bad Flores really was that would be getting leaked out.

Seriously, anyone have even one coach or player on the team this past year on record that corroborates him being as bad as he is made out to be?
The reality is that there were obviously issues or Flores would still be the teams head coach. The fact Flores lost the backing of Grier, who was responsible for him getting the job in the first place is very telling.
Once he lost the support of Grier and then the support of Ross, his position with the Dolphins was over. It has been reported that Ross had decided earlier in the season that he planned to fire Flores but waited until the season was over.

I have no doubt that Flores had players and some coaches who supported him. Yet like with every job, it’s the people above you who determine if you remain in your job and those are the individuals in the Dolphin organization that Flores alienated with his actions.

Agree with him being fired or not. The fact is Ross owns the team and has the right to hire or fire anyone in the organization he wants to.
Flo did not build a competent offense around Tua. From the coordinators down to the offensive line. He told Tua that he wanted to replace him before the season even started. So how solid a working relationship could they possibly have? Amicable, perhaps, but I don’t believe it was a good relationship.
Flo did not build a competent offense around Tua. From the coordinators down to the offensive line. He told Tua that he wanted to replace him before the season even started. So how solid a working relationship could they possibly have? Amicable, perhaps, but I don’t believe it was a good relationship.
I doubt any relationship would be good if the person you work for tells you that they plan to replace you.

That’s why it’s ridiculous that Flores was upset that Tua decided to play golf on his day off instead of coming to the facility. Why would anyone who has been told he is going to be replaced want to spend his day off with the person who told him he was going to be replaced?

I think Flores and Tua tolerated each other but it certainly didn’t appear to be a good working relationship.

I'm hardly a Tua supporter, but Flores seriously you are peddling some series BS.

There is a difference between knowing someone isn't right for the job and actively playing mind games and creating an environment that would only serve to expose the issues further.

Shula won his 325th game with Doug Pederson at QB, if you ever saw Doug play in the NFL you knew how outmatched physically he was that day. Ponder that Flores and think how this affected your career in Miami.
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