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CK on NFL Network tonite 6pm

good job ck! I'm not sure why burmeister had a horse in the race but it was like him trying to convince you that you're wrong instead of taking your opinion into account. Interesting indeed.
That was brutal CK.It seems like he was trying to tell you basically don't know jack ship ,cause your not a .....NFL people all believe fans or anyone not associated with the nfl can't see talent etc. but I knew Mike Williams 2010 bucs would be a steal.
That was brutal CK.It seems like he was trying to tell you basically don't know jack ship ,cause your not a .....NFL people all believe fans or anyone not associated with the nfl can't see talent etc. but I knew Mike Williams 2010 bucs would be a steal.
I agree. Burmiester was like who are you to tell everyone that what we have been reporting has been wrong. We talk to the GMs, we know everything. You are just a guy with a website. How can you have an opinion that does not correlate to what we are telling people?
Good job, Ck. You held your own. I was disappointed with how NFLN approached it. It would have been nice if there was a discussion about Mallett's game.

Bottom line, your and Universal's profile is going sky high and that's the most important thing.
Thanks guys I appreciate the kind words. I'm just nervous because it's TV and everyone I know is watching and the guy kind of bombarded me a little unexpectedly when it should have been just a normal interview, so I think I got a little flustered especially during a certain part of it but we'll see how it goes, I'm sure it'll be fine. Hope you guys enjoy. You'll probably notice some familiar points I stuck in there, things I've been saying on the board. :)

If NFLN had any idea what they were doing, they would've had a segment dedicated to your "nemesis" to drive the ratings up.. Kiper and McShay style.
I haven't seen it yet but it sounds like they ambushed you or something...crazy.
I see what CK was saying about not expecting to step into something confrontational, but rather conversational, which would have been more informative for the viewer than the style that was chosen. Lost respect for Burmiester... GMs trust me with off the record stuff so... my info is better than yours. Unless they're selling a bag of stuff and you buy it without doing your own research. He completely missed the investigating in parallel and disinformation points in regards to not talking with GMs.

Advantage CK.

Thanks for posting the link.
Gracious without giving an inch. Good job, CK.

Pretty funny how Paul genuinely believes - think you might have hurt his feelings - that GM's are giving him their inside information.
You did a great job, CK.. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous for you !! LoL.... Of course he knows everything he works for NFL Network.. Yea right lol. Good job holding your own, you were mistreated
lol that was a great jab at the end..."these off the record conversations are finding their way on the record... in this program". Nice work!
Nice stuff CK. That was amazing the way you were able to be un deterred by the way he went after you. I think that it will prove to be very beneficial that you conducted yourself so professionally
Damn CK you have that NE Patriots Olineman look going! lol, You did well keep up the good work
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