Clark lacks Coverage Skills!!!! | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Clark lacks Coverage Skills!!!!

Oh so true... Even Jake Long you could dig up some things to make him look like a bad player.


that's definitely accurate!
However, if it's a majority of fans are saying he's weak in coverage, it's bordering on a consensus and frequently "where there's smoke, there's fire."
PFF's coverage stats on a FS can be very misleading. I don't know that I would trust them. I do tend to look at the numbers of the CBs and of the SS against the TE because those are single cover draws but the FS doesn't usually draw a guy in single coverage much, his job is to cover over top and help, and PFF never reflects those instances.

Check the coverage stats by position for all safeties that played 50% of snaps or more. Of the 14 guys that had 40+ passes thrown against their coverage, only 4 were free safeties.

It's just a trick in the way that PFF accumulates their stats. What they're accumulating for a free safety is only a small percentage of what a free safety should do in coverage, and doesn't reflect very well his value in coverage.
I think the fact that the steelers trusted him for many years and made a push for him shows how valuable and reliable he is.
PFF's coverage stats on a FS can be very misleading. I don't know that I would trust them. I do tend to look at the numbers of the CBs and of the SS against the TE because those are single cover draws but the FS doesn't usually draw a guy in single coverage much, his job is to cover over top and help, and PFF never reflects those instances.

Check the coverage stats by position for all safeties that played 50% of snaps or more. Of the 14 guys that had 40+ passes thrown against their coverage, only 4 were free safeties.

It's just a trick in the way that PFF accumulates their stats. What they're accumulating for a free safety is only a small percentage of what a free safety should do in coverage, and doesn't reflect very well his value in coverage.

in the end Chris, are you ok with us getting this guy or not?

Ozzy rules!!
So a bunch of message board opinions from fans vs a front office who studies tape and has a clear idea of what they're looking for........

Sure everyone makes mistakes but you never side with the fans on a topic like this.
That same front office signed Girbil Wilson didn't they?
He is much better then Wilson, and isn't that what we all wanted? He may not be a Pro Bowl player, but he would definitely strenghten our secondary.
People wanted an upgrade and when we get one its not good enough. Wilson was horrible and I think people would probably be content with him still here.
He may not be the best in coverage, but the guy can hit with the best of them. Wilson, on the other hand, had trouble doing BOTH of those things. I'll take a Ryan Clark over the Gerbil any day.
We can put a drunk chimpanzee with aids back there and it will cover better than Gerbil. I like clark, plays in position, doesn't give up the big play. He can hit, and doesn't give people hand jobs for 60 yard down the field. Definite upgrade, and should fit real well allowing Bell to do what he does.
1. He's not a bum in coverage... is he Ed Reed? No but who is...
2. He's has been the starting FS, on Super Bowl Champion
3. He's not Gibril Wilson
4. Fans always badmouth players on the way OUT.
5. He's a vicious hitter
6. I will take Bill Parcells and Mike Nolan's opinion over steeler fans...and pretty much all fans. Course Parcells did pick Wilson...
He is much better then Wilson, and isn't that what we all wanted? He may not be a Pro Bowl player, but he would definitely strenghten our secondary.

What people are also missing here is that we just upgraded two positions in the middle of our defense that will lead to three improvements next season.

You say "how did we upgrade two"?

1) Signing Dansby was huge, the most important thing for this 3-4. You now have a guy who CAN COVER and who also can ready the offenses and adjust the D. That is much bigger then rushing the passer at ILB, adjustments make or break games and someone intelligent enough to read the O is clutch.

2) Moving Crowder back to WILB. This will improve his play dramatically as his responsibilities are now reduced, we all know he isn’t the brightest bulb but even night lights have their uses when used right. Crowder’s play will improve now that he is moved back to a position of less responsibility.

3) Free Safety play will benefit from the coverage skills of Dansby. You now have someone who can cover backs and TE’s over the middle and in the flats. The free safety doesn’t have to protect against this now and is now ably to be “free”. Wilson caught all the grief for stinking up the joint last season but even his play would have been better if Dansby was patrolling the middle of the field. Good enough to keep his job, more then likely “no” so if we sign Clark it will be an upgrade in run support and coverage not to mention one more year under the two rookies belts and and and Allen coming back.

Hands down Clark would show is upside in this D over Wilson and coverage is going to improve this season, bank on it.
The guy doesn't have to be exceptional in coverage if there's a strong possibility he may seperate the WR from the ball when they do make catches.
Considering Gerbil has a tendency to wiff, I'd be very happy to have Clark roaming around back there.
There are better safeties than this guy in the draft and younger.

Is Parcells goin senile?

:facepalm: Boy, you just can't please anyone now a days can you? Ryan Clark will be a HUGE upgrade over Wilson. He will tackle for days and will snag an occasional interception....both things Wilson couldn't bring to the table. As far as Parcells, a senile guy doesn't make a big splash by bringing in Dansby, arguably one of the best ILB around. You want to talk senile, look at the Raiders owner.
I dont think its that bad if we did get him. He's probably good enough to play safety, until Clemons becomes good enough to take over, since he has that potential and all.
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