Differences In Rosen And Tannenhill? | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Differences In Rosen And Tannenhill?

  1. Pocket presence is the big one, as OP mentioned, but it is significant.
  2. Natural feel for the position. RT didn't look comfortable out there and it didn't get any better year after year like I thought it might.
  3. Accuracy. I'd argue that Rosen can make more "big time throws" and locate the ball in more catchable positions that allow the receivers to make a play.
  4. Attitude. Right now, I'd argue Rosen has a worse attitude than RT ever did, but it looks like this is changing. I'm glad Flores mentioned body language specifically. He could have quickly turned into Jay Cutler out there if he didn't make adjustments.
  5. Upside - Rosen has more potential than Tannehill does. RT is a career back-up at this point but I'd be willing to bet Rosen will end up being a better qb than RT was. Question is, how long do we give him? We gave RT 8 years...

This is a good post, but I have a question about #3. How do we know Rosen has an attitude problem?
Knowing the future by seeing the past, any GM in the league would take Dan Marino coming out of college before ANY other QB in history. He's the #1 number one pick!

Insert him into today's game -- and give him a productive running game and a complimentary D --- and then add a few of these BIG WRs and a state-of-the-art TE...

Come on. It literally wouldn't be fair.
Tannehill pees blood. Rosen pees urine.

If I had a dollar for every time someone has posted that...

EVERY QB that has EVER played in the NFL for over 5 years has PROBABLY peed blood at some point.

How many times do you think Marino or Fouts or Montana or Aikman have peed blood?

We don't know...

Do you know why?

because they didn't cry about it afterwards. ;)
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Why not treat him like a rookie if it’s in his and the team interest of course
If I had a dollar for every time someone has posted that...

EVERY QB that has EVER played in the NFL for over 5 years has peed blood at some point.

How many times do you think Marino or Fouts or Montana or Aikman have peed blood?

We don't know...

Do you know why?

because they didn't cry about it afterwards. ;)

I always thought that was a metaphor for his toughness but people run with it like it is some abnormal thing to at some point have a little blood in your urine as a professional athlete, especially one playing football.

I felt like that was an agent tactic to help cover up some performance in general. I don't believe Ryan ever spoke on it.
This is a good post, but I have a question about #3. How do we know Rosen has an attitude problem?
Good question. I guess I wouldn't go as far as saying he has a problem, but RT was all puppies and sunshine and Rosen quite frankly is on the other end of that spectrum. I've seen significant improvement since he's been working with Flores, but we'll see how he leads the team when he takes the reins.
I always thought that was a metaphor for his toughness but people run with it like it is some abnormal thing to at some point have a little blood in your urine as a professional athlete, especially one playing football.

I felt like that was an agent tactic to help cover up some performance in general. I don't believe Ryan ever spoke on it.

I agree.

I never saw any interviews or read any quotes attributed to him & I watch just about every player interview and read most Dolphin related articles.

I've peed blood so I know how unsettling it can be.

It was mentioned by someone else, a player or possibly his agent, but there is only one way they could have known that.

He would have had to tell them.

Favre was basically brutally assaulted illegally on the field...

over & over again in his last playoff game.

Jim Mcmahon was regularly abused before & after the whistle.

NFL QB's in general are a tough bunch. RT getting beat up isn't anything overly special to me.

Fiedler was much tougher than him, he was a better QB as well even with a fraction of the arm talent.
To say Rosen is better than Ryan Tannehill was right now at any point of his Dolphib career is unfair to Ryan. HOWEVER to say that Josh Rosen does not have certain attributes that Ryan lacked his entire time here is also not inaccurate either. I liked Tanny I thought Philbin did him dirty. But let's also make this clear Josh Rosen is a better prospect than Ryan Tannehill ever was. Does that mean he can put it all together? Nope and honestly until he proves it I'm still expecting QB early next year. But Rosen is much more comfortable improving and manipulating the pocket than Ryan was (though so is Fitz but that's beside the point)
Ryan is a former QB of the Miami Dolphins and you can discuss the merritt or differences to our current QBs. But anything beyond that has no business here in the main.
To be fair, there’s always some discussions about former Dolphins players in the main. Don’t know why he should be an exception.

Fiedler was much tougher than him, he was a better QB as well even with a fraction of the arm talent.
Jay Fiedler? No. And no.
Rosen needs more arm at times. Not sure if it’s a mechanics thing or what but he steps into throws at times that just drop

Doesn’t have tannehills arm.

But tanny would have been sacked on probably 3 of those plays rosen got out of so there is that.

Ball velocity is definitely not on Tanny's level but it doesn't matter because I think both Rosen and Tannehill have an inherently conservative play style but for some reason Rosen playstyle does look more aggressive compared to last year.
Even questioning the arm strength is a joke, tannehill was way stronger when healthy. Tannehill was physically better in every way, bigger, faster, stronger, better arm etc. If they came out of college at the same time, tannehill would be the better prospect. The problem with the dolphins was never tannehill but horrid coaching, historically bad offensive line play and a limited playbook, wether that’s because tannehill was stupid or the line was bad is undetermined. The offense in its current state is still sub 21 points a game.

With that said, I want Rosen to start day 1. I don’t care about winning MEANINGLESS games this year. Our line is horrendous. You can’t win with this line play without a historically good defense like the Seahawks, ravens, bears or even out Fiedler destroyed teams. Rosen was a 2nd-3rd prospect. If he’s the guy, good. I’d prefer a lawerance like prospect and would be okay with a first round pick on a guy like Herbert baring he tests/interviews well because anyone coming from that offense scares me when talking Bout translating to the NFL, but let’s see what we’ve got. Sink or swim.

LOL at Tannehill having a “way stronger” arm. Also just an FYI they are roughly the same size.

Do you have your Titans Tannehill Jersey?
Rosen is a natural QB prospect. A legit NFL starting QB talent. Tannehill was not. He was a functional athlete trying to play QB. Tannehill literally did nothing well. Rosen has shown more in one preseason game than I saw in all the years Tannehill wasted for us.
Rosen is a natural QB prospect. A legit NFL starting QB talent. Tannehill was not. He was a functional athlete trying to play QB. Tannehill literally did nothing well. Rosen has shown more in one preseason game than I saw in all the years Tannehill wasted for us.

This is complete nonsense. In case it needs to be said
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