Five reason why the Dolphins will be better than the NY Jets | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Five reason why the Dolphins will be better than the NY Jets

Junc...don't worry...

Every year we Fins fans get anxious and have all kinds of optimism. We have a new regime and with it brings new hope. Our team is better than it was in the last few know, addition by subtraction, however, it really remains to be seen what this team can do going forward.

QB: We still don't have the QB situation settled. Maybe Tanny is going to be the real deal this year and maybe it'll be next season or never... Maybe Garrard can battle back from his back surgery to be a competent QB again. Maybe he can do it physically, but doesn't fit the WCO. MMoore is a 1/2 season wonder times 2 at this point (productive half season for Carolina and a productive half season for us). Maybe he can be our gap guy before Tanny gets up to speed, but he also doesn't fit well in the WCO and will be learning a completely new offense from what he's run here or in Carolina...

Truth be told, you guys also have questions at QB. Sanchez has plateau'd and not really progressed since his rookie season. There are questions about his leadership ability in addition to his physical ability as a QB. He certainly didn't come thru for you guys last year. Tebow is an enigma. Will his presence hurt or help your squad. If Sanchez has a game or two that are not very good, it's likely he'll rescind back into his shell when you guys start chanting "TEBOW!" Tebow is a winner and has all the intangibles you could want in a football player, but is he really a QB ?? Can you depend on him to execute Sparano's offense if Sanchez is hurt or just folds again ?? The thing is, Foxy and crew dumbed down the offense and tailor it to Tebow's game....Can Sparano do the same ?? Will Rexy interfere and force changes ?? Remember, he's a bit on the hot seat as well...

Offensive and Defensive scheme changes: This is major negative for Miami in this conversation... Coyle will likely run a similar D to what we have been running under Nolan, but I don't think he's the same level DC as Nolan at this point. Cincy was a pretty stout D and we carry over a good portion of the group we had, but can they adjust quick enough to be successful and get back to where they were ?? Offensively, again the question goes back to the QB. If that turns out well, then can the WR group we have get the job done. We have a good #3 guy, a mediocre #2 guy and a bunch of unproven other guys... While Philbin's offense isn't predicated on having great WRs, it does require good we have that group and can they pick up the O quick enough?? Makes even me laugh when I hear talk that we are so much better than last year because Sparano is gone...maybe we are better off, but talent-wise, I'm not convinced we're a lot better than last year...and ultimately, that's what wins games...

You guys, on the other hand are settled in your D, but coming off a down year. You guys, like us last year, despite ranking fairly high in the defensive standings, weren't quite as good as your rankings indicated. Have you settled your pass rushing issues, the one thing that Rexy's D is centered around ?? I don't see major improvement in this offseason... Offensively, it appears you have blamed Sanchez' lack of success on your OC and took up with Sparano. Short term, it's a good move for you. He's good at moving the focus of the O away from your deficiencies, but you guys don't have the OL that you had a couple of years ago to run his ground and pound... As to the RBs, I'd also give us a very, very slight edge overall. I'd say that Bush is better than Greene, but not by much and because of the other things he brings to the table than his pure running ability. They are two very different backs and it's tough to compare them.

All the other non-sense about your team's melt down last season and what not is just that...nonsense. It can easily be fixed and for all of Tony's bad points, one of his good points is that his players love him and that should help that get straightened out. However, if it doesn't and you guys start to lose, it could be a long year...Especially with the TEBOW chants start...

All in all, you guys should have a better season and better team than us. We simply don't know how Philbin will bring this team together. Comparing it to last years' team is not a good gauge to go by. However, your team is closer to being what it was last year than ours is to being worse than it was last season.
"Eli did nothing in the Super Bowl."


Blind hate right there.

Please find where I said he didn't do anything in the Super Bowl?

You can't call my reading comprehension into question. You consistantly claim that stats mean nothing when defending that p*ss poor pedophile you call a QB and then you turn around and use stats to defend your claims of other QB's greatness. This is a fact and this thread is proof. Anyone on this site would back me on this. That makes you either an idiot or a hypocrite. So which is it?

As for the debate, there is no debating with you. Much like the slow kid on the long school bus ride home, it's all about saying the same nonsense over and over and louder and louder with you until thiose of us without a mental hadicap throw our hands in the air and say "whatever".

---------- Post added at 10:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 AM ----------

I much nicer word than I would use to describe such "logic".

I am always consistent, stats are PART of it but not ALL of it. I can't help it if you interpret my posts rather than actually read and absorb the info.
I am always consistent, stats are PART of it but not ALL of it. I can't help it if you interpret my posts rather than actually read and absorb the info.

I see you chose "idiot" over "hypocrite". That's fine.
I assumed this was a bleacher report article but it was comedic nonetheless.

better QB situation:lol: 2 guys w/ 5 career playoff wins in 5 combined seasons(4 as starters) vs. a rookie w/ potential(he could be better) and a vet who has never had any successx in this league except when his team is out of the race.

I'll give you better RB situation but it's close but to say each is better than any RB the Jets have is silly, Greene is probably the best RB on either team but you have better depth.

better offensive scheme? maybe, Philbin wasn't running those GB O's so we'll see what he can do w/o McCarthy holding his hand.

comparable defense, the #s were similar last year but you were out of the race by October. Our is better by a failr wide margin and one of the reasons is rex will be calling the D again.

Superior team character? the character that led you to 0-7? the character that has never won a playoff game(most have never seen one). I'll take the character of our team that knows how to win.

That was good for a laugh.
im curious to hear how shonn Greene is better than Reggie bush..
im curious to hear how shonn Greene is better than Reggie bush..

I wouldnt' say better but comparable, they both had their first 1,000 yd seasons last year in their first chance to be feature backs but Shonn did it w/ more OL issues and did it in a playoff race, Reggie was ineffective in the phins awful start and "turned it on" when they were done.
I wouldnt' say better but comparable, they both had their first 1,000 yd seasons last year in their first chance to be feature backs but Shonn did it w/ more OL issues and did it in a playoff race, Reggie was ineffective in the phins awful start and "turned it on" when they were done.

I guess you've never seen Columbo the human turnstyle...

And please stop with this "turned it on when they were done" nonsense to describe every single player in a Fins uni. It doesn't mean a damn thing. I'm waiting for the argument from you stating that "Jake Long didn't start blocking well until they were done" or "Cam Wake didn't start sacking QB's until they were done". How about "Dan Carpenter's leg didn't get strong until they were done"...

You see what I'm getting at? If none of our players were any good until we were done, how the hell do you explain Dirty stinking it up the entire season? Statistic-wise I mean of course... We all know he's the king of non-statistic success.
Junc...don't worry...

Every year we Fins fans get anxious and have all kinds of optimism. We have a new regime and with it brings new hope. Our team is better than it was in the last few know, addition by subtraction, however, it really remains to be seen what this team can do going forward.

QB: We still don't have the QB situation settled. Maybe Tanny is going to be the real deal this year and maybe it'll be next season or never... Maybe Garrard can battle back from his back surgery to be a competent QB again. Maybe he can do it physically, but doesn't fit the WCO. MMoore is a 1/2 season wonder times 2 at this point (productive half season for Carolina and a productive half season for us). Maybe he can be our gap guy before Tanny gets up to speed, but he also doesn't fit well in the WCO and will be learning a completely new offense from what he's run here or in Carolina...

Truth be told, you guys also have questions at QB. Sanchez has plateau'd and not really progressed since his rookie season. There are questions about his leadership ability in addition to his physical ability as a QB. He certainly didn't come thru for you guys last year. Tebow is an enigma. Will his presence hurt or help your squad. If Sanchez has a game or two that are not very good, it's likely he'll rescind back into his shell when you guys start chanting "TEBOW!" Tebow is a winner and has all the intangibles you could want in a football player, but is he really a QB ?? Can you depend on him to execute Sparano's offense if Sanchez is hurt or just folds again ?? The thing is, Foxy and crew dumbed down the offense and tailor it to Tebow's game....Can Sparano do the same ?? Will Rexy interfere and force changes ?? Remember, he's a bit on the hot seat as well...

Offensive and Defensive scheme changes: This is major negative for Miami in this conversation... Coyle will likely run a similar D to what we have been running under Nolan, but I don't think he's the same level DC as Nolan at this point. Cincy was a pretty stout D and we carry over a good portion of the group we had, but can they adjust quick enough to be successful and get back to where they were ?? Offensively, again the question goes back to the QB. If that turns out well, then can the WR group we have get the job done. We have a good #3 guy, a mediocre #2 guy and a bunch of unproven other guys... While Philbin's offense isn't predicated on having great WRs, it does require good we have that group and can they pick up the O quick enough?? Makes even me laugh when I hear talk that we are so much better than last year because Sparano is gone...maybe we are better off, but talent-wise, I'm not convinced we're a lot better than last year...and ultimately, that's what wins games...

You guys, on the other hand are settled in your D, but coming off a down year. You guys, like us last year, despite ranking fairly high in the defensive standings, weren't quite as good as your rankings indicated. Have you settled your pass rushing issues, the one thing that Rexy's D is centered around ?? I don't see major improvement in this offseason... Offensively, it appears you have blamed Sanchez' lack of success on your OC and took up with Sparano. Short term, it's a good move for you. He's good at moving the focus of the O away from your deficiencies, but you guys don't have the OL that you had a couple of years ago to run his ground and pound... As to the RBs, I'd also give us a very, very slight edge overall. I'd say that Bush is better than Greene, but not by much and because of the other things he brings to the table than his pure running ability. They are two very different backs and it's tough to compare them.

All the other non-sense about your team's melt down last season and what not is just that...nonsense. It can easily be fixed and for all of Tony's bad points, one of his good points is that his players love him and that should help that get straightened out. However, if it doesn't and you guys start to lose, it could be a long year...Especially with the TEBOW chants start...

All in all, you guys should have a better season and better team than us. We simply don't know how Philbin will bring this team together. Comparing it to last years' team is not a good gauge to go by. However, your team is closer to being what it was last year than ours is to being worse than it was last season.
Nice post man.

I don't agree about the style of defense.

Joe Philbin knows a 4-3 base defense could be effective to nullify Patriots, but could be in trouble while facing other teams. Thus because 3-4 defense is very effective and flexible on pass rush, but 4-3 allows to block the TE and keep him on short yardage and it is better to stop all flavor of RB. A 3-4 defense is more effective for classic strong RB and could be destroyed by speedy, flashy tailbacks. The key issue here is 4-3 simplifies the safeties' job.

So Joe's installing multiple defensive packages including a flexible 3-4 defense very close to Nolan's and some of Coyle's defensive secret-receipt. Thus defenders will have multiple roles on different packages creating a very complex to read defense.

It's amazing because normally you try to install a foundation and then you start to add complements, but Coyle goes from a well installed flexible 3-4 to a base 4-3 switching key roles and adding few players. The main difference is the front-7 retooling, with several flexible position like Paul Soliai who will serve as DT/NT (DT on 4-3, NT at 3-4) , Jared Odrick goes DE/DT, Koa Missi is ILB/OLB and Cameron Wake plays DE/OLB. Randy Starks is DT all the time, but with different approaches.

NY Jets are returning to 2009 foundations, where they simplified the playbook for then rookie Sanchez.
so we can say Philbin will win 4 playoff games in his first 3 seasons and reach at least 2 title games?

Rex ran his defense in baltimore, he wasn't a puppet for the HC.

I wouldn't, we have a QB for the next decade and those other QBs are chokers that have had more talent around them and won less in january.

Which QB are you referring to???? I will be surprised if either Sanchez or Tebow are playing in 2022
I wouldnt' say better but comparable, they both had their first 1,000 yd seasons last year in their first chance to be feature backs but Shonn did it w/ more OL issues and did it in a playoff race, Reggie was ineffective in the phins awful start and "turned it on" when they were done.

NY....seriously, you guys didn't have a backup RG and/or RT that were as poor as our starting RT and RG were last season...we own the "Worst OL Of The Year Award" dare you take credit for that !! hehehe

What was impressive about Bush was that a much greater percentage of his yards were typical up the middle, grind it out yards than in the past. Greene has always been an up the middle, grind it out type back, so his yardage totals are less impressive...for that reason only...

Again, I'd still give Bush an extra edge because he does have the extra gear that Greene does not...
Nice post man.

I don't agree about the style of defense.

Joe Philbin knows a 4-3 base defense could be effective to nullify Patriots, but could be in trouble while facing other teams. Thus because 3-4 defense is very effective and flexible on pass rush, but 4-3 allows to block the TE and keep him on short yardage and it is better to stop all flavor of RB. A 3-4 defense is more effective for classic strong RB and could be destroyed by speedy, flashy tailbacks. The key issue here is 4-3 simplifies the safeties' job.

So Joe's installing multiple defensive packages including a flexible 3-4 defense very close to Nolan's and some of Coyle's defensive secret-receipt. Thus defenders will have multiple roles on different packages creating a very complex to read defense.

It's amazing because normally you try to install a foundation and then you start to add complements, but Coyle goes from a well installed flexible 3-4 to a base 4-3 switching key roles and adding few players. The main difference is the front-7 retooling, with several flexible position like Paul Soliai who will serve as DT/NT (DT on 4-3, NT at 3-4) , Jared Odrick goes DE/DT, Koa Missi is ILB/OLB and Cameron Wake plays DE/OLB. Randy Starks is DT all the time, but with different approaches.

NY Jets are returning to 2009 foundations, where they simplified the playbook for then rookie Sanchez.

Yeah, that's a better analysis of what Coyle wants to bring, but because of that transition is where I gave the jests D an edge for this year... Even tho many of the assignments for D players are going to be the same parts of the time but not all the time. They have to adjust to that. The jests really aren't changing much in their base D or packages, giving them a bit of an edge over our D...
lol the yearly "Dolphins will be better than the Jets" thread. You guys should put more effort into hating the Patriots, you know the team that has dominated this division for years now. That article was written by a Dolphins homer, so who cares? I am confident the Jets will be better than the Dolphins, the issue is the Patriots... I see the Dolphins in last place this year, I think the Bills are passing them. Matt Moore is nothing special, there is a reason they drafted a QB round 1, they don't see Moore as the future. Hes a backup that knows how to lock onto his #1 WR and feed him the ball, like Steve Smith and Brandon Marshall. This year there is no #1 WR, bunch of #3/4 guys.
You guys laugh about Sparano being our OC, but the only year he was a play caller was in 2006 with the Cowboys. They threw for over 4,000+ yards that year and had a top 5 offense. Schottenheimer was a awful OC, Chad Pennington didn't really do well with him and did great when he went to the Dolphins. We would have won more games last year if we had an identity on offense. Sanchez will be more confident as there won't be as much thinking involved in this offense, as Schotty was a week to week guy so you couldn't get into a groove with what he was doing and often outsmarted himself. Players complained that too much was on Pennington and Favre complained that the system was too complicated. The Jets will run the ball more, but they also will go downfield more than last season. They drafted Stephen Hill to open things up downfield, hes 6'4 and runs a 4.30. Sanchez was giddy about him after throwing a 75 yard pass to him in practice for a TD. Jets also have Chaz Schilens, who when healthy can be good. Hes 6'4 and runs a 4.3 as well.

I am loving what I am hearing with Sparano so far, hes bringing more discipline to our offense, something we needed. Our guys were often thinking too much and beating themselves. I am excited to see how Sanchez does this year, I think Sparano will be a upgrade to Schotty. The turnovers should be down and it should be a more efficient offense.

Holmes so far has been in good spirit, Wayne Hunter who got into a fight with him last year said how surprised he was with how hes been this offseason. Hes been helping younger players and has been real competitive, him and Sanchez spent a lot of time working things out. Holmes was upset he didn't get the ball enough last season, I think he'll bounce back and have a 1,000+ yard season. Got rid of Burress who was awful and a cancer anyways. Rex talked with Bart Scott about his role, and Bart is in great spirit after being a cancer last season. He lost weight and from reports he looks faster. They will be back in Cortland and have all these team activities, they will be a stronger team like in 2009 and 2010 IMo.
lol the yearly "Dolphins will be better than the Jets" thread. You guys should put more effort into hating the Patriots, you know the team that has dominated this division for years now. That article was written by a Dolphins homer, so who cares? I am confident the Jets will be better than the Dolphins, the issue is the Patriots... I see the Dolphins in last place this year, I think the Bills are passing them. Matt Moore is nothing special, there is a reason they drafted a QB round 1, they don't see Moore as the future. Hes a backup that knows how to lock onto his #1 WR and feed him the ball, like Steve Smith and Brandon Marshall. This year there is no #1 WR, bunch of #3/4 guys.
You guys laugh about Sparano being our OC, but the only year he was a play caller was in 2006 with the Cowboys. They threw for over 4,000+ yards that year and had a top 5 offense. Schottenheimer was a awful OC, Chad Pennington didn't really do well with him and did great when he went to the Dolphins. We would have won more games last year if we had an identity on offense. Sanchez will be more confident as there won't be as much thinking involved in this offense, as Schotty was a week to week guy so you couldn't get into a groove with what he was doing and often outsmarted himself. Players complained that too much was on Pennington and Favre complained that the system was too complicated. The Jets will run the ball more, but they also will go downfield more than last season. They drafted Stephen Hill to open things up downfield, hes 6'4 and runs a 4.30. Sanchez was giddy about him after throwing a 75 yard pass to him in practice for a TD. Jets also have Chaz Schilens, who when healthy can be good. Hes 6'4 and runs a 4.3 as well.

I am loving what I am hearing with Sparano so far, hes bringing more discipline to our offense, something we needed. Our guys were often thinking too much and beating themselves. I am excited to see how Sanchez does this year, I think Sparano will be a upgrade to Schotty. The turnovers should be down and it should be a more efficient offense.

Holmes so far has been in good spirit, Wayne Hunter who got into a fight with him last year said how surprised he was with how hes been this offseason. Hes been helping younger players and has been real competitive, him and Sanchez spent a lot of time working things out. Holmes was upset he didn't get the ball enough last season, I think he'll bounce back and have a 1,000+ yard season. Got rid of Burress who was awful and a cancer anyways. Rex talked with Bart Scott about his role, and Bart is in great spirit after being a cancer last season. He lost weight and from reports he looks faster. They will be back in Cortland and have all these team activities, they will be a stronger team like in 2009 and 2010 IMo.

I don't know why Jets fans bring up the Cowboys offensive success in 2006 as if Sparono was the reason for it. Sparono was a playcaller and coordinated the running game, which was ranked 13th. He has never been a full time OC like he will be with the Jets. Haley coordinated the passing game which was ranked 5th. There is more reason to believe that Haley deserves the credit since he actually ran a top 5 offense on his own after he left Dallas. Sparano was such a good playcaller for Dallas in 2006 that when Haley left, instead of giving Sparano full control of the offense, Dallas replaced him.
The Jets thought so much of Sparano as a full time OC that they were trying to get Haley to come in to help.

I also love how Jets fans want to give tons of credit to Sanchez for the 2 AFC Championship game
apps, but in the same breath bash the OC that ran the #1 rushing O in the league in 2009 which was one of the main reasons for the Jets success.

You can blame Shotty for Pennington and Favre not playing well, but you fail to mention that Pennington was coming off two major shoulder surgeries in 2006 and that it was his first season under Shotty. In spite of that, they won 10 games and made the playoffs. The following year Pennington was injured again. As for Favre, it was the first new system he had to learn in 17 years and he arrived a month before the season started. He also had a torn biceps tendon for the last 5 games of the season. Shotty was so bad that the Jets were 8-3 before that and despite only averaging 16 PPG in the last 5 games, they still finished with an average of 25PPG for the season. That was good enough to rank #9 in PPG which is the highest the Jets have ranked since Weis was the OC in 98.

The Jets would have won more games last year if not for the horrible play of Sanchez, Hunter and the D. I don't have the full season stats, but after only 9 games, the Jets had attempted 29 passes of 21 or more yards. Sanchez was 6 of 29 with 1TD and 3 Ints on those attempts. You can blame Shotty, but he wasn't the main reason for the Jets poor play.

You got rid of Burress and you also got rid of his 8tds. I don't think it is realistic to expect a rookie to come in and produce right away. Especially one as raw as Hill. If you think Burress was a cancer, you must be sick that Holmes is still on the team. He is the one who actually quit on his team. Things may seem fine with him now, but just wait until Sanchez throws him a bad pass or he thinks they are running the ball too much. He is a ticking time bomb and it is only a matter of time before he blows up again.
I guess you've never seen Columbo the human turnstyle...

And please stop with this "turned it on when they were done" nonsense to describe every single player in a Fins uni. It doesn't mean a damn thing. I'm waiting for the argument from you stating that "Jake Long didn't start blocking well until they were done" or "Cam Wake didn't start sacking QB's until they were done". How about "Dan Carpenter's leg didn't get strong until they were done"...

You see what I'm getting at? If none of our players were any good until we were done, how the hell do you explain Dirty stinking it up the entire season? Statistic-wise I mean of course... We all know he's the king of non-statistic success.

Jake's a great player, Wake is a good player. As a team your team had a chance to remain in the race the first half of the season, you started 0-7, the season was over by october. Nothing you did after that team means anything other than at least they didn't quit.

mark wasn't bad the entire season, he was bad at the worst time of the season and I have bashed him for it.

Which QB are you referring to???? I will be surprised if either Sanchez or Tebow are playing in 2022

It's hard to say any current player will be playing in 2022 I was more referring to the rest of this decade. barring inury I expect Sanchez to be our QB for many years to come.

NY....seriously, you guys didn't have a backup RG and/or RT that were as poor as our starting RT and RG were last season...we own the "Worst OL Of The Year Award" dare you take credit for that !! hehehe

What was impressive about Bush was that a much greater percentage of his yards were typical up the middle, grind it out yards than in the past. Greene has always been an up the middle, grind it out type back, so his yardage totals are less impressive...for that reason only...

Again, I'd still give Bush an extra edge because he does have the extra gear that Greene does not...

Our starting C missed a bucnh fo weeks then was playing hurt most of the year, our backup C(and swing OL) was lost in preseason, we had a guy off the street starting for a few games in place of Mangold, our LG played on abadly damaged shoulder that needed extensive surgery immediately after the season, our RG missed all of camp and preseason, our RT flat out stunk. Our OL was worse.

I don't know why Jets fans bring up the Cowboys offensive success in 2006 as if Sparono was the reason for it. Sparono was a playcaller and coordinated the running game, which was ranked 13th. He has never been a full time OC like he will be with the Jets. Haley coordinated the passing game which was ranked 5th. There is more reason to believe that Haley deserves the credit since he actually ran a top 5 offense on his own after he left Dallas. Sparano was such a good playcaller for Dallas in 2006 that when Haley left, instead of giving Sparano full control of the offense, Dallas replaced him.
The Jets thought so much of Sparano as a full time OC that they were trying to get Haley to come in to help.

I also love how Jets fans want to give tons of credit to Sanchez for the 2 AFC Championship game
apps, but in the same breath bash the OC that ran the #1 rushing O in the league in 2009 which was one of the main reasons for the Jets success.

You can blame Shotty for Pennington and Favre not playing well, but you fail to mention that Pennington was coming off two major shoulder surgeries in 2006 and that it was his first season under Shotty. In spite of that, they won 10 games and made the playoffs. The following year Pennington was injured again. As for Favre, it was the first new system he had to learn in 17 years and he arrived a month before the season started. He also had a torn biceps tendon for the last 5 games of the season. Shotty was so bad that the Jets were 8-3 before that and despite only averaging 16 PPG in the last 5 games, they still finished with an average of 25PPG for the season. That was good enough to rank #9 in PPG which is the highest the Jets have ranked since Weis was the OC in 98.

The Jets would have won more games last year if not for the horrible play of Sanchez, Hunter and the D. I don't have the full season stats, but after only 9 games, the Jets had attempted 29 passes of 21 or more yards. Sanchez was 6 of 29 with 1TD and 3 Ints on those attempts. You can blame Shotty, but he wasn't the main reason for the Jets poor play.

You got rid of Burress and you also got rid of his 8tds. I don't think it is realistic to expect a rookie to come in and produce right away. Especially one as raw as Hill. If you think Burress was a cancer, you must be sick that Holmes is still on the team. He is the one who actually quit on his team. Things may seem fine with him now, but just wait until Sanchez throws him a bad pass or he thinks they are running the ball too much. He is a ticking time bomb and it is only a matter of time before he blows up again.

I don't credit Tony for Dallas '06 but why shouldn't het get some credit for it and why do you guys give Philbin credot when we know McCarthy was the reason for the success in GB?

Burress was great in the RZ, he was terrible everywhere else. Our biggest problem was our OL.
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