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Griese is a Loser

When he has time he might be great. When Ricky has a hole he runs through it. Sorry to be the realist, but the O line is as good as it is going to get. You dont cure all your problems in week 10.

The fact is the line sucks. Therefore, a more mobile QB is better then someone who cannot create plays with their legs.

Hoping for the O line to come around is insane. They are what they are.
Originally posted by BroncoFox
"When he had time he was awesome."

thats exactly what i'm saying, the oline can't, we need a more mobile QB back there.

this trash that fiedler would throw picks in the same situation is amazing. why do we pay coaches, we skould get some of thse psychics to do the job!:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Dolfan4life
When he has time he might be great. When Ricky has a hole he runs through it. Sorry to be the realist, but the O line is as good as it is going to get. You dont cure all your problems in week 10.

The fact is the line sucks. Therefore, a more mobile QB is better then someone who cannot create plays with their legs.

Hoping for the O line to come around is insane. They are what they are.
thank uo Dolfan4life!;)
What was Fiedler doing in the first six games that was so impressive? The block on the reverse by Ricky? Just because he is mobile doesn't mean he should be playing QB. He's not Michael Vick.
What about the play against the Jets. He bootlegs and keeps it and get nailed. Doesnt fumble and scores a TD.

Couple of years ago he scores game winner against Oakland with virtually same play.

He bootlegs good and if the pocket collapses he can get some positive yards. Plus when he is in there they find ways to win.

Lets not forget who the most talented player on Offense is. Ricky, and if he cannot do what he was doing last year then jay and brian are doomed
Okay, has Jay ever done anything with his arm? Every Fiedler lover talks about winning pct and the ability to scramble. Unless your name is Michael Vick, I don't want a running QB. Even Culpepper has improved his passing game. Fiedler is done. Get over it. :D
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Nobody said Jay isn't one tough s.o.b. who gives his all.....NOBODY!!...but it is obvious to everyone from football announcers and 99% of phin fans that B.G gives us our best chance to win period. Now if we can just convince 6 or 7 fan's(sorry, only word I could come up with besides morons) that would make it 100% of phin fans.
Sydor25 .... you da man ..... Miami wins despite Fiedler and his weak a** arm ...... Griese at least makes teams respect our passing game .... now let's get behind our starting QB Griese and hope the coaching staff can come up with a way to fix the O-Line problems to open HOLES for Ricky and protect Griese's blind side.

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Our porous O line caused that fumble. However the play calling was questionable. If you intend to pass from the 13 yard line it had better be a single read on a 3 yard drop other wise throw it away. A rollout or a screen would have worked too. But Griese can't run the bootleg, esp with his toe.

And O yeah, Ricky can only cut block, he needs to work on his blocking. If he had assisted on that block he would have been called for clipping.
Originally posted by Carolina_Dolfan
Sydor25 .... you da man ..... Miami wins despite Fiedler and his weak a** arm ...... Griese at least makes teams respect our passing game .... now let's get behind our starting QB Griese and hope the coaching staff can come up with a way to fix the O-Line problems to open HOLES for Ricky and protect Griese's blind side.


Let's see, we win despite Fiedler and lose despite Griese. Tough decision.........If they respected our passing game, Ricky would have more than 36 yds, ya think?
Ricky would have more yards if he was not getting hit or avoiding tacklers 5 yards in the's the O-LINE that is the major problem.


Jay Fiedler's last 3, season-ending games!

Oakland = 27-0
18-of-38 for 176 yards and 3 interceptions

Baltimore = 20-3
15-of-28 for 122 yards - 1 int, 1 fumble

New England = 27-24
11-of-25 for 110 yards, 1 TD

Combined stats for the above games:
44 of 91 for 408 yards, 4 int's, 1 fumble, 1 TD
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