Herd w/Colin Cowherd doesn't think Tua will be good because he is small with no wiggle | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Herd w/Colin Cowherd doesn't think Tua will be good because he is small with no wiggle

Same idiot said Saban would fail at Alabama....How has that worked out?
It's like the Dolphins are drafting all over again. Tua is injury prone, he had nfl receivers to throw to, he threw a lot of short passes..blah, blah...

Anybody who watched this kid in college knows he's a winner. He has the tools necessary and it's been evident since HS. The Drew Brees comp is not a slight by any means and if I were Tua I'd be ecstatic over a comparison to a HOF'er. Watch film from 2018 and beyond you'll see : no qb I saw (Except Burrow) was more accurate from 40-50 yards in. No one. Use Ole Miss, Arkansas, Tennessee....etc. The ball had plenty of zip. Not Herbert zip but he hit receivers in stride.

Ok, I got off track but Tua has plenty of arm. If you enjoy accuracy, anticipation, decision making and moving up and down the field. He's your dude. If you want a bazooka (I was a Herbert fan), Tua is not that guy. But give him time and I believe he going to wow Dolfans...
1. The sports media often makes comments to receive a reaction (generate clicks).
2. Everyone has an opinion and no one knows the future.
3. We need to find out either way. Draft a QB again or be able to give him some weapons with our 2021 picks.
Whether or not Tua succeeds at the NFL level is going to be answered, starting this weekend against the Rams.

There were many who thought both Burrow and Herbert were the lesser talents of the 3 QB's. We are all about to find out. A case can be made for both sides of the success or failure argument. But his play on the field will be the final answer.

Let's hope he's truly the super talented kid we've seen at Alabama. For the future of the Miami Dolphins and Tua, he's got to be on point.
A lot BS comes out of Cowherds mouth... but you’d have to be delusional to act like he doesn’t have a point...

All we can do is hope that Tua is also the exception
What was his point a few months ago? Why change a few days before the debut?
For what it is worth, Tua had a better rushing average than Herbert by almost a yard and 9 rushing TDs in 33 games, compared to 13 TDs in 44 games for Herbert (almost the same .27 to .29 respectively). More speed does not always translate to more success. If you look at Marino, he was as slow as the linemen....but he had the 3 quickest steps in the pocket I have ever seen. Tua moves MUCH better in the pocket than Herbert, it is night and day,,,,and is much more sudden with everything he does.
I saw this two days ago and didn’t think it was worth giving Cowherd the time of day posting this here. Especially since before the draft he was saying Tua was the best prospect since Luck. Dude just trying to get more clicks. Coming from a guy that still thinks Sam Darnold is a franchise QB.

He has a right to change his mind...but he's not in the position to change his mind without evidence to support the swing from one side to the other.
He makes statements like this simply to get other people talking about him. Since his comments were enough to get his own thread of this forum, he has accomplished exactly what he wanted too. He has no idea if Tua will have success in the NFL but by him making comments like this only makes him relevant to those who actually care what he says in regards to Tua.
Herbert looks like Ellie from Last of Us...
I thought going into the draft that Herbert and Burrow were both going to be excellent QB’s in the NFL. I also thought Tua would be an excellent QB if he is able to avoid suffering another hip injury. I really don’t understand those individuals who diss on Burrow and Herbert simply because they like Tua better. Personally I hope all three of them have long and successful careers in the NFL.
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