How Fiedler makes the Offensive Line look better | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How Fiedler makes the Offensive Line look better


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Sep 29, 2001
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On an island
The Offensive Line has sucked all year long. However, because of the play of Jay Fiedler, many did not realize it. Instead of blaming the Offensive Line, everything was Jay's fault. Fiedler was under pressure on every play, but he is mobile and was able to avoid sacks. Now that we have Griese behind center, our lack of pass protection has been exploited because Griese has no ability to escape from the defensive linemen. Griese may not have thrown an interception, but he gets sacked way too much, and he fumbles it like crazy which is just as bad.

Griese was only good yesterday in the second half. He didn't complete a pass to a WR during the whole first half.

Everyone might be calling for Griese, but his lack of mobility will really hurt us since our line is garbage.
Originally posted by iceblizzard69
The Offensive Line has sucked all year long. However, because of the play of Jay Fiedler, many did not realize it.

You're kidding right?
Actually, I stated the same thing last week on this board and I also was saying it at the bar that his lack of mobility will be his downfall becasue of the poor offensive line. And what happens?..........well you all know the answer to that. I am convinced, however, that Griese is a more gifted passer than Jay but having Jay's mobility helps us with the way things are going right now.
I don't remember anyone saying that we had a good o-line. Most of the excuses for Ricky all year have been the o-line. Griese just gives the Dolphins a better chance to win this year over Fiedler. Fiedler wasn't able to make plays (this year) when he had time, Griese can.

It's not like Fiedler hasn't hurt the Dolphins this year. I remember several missed receivers that were wide open. I also remember him throwing into double and triple teams. It's only been two games and I like what I see in Griese.
See, this is why those of us who haven't been drinking the Brian Griese kool aid have been so pissed off. The problem with this team is the offensive line and the wretched playcalling courtesy of Norv. I would even give Norv a pass except that I know from my Redskins fan friends that he regularly goes into "brain lock" mode. When this happens, he basically throws away either the pass or the run and tries to either be Steve Spurrier or whatever generic Big 12 coach's name you want to insert here.

With some help on the line and offensive plays that introduce even a little doubt into what the team is doing, this team can win.
While his lack of mobility will hurt us, his arm, brain, and accuracy will help. Just sort of a "pick your poison" type thing.
Everyone realized that the OLine sucked. Everyone realizes that Jay is more mobile than BG. Everyone also realizes that Griese has more potential for being a playmaker than does Fiedler
there's definitely some truth there,

Griese's last 30 games he has 78 sacks. that's 2.6 a game

Fiedler has 78 sacks in his last 57 games. that's 1.36 a game

I like Fiedler because he grew up on my block so i'm not impartial. But, I think Griese will start getting some very happy feet with that o-line protecting him.
....and it's not so much the fact that Griese isn't as mobile, it's that he doesn't play well under pressure. He has shown that he has a tendency to fold. With a good, solid o-line giving Ricky some running room I think Griese shines better than we could hope for but that isn't going to happen any time soon and I just feel that Fiedler is the better option until the line improves.
Originally posted by Jimmy James
See, this is why those of us who haven't been drinking the Brian Griese kool aid have been so pissed off. The problem with this team is the offensive line and the wretched playcalling courtesy of Norv.

We'll keep drinking Brian Griese kool aid while you keep drinking Jay Fiedler Guinness brew with a shot of Goldschlager in it to kill the smart brain cells.
It's sad that we have to consider benching the better player just because our Offensive line is so terrible.

How can you claim Griese fumbles too much when they sack? It happened twice in one game. Against the LEADER in forced fumbles last season.

I'm fairly sure someone already posted statistics showing that Griese fumbles when sacked about the same amount as Fiedler does.
I hate them both but...

Originally posted by Jimmy James
he regularly goes into "brain lock" mode...and tries to either be Steve Spurrier or whatever generic Big 12 coach's name you want to insert here.

With some help on the line and offensive plays that introduce even a little doubt into what the team is doing, this team can win.

Norv and Steve are both suffering from a horrible Oline. They both rely too much on the QB and often call plays that take over 3secs to develop. Steve Spurrier will be better by the end of the year, he is alredy 10x better than last year. If he gets fired I would not mind seeing him in the booth down here
say what you want... but Wade Smith has not been abused all year like he was yesterday. That was the worst play i've seen out og him. Also with Fiedler in there we lost to teams that were much worse then the colts. And had Smith gave him a few seconds on that last play i believe we would have put that in the endzone. wheter our d held manning with almost 2 minutes would have decieded the game. I don't care how mobile Jay is, unless he had eyes in the back of his head he would not have avoided that one. There were a couple of other sacks that jay could have gotten away from.. like the first one by the endzone.. but not the blindside ones... if Griese would have been holding the ball for a few seconds then got hit it would be different, but he had no time. also I don't think jay would have been able to make a couple of the throws Brian did.
So it is a trade off. Do we want the more mobility or the better passing?
Originally posted by Dolfan02

We'll keep drinking Brian Griese kool aid while you keep drinking Jay Fiedler Guinness brew with a shot of Goldschlager in it to kill the smart brain cells.

Correction, that is Guinness with half-shot Baileys and half-shot Jameson:lol:
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