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Its Official!

OG should make the receiving core more competitive in training camp.. And chambers should have a breakout season..Or else he is.....?
Ok I don't want to be confused with a Gadsden hater but after reading several articles, and after listening to several opinions, but for and against the signing, i have to admit i'm not too optimistic about signing OG back. I'll try to break it down in simple matters so that i don't get confused with an OG hater and try to make some of you guys understand why in my opinion this team will be better without OG.

Reciever Wise!
1st. While OG is goode in my opinion, and was sorely missed in the games after his injury, i believe we have found an up and coming reciever in Thompson. He is visibly faster then OG, and the word is his hands are quite similiar. I believe that Thompson will excel alot more in our offense rather then OG.

Interest Wise
2.While i'm not into signing someone just because alot of teams want them, i do believe that if alot of teams are interested in a player, and are willing to stick their neck out for a player, its for a reason. While OG is a goode possession reciever, teams were not willing to give him a contract worth more then 1mil a year. Interest for OG was almost non existed even when apportunities were available (panthers, jaguars just a few teams that needed a reciever quickly either because of lack of talent or injury). While we would sign OG under our terms, i think the damage has been done that nobody was willing to do what needed to be done to sign OG.

Mentally Wise
3.I also think the damage has been done 'team chemistry' wise, and OG has no one to blame for this then himself. OG showed a great deal of unloyalty to this team and organization. Willing to accept a contract only after not getting what he wanted from other organizations. Just like someone posted before me, we offered him a great deal under his circumstances, and he chose to turn it down for more money. He even admitted that he could of played if the 'price was right' or just choose surgery to seek a better deal in FA. Thats a slap in the face to this team, to his teammates and to the fans.

Game Plan Wise
4. I don't think we the game plan we will be instituting this year, OG will be a reciever who will get it done. We need a fast reciever to strecth the field. We have that in Chambers and Mcknight. We need a tight end who can catch the ball over the middle, we have that in Mcmicheal. We also need a possession reciever, but one who can gain YAC, and we found him in Thompson. In a 4 reciever set (which will not be run too often due to RW) We would have 2 speedy recievers (Chambers, Mcknight) Thompson, and a new, hungary, battle tested, and almost proven (because whoever it is will have to beat out 3-4 recievers to win the 4th receiver spot) to play. If OG is signed then one of these prospects will most likely have to go.

In conclusion i will say, that OG is a great reciever, and i'm not bashing him. But i'm saying that he could of showed alot more support by signing a deal when he first got injured. I as well as many other dolphin fans are greatly excited about our new prospects that we signed and drafted at the reciever position. Fact is all of them can't stay, and like Wanny always says "The best man for the job will line up". Meaning that whoever wins the 4th and 5th reciever spot will be ready for the job. Players like Knight and Seau who came from other teams were determined to play for this team. Knight and Griese took pay cuts to play for this team, showing their determination. OG showed he was ready to explore the waters and cut his ties with this team, and only when it came back to bite him, did he accept our latter offer with his tail between his legs. If he does sign i will say i hope him the best in training camp because he will be in for a battle, and if it comes out that he wins the starting role over a newly acquired prospect, then that means that that player was not ready, and OG is the best man for the job. I can't be mad at that.
Originally posted by muddaconch
The first site to have the news up!

Quit pimping your friggin' site! It's getting ridiculous. :fire:

Somebody really needs to ban this knob.

BTW, the only reason your D.A. site is the only one to have it up is because it's not an official story yet. There are no confirmed sources, no national reports, and nothing other than hearsay coroburrating this. :shakeno:

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Expo...your a veteran on this site...a warning is first not a ban.
He still has to make the team. From what I've heard from you guys about the performances in the mini-camps, he'll be doing good to be #4 behind Chambers, McKnight, & Thompson - and will probably have a serious fight on his hands with Tolver. I don't think his job is secure by any means.
Maybe the Dolphins got tired of him on waiting that he will get cut...
I think tolver can outplay mcknight..
Originally posted by DolFinatic718
Reciever Wise!
1st. While OG is goode in my opinion, and was sorely missed in the games after his injury, i believe we have found an up and coming reciever in Thompson. He is visibly faster then OG, and the word is his hands are quite similiar. I believe that Thompson will excel alot more in our offense rather then OG.

Mentally Wise
3.I also think the damage has been done 'team chemistry' wise, and OG has no one to blame for this then himself. OG showed a great deal of unloyalty to this team and organization. Willing to accept a contract only after not getting what he wanted from other organizations. Just like someone posted before me, we offered him a great deal under his circumstances, and he chose to turn it down for more money. He even admitted that he could of played if the 'price was right' or just choose surgery to seek a better deal in FA. Thats a slap in the face to this team, to his teammates and to the fans.

Well, the logic I pull out of signing him is that he has proven himself in our system, he has been great for 4 and a bit years. What if Derrius Thompson doesn't live up to his expectations? We have Gadsden to be a 4th receiver and possibly become 100% by not playing that much this season. Then, next year byebye Thompson, and we still have Gadsden.

The only mistake Gadsden made last season was listening to his agent (who should be fired). Gadsden has always been a team player and popular in the locker room. His declining the Phins' offer last season was due to his agent's advice. Others were also doing it and succeeding. it was a learning process for him.
You learn by trial and error. Some people deserve a second chance. Have you guys never heard these quotes?
Originally posted by Expo88

Quit pimping your friggin' site! It's getting ridiculous. :fire:

Somebody really needs to ban this knob.

BTW, the only reason your D.A. site is the only one to have it up is because it's not an official story yet. There are no confirmed sources, no national reports, and nothing other than hearsay coroburrating this. :shakeno:

Buddy, you had no place to make that comment to me. My site is a fansite. I don't pay for marketing and therefore all my hits come from the unlikely even that someone finds it on google and word of mouth. I just redesigned it and am really excited that I finished it and got it up.

Forgive me for being proud of my accomplishment. Your comments should be considered before being typed.

I'm sorry that I bothered you.
Originally posted by Prime Time
Expo...your a veteran on this site...a warning is first not a ban.

My guess is the guy's been warned since his post from yesterday is gone but, in answer to your question, there's nothing I can do. I'd be a terrible moderator so I've never lobbied for the position. I have faith that the other guys who do the job will take care of this guy.

Originally posted by dolfans1988
Maybe the Dolphins got tired of him on waiting that he will get cut...
I think tolver can outplay mcknight..

I agree that Tolver will be able to outplay McKnight at some point, but I don't think there's any way that there is a possibility of that happening this year. McKnight knows the system, he's fast, and he's pretty well entrenched here so him getting beat by a rookie is unlikely. Next year however, that's another story altogether.
Originally posted by Expo88

My guess is the guy's been warned since his post from yesterday is gone but, in answer to your question, there's nothing I can do. I'd be a terrible moderator so I've never lobbied for the position. I have faith that the other guys who do the job will take care of this guy. (which WAS J*rk)

Settle down. You have no reason for attacking my like this. I am not bothering you in any way. If you don't wish to visit my site, then don't.

Also, I have been affiliated with Finheaven in the past.

Think before you speak.
Originally posted by muddaconch

Buddy, you had no place to make that comment to me. My site is a fansite. I don't pay for marketing and therefore all my hits come from the unlikely even that someone finds it on google and word of mouth. I just redesigned it and am really excited that I finished it and got it up.

Forgive me for being proud of my accomplishment. Your comments should be considered before being typed.

I'm sorry that I bothered you.

It's your site and you've done the work and, if it's what laid out the way you want it to be then you sould be proud that's not the point of contention here. The problem is that you shouldn't be pimping your site on this, another fan site. AJ works very hard at keeping this place running at a top notch level and anyone else coming in here plugging another site- regardless of how small it is- is simply out of line.

Put your fan site address in your signature like the other guys that have them and let whomever wants link to your site that way otherwise, please stop the pimping.
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