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Jets fans quotes

Sorry dude but I have watched the Jets break my heart it is time to break theirs. I wish no mercy on the Jet fans. I have been tortured for more than 10 years. I hope the Jets go back to laughing stocks of the league and an easy 2 wins every year for the next 20 years.

Three words

monday night miracle

i couldnt sleep for weeks after that bull****

but dont sleep on the jets, i just hope miami comes fighting like they have been the entire year. we win, we're in, but we always have trouble with those troublesome jets.
Three words

monday night miracle

i couldnt sleep for weeks after that bull****

but dont sleep on the jets, i just hope miami comes fighting like they have been the entire year. we win, we're in, but we always have trouble with those troublesome jets.

I know those 3 words I was there and felt like I died that day. I hear you I'm not sleeping on anyone. We always have trouble with the Jets. For once I would just love to stick it to them the same way they have stuck it to us.
Some off of the Gang Green website:

If we beat Miami it will be a Christmas Miracle.

We shouldn't even show up for the game this Sunday; we get a higher pick that way.

A thread was started here is the first post:
We have not won a game this year where we trailed by more then 3 points.

Not exactly the comeback kids.
Response to that:
So if it is 7-0, we should just quit.
Response to that:
this isnt madden.

And the Dolphins usually have a two score lead by the middle of the 1st quarter. Good luck with that.

haha this is awesome!
Today is a great day for all dolphin kind. All hail the great parcells. The jets better pray that god has mercy on their souls because chad, joey, and ronnie sure as hell wont show any.:woot: The streets will flow with the blood of the non believers:d-day:

:boohoo:= jets fan sunday night
I like how they are dumping the blame on Mangini. Yeah, some of it belongs to him, but not as much as their fans seem to want to put on him. He is not the one who wanted Favre or the rest of those over valued FA's. Hess tried to buy himself a playoff run to entice fans to purchase PLC,s. Mangini had to make the best of of a group of players who's ego's were larger then their dedication to their teammates.

In Defense to Hess, he made a jesture to the fans. He demonstrated to them that he was willing to make a significant finacial commitment to the team to bring them what has eluded them since the days of Namath, a championship. Unfortunatly for them, his approach was flawed. He tried to buy it. Manginni had that team on the right track before they they went out and over spent in FA. Now they are in salary cap hell and have no resources to continue the building process.

I hope they do screw up and fire Mangini and bring back Favre. I hope Mangini goes off to the NFC and finds sucess with another team. He is not the problem. I will even go as far as saying he was their solution. Fans get too caught up in instant gratification mentality.

Favre is melting down late in the year, what a shocker. No one saw that coming. I am amazed at how uncharistically favorable of a year he has had up till the last few weeks.

I would really love to see a huge Dolphin fan turnout in the Meadowlands sunday. I hope when the players look up into the stands they see a sea of Miami Dolhins Chad Pennington Jersey's. Chad deserves it. He was really disrespected by his old fans and they ought to give the guy a standing ovation for how he has handled his rejection by them and for what he has accomplished somewhere else.

I wont be one of those laughing at their team or rubbing their fans noses in their failures. I remember how it felt last season to be the laughing stock of the leauge. I remember the year before that when we were picked to be superbowl contenders and missed the playoffs entirely. Sound familiar? I hope they get things turned around and become competive in our division. I look forward to renewing a good rivarly just as I have the same sentiments for Buffalo.

I couldn't agree more. My friend who is a diehard Jets fan, after bragging for days after the Jets traded for Favre, and laughing at me for being happy we signed Pennington, is still in denial. He complains about Mangini continuously but won't say a negative word about His Greatness #4. Even when Favre throws a backbreaking pick to kill his team's chances, my friend will say "What the F, we should be running the ball, Mangini sucks!!!"

Yes, Mangini has made some poor decisions this season. That doesn't change the fact that Brett Favre isn't a top-5 QB in the AFC. He's not even better than the guy they cut. Chad something is his name.
To put any stock at all in a "FANS" opinion is silly. We are such emotional rollercoasters. One week we're thrilled the next we want the whole coaching staff fired and the roster completely turned over. I know it's fun watching a hated rival fanbase dwell in their own misery, but twe're no different. If we lose Sunday, that doom and gloom will be ours and the Jet fans will do a colplete 180 and be talking SB run, guaranteed.

True that. They win, they're here talking mad smack
We need to find that punk that came in here and posted after we lost to New England saying too bad we lost, now our final game won't matter!

i've been looking for him for awhile now and couldn't find him, or the thread he posted.... that guy won't be running his mouth around here for a long time, especially if we beat them :lol:
LOL...priceless...i love it, stil wont rest easy until we win, its going to be hard
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