Judging Feeley and our offensive for last years performance is absurd…at this point | Page 11 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Judging Feeley and our offensive for last years performance is absurd…at this point

feelthepain said:
Exactly...and this is why I have a problem with posters here that are ready to dispose of Feeley in the one season. The guy steped into maybe the worst situation ever. But lets just palce all the blame on him and give the rest of the team and coaches a free pass, just because I hate Feeley. If this isn't a bias, opinionated, uninformed fan then I don't know what is. Some fans should learn about the sport and all the idiosyncrasies that go along with the game and players before they write.

So Lamar Gordon should be really p o'd that we took a RB without giving him a fair shot.
Wow People give him a chance.

Last I checked Peyton Manning had just as bad if not worse first full season then AJ Feeley did.

WHere is Peyton now? Last I checked he seems to always be mr. MVP.

I'm not saying AJ will be Peyton but give the guy one more year before pass judging.

I"d rather see AJ Feeley taking the snaps then Jay Fiedler. I've seen enough of what noodle arm can do, at least AJ has a good throw. Lets see if he can put it to good use this year.
Justasportsfan said:
you don't know what you're getting w/ AJ either. Some poeple blame Wanny, your OC or whoever. You guys are also hoping it was all Wanny and not Feeley. Losman will have his struggles but I doubt he can do any worse than Drew or AJ last year.

Your preaching to the chior on that one about AJ!

But I think your in for a long season with Losman, I like Holcomb better then him!
islandah said:
So Lamar Gordon should be really p o'd that we took a RB without giving him a fair shot.

If there was a QB available with equivelent talent that ROnnie Brown ahs at the RB position then OBVIOUSLY he would have been chosen by Saban.

Where is Run Ricky Run???

He always comes into these arguements! I miss him?

I haven't seen his posts in a while, hope all is well!
Your preaching to the chior on that one about AJ!

But I think your in for a long season with Losman, I like Holcomb better then him!

Spoken like a true old timer....

No to Feeley put in Gus.

Losman sucks put in holcomb.

Any new QB is horrible.....put in an old backup. That's better.:shakeno:
inFINSible said:
I'm almost positive that if there were a lineman rated high enough to take with the second pick, we wouldn't have Ronnie Brown on this team.

Almost positive...because according to BlueFin, if that lineman hadn't played against Saban in college, he wouldn't be on this team. :D

Look, I know you don't agree with it, and I'm not trying to rehash all this, but I think the proof is in the pudding.

Three out of the four first picks were SEC players(same conference Saban coached in), they were players he knew very well. If you listen to Sabans own comments its clear his high pciks were used on players he was comfortable with. I think Saban did have a built in advantage in this draft and he used it. He not only played against Iowa and Matt Roth, but Ferentz is a very close friend and associate of Saban's, I'm sure Nick got a very detailed rundown on Matt Roth that maybe a lot of other teams didn't get if you know what I mean.

There just wasn't a lineman in any conference worth the second pick in this draft.
Feeley is a question mark.Can he improve? Who knows ? I presonally think he can't but it all remains to be seen.

What the point of defendig Feeley or Bashing Feeley this early? I think we should wait for at least some camp reports.
Your preaching to the chior on that one about AJ!

But I think your in for a long season with Losman, I like Holcomb better then him!
don't worry, if Holcomb does better at camp, he'll start. I trust Mularkey knows how to bring out the best in his qb's.
Justasportsfan said:
don't worry, if Holcomb does better at camp, he'll start. I trust Mularkey knows how to bring out the best in his qb's.

Riiiight. He got the absolute best out of Bledsoe ..
Keep trustin "Mularky" :spit:
FiN.in.RI said:
Riiiight. He got the absolute best out of Bledsoe :lol:..
Keep trustin "Mularky" :spit:
Exactly. Drew went from the worst qb in the league a year ago to mediocre. That's all he could get out of Drew.
I'm almost certain he could turn AJ into a mediocre qb too.
islandah said:
Agreed. My point is that at some point AJ can't hide behind the excuse of how bad things were last year, because those arguments apply to others as well, and I'm not seeing any "Give Minor another chance" threads.

Oh I agree, and I think you make a very good point, one of the things that drove me mad in the last five years was how some fans blamed everything but Jay Fiedler for our lack of an effective, consistent passing game, and at the same time wanted to credit him with this good won'loss record which I felt was primarily built upon having a top defense.
islandah said:
So Lamar Gordon should be really p o'd that we took a RB without giving him a fair shot.

You notice Saban didn't draft QB. Maybe, just maybe, Saban knows more about the talent on this team then we do...what do ya think? I think If there had been a QB with the talent equivalent to Browns, we would have drafted a QB instead of a RB. But my opinion is Brown was the most complete player at the #2 spot giving us a very versitile back. I doubt Gordon took it personally. But if he did then he'll have to come to camp and win the spot as the starter, thats all. Works for me. Talent and deep with talent it will make us a better team. I'll take that over tossing players aside just because some of us don't like them. Wouldn't you?
If Greene were available in the third when we picked, I wonder if he would have been chosen over Crowder?
NYinBostonFin said:
Spoken like a true old timer....

No to Feeley put in Gus.

Losman sucks put in holcomb.

Any new QB is horrible.....put in an old backup. That's better.:shakeno:

Nope, I started a post here after the season to sign Holcomb, I always liked him! And I never said no to Feeley, I do not have faith in him and think Gus will beat him out. But I have always said I hope he proves me wrong because it would be better for the Fins!

So much for that post!:shakeno:
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