Judging Feeley and our offensive for last years performance is absurd…at this point | Page 8 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Judging Feeley and our offensive for last years performance is absurd…at this point

inFINSible said:
If he was a better option than Aaron Rodgers, Charley Frye, Andrew Walter, Adrian McPherson, etc. Then he must be worth something that you haven't seen.

I mean, many many people thought Rodgers was going number 1 overall, so how can you say that Rodgers wasn't a better option and still doubt AJ?

Because I trust Saban's judgement. He was obviously open to an upgrade if he felt one was there, and he apparently thought Smith was one. Rodgers et al would apparently be basically the same as what we already have: an unproven player with more risk/cost than potential benefit. This year's draft was light on qb talent - that doesn't make AJ great, just limited the opportunity to upgrade.
SCall13 said:
I'm willing to give the guy a chance. And as I have said before, I will be the first in line to eat crow if I am proven wrong. I don't just bark out "AJ SUCKS". When I post something about him I try to add facts to what I say, or at least educated guesses or theories.
What? You mean like ..."This comment makes me want to puke."??
islandah said:
Because I trust Saban's judgement. He was obviously open to an upgrade if he felt one was there, and he apparently thought Smith was one. Rodgers et al would apparently be basically the same as what we already have: an unproven player with more risk/cost than potential benefit. This year's draft was light on qb talent - that doesn't make AJ great, just limited the opportunity to upgrade.

I think he was open to a QB, and I think Boomer was on the money when he said Saban had his eye on Greene, But then the Seahawks grabbed him a little earlier. So he went with the BPA in his eyes. But only Saban knows!
SCall13 said:
LMAO @ Nostradamus.
By the way, Nostradamus foretold the future, not the past. :D

Yeah....my reference to

SCall13 said:
Feeley won't step up. He is what he is: a backup at best. We essentially gave up a late 1st rounder for a guy who is scared in the pocket, lacks accuracy, can't read a defense, makes poor decisions and uses his dump off man more than anyone I have ever seen. People say he improved. I didn't see any vast improvement. I saw him getting lucky. He had as many INTs dropped in his last few games as he threw in the games prior. People are DESPERATE for Feeley to be good. So desperate that they look past his numerous and obvious flaws and REACH for anything positive about him - and then make it sound better than it is. Feeley doesn't have much upside. Everyone raves about his arm. His arm is not THAT great and even if it were, a rocket arm doesn't make you a good QB. Ryan Leaf threw the ball harder than Manning. Look how that turned out.
At least half the people on here hated Fiedler and will accept ANYONE in his stead. Then there is another fraction of people who just don't seem to get it or they just don't know what they are talking about. The rest are just extremely hopeful that a QB with very average skills turns into another Tom Brady. To all of you I say, DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH.

You are right, these heated discussions are fun.

Well, I hope Feeley can learn the playbook THIS year....

The playcalling WAS quite predictable, however if my memory serves me true, the trick plays came under Bates.
islandah said:
Because I trust Saban's judgement. He was obviously open to an upgrade if he felt one was there, and he apparently thought Smith was one. Rodgers et al would apparently be basically the same as what we already have: an unproven player with more risk/cost than potential benefit. This year's draft was light on qb talent - that doesn't make AJ great, just limited the opportunity to upgrade.

If Saban thinks that AJ is better than Rodgers, a first round draft pick, and the only QB that could have been better went number 1 over-all, then I'm just going to be happy with the QB that we have. That's not a bad endorsement at all.
When you get a clue, you can talk with me! And when you figure out your not playing electric football, you can talk with me.

Regarding the Jills site, when they make a good point, I agree, unlike what you say (your hate ruling your brian) because they are Bills fans.

And you are the one that bashes everyone and anyone on this site and others!

So Grow up! :shakeno:

Nobody asked you to agree with me, but if you can't agree to disagree, who is acting like the 16 year-old????

My 12 year old daughter knows more about football then you, You place all the blame on AJ and your telling me to get a clue....OK! I don't bash the Bill fans But I will defend my team when they are being bashed, unlike you and your " oh please... let me be on your Bills site" You agree just to get on the good side of their fans. Ive read enough of your crap over there.

Agree with you?!?!?!?! Write something, anything that has the least bit to do with football and maybe I will. You have no football knowledge from what I've read. But you write like you do. STOP WRITTING!!!!! Until you learn how to read.
inFINSible said:
What? You mean like ..."This comment makes me want to puke."??

This has nothing to do with my Feelings or opinions about Feeley. Comparing Feeley in ANY way to Marino is nauseating.
svnrdr said:
Yeah....my reference to

You are right, these heated discussions are fun.

Well, I hope Feeley can learn the playbook THIS year....

The playcalling WAS quite predictable, however if my memory serves me true, the trick plays came under Bates.

Ahhh you are right, the trick plays came under Bates - the same guy that Feeley played almost all of his games under.
SCall13 said:
This has nothing to do with my Feelings or opinions about Feeley. Comparing Feeley in ANY way to Marino is nauseating.
Nauseating but, accurate.
inFINSible said:
Nor did I say it was.

What is the point of saying a player sucks, over and over again, if that player is not going anywhere no matter how many times you say it?

Wouldn't it be better to hope that player improves? That is what I mean by support. But you knew that.

No doubt some people take it to far.

The way I see it, I was hoping for a young prospect as a backup plan should AJ not prove himself a bonafide starter, but I've said all along he deserves a shot to win the starting job here.

All we added was Brock Berlin, so much for what I wanted, I have now accepted that we have what we have for this year, I hope AJ tears it up and we don't have to use a high pick on a QB in the future.

But, some people also take it too far in their blind support for a player that is mediocre(not referring to AJ here), A lot of Dolphin fans failed to objectively see the flaws in Jay Fiedler year after year.

But I agree with your point on AJ, for me though, he is going have to prove something to me this year or I don't want to see him under center in 2006.
feelthepain said:
My 12 year old daughter knows more about football then you, You place all the blame on AJ and your telling me to get a clue....OK! I don't bash the Bill fans But I will defend my team when they are being bashed, unlike you and your " oh please... let me be on your Bills site" You agree just to get on the good side of their fans. Ive read enough of your crap over there.

Agree with you?!?!?!?! Write something, anything that has the least bit to do with football and maybe I will. You have no football knowledge from what I've read. But you write like you do. STOP WRITTING!!!!! Until you learn how to read.

When you stop acting like your daughters age, maybe we can talk! If I Fan makes a good point on another site, and I agree with it I will. Again nobody is asking your 1 track mind to agree with me! If you can't talk about things without getting all defensive, then maybe your the one who should stop writing! :wink:
inFINSible said:
If Saban thinks that AJ is better than Rodgers, a first round draft pick, and the only QB that could have been better went number 1 over-all, then I'm just going to be happy with the QB that we have. That's not a bad endorsement at all.

Here's hoping we're all happy with him by the end of the season.

You seem to like an intelligent debate, InFins, so I'm curious. Don't all these arguments apply to the running backs as well, and therefore couldn't you make the argument that drafting Brown was an unnecessary expense, given that our running backs might just be able to prove themselves as you hope that AJ will?
feelthepain said:
My 12 year old daughter knows more about football then you, You place all the blame on AJ and your telling me to get a clue....OK! I don't bash the Bill fans But I will defend my team when they are being bashed, unlike you and your " oh please... let me be on your Bills site" You agree just to get on the good side of their fans. Ive read enough of your crap over there.

Agree with you?!?!?!?! Write something, anything that has the least bit to do with football and maybe I will. You have no football knowledge from what I've read. But you write like you do. STOP WRITTING!!!!! Until you learn how to read.
This goes back to what I said earlier in this thread. Hang out or talk smack with rival fans and they are going to point out every single flaw of every single player on your team. Listen to it enough and you'll start believing it yourself.

It's like Stockholm Syndrome.
inFINSible said:
Nauseating but, accurate.

LMAO!! If you say so. There is NO accuracy to that statement. Marino had the quickest release in the history of the league. We need to make a poll on this.
If you really feel this way, you are the biggest AJ hugger on this board. Do you know how many people are laughing at you about this?
islandah said:
Here's hoping we're all happy with him by the end of the season.

You seem to like an intelligent debate, InFins, so I'm curious. Don't all these arguments apply to the running backs as well, and therefore couldn't you make the argument that drafting Brown was an unnecessary expense, given that our running backs might just be able to prove themselves as you hope that AJ will?

I saw you say that earlier and I was hoping I wouldn't have to answer it but, after thinking on it for a minute, if we followed that logic we'd never draft anyone. :wink:

You gotta make a choice and being that part of the QB's success relies on the o-line AND the running game, I would say that getting a RB who almost guarantees an upgrade to the position, would be the priority.
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