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Junior partying all night!

Originally posted by FFiB

I love the place...at least something good comes out of Buffalo.

Rochester! Rochester! Can you read? ......:D :jk:

Look guys, Miami is turning into another New Orleans. Players tend to get distracted with the night life.

Hell I was supposed to be a priest until I went to So. Beach. Manggooooooo.

Oye Mammy. Te quiero. :D
Originally posted by justafan

Rochester! Rochester! Can you read? ......:D :jk:

Look guys, Miami is turning into another New Orleans. Players tend to get distracted with the night life.

Hell I was supposed to be a priest until I went to So. Beach. Manggooooooo.

Oye Mammy. Te quiero. :D
lol, I hate that commercial:lol:
If it is a true story perhaps the Dolphins might want to make a statment to the rest of the team and cut Seau's a$$ today and have it come right from the top of the orginization, it would be a wake up call to the rest of the team for this year and years to come, you either act like a profesional or dont bother playing for the Miami Dolphins! I listen to a lot of people talk about the trappings of playing in Miami and while I am sure there is but the football seaon is really only 6 or 7 months long and I cant speak for everone but pay me that kind of money for a season and I would give 100% commitment to the team and wait for the off season to party it up.
Originally posted by Fiedler for MVP
i dont buy into all the "nightlife trapping" stuff...ybor city in tampa is freaking insane
yes it is..that place is more like N'awlins then Miami. Still, nightlife trapping" is true....Miami has the best clubs in the country
Originally posted by Fiedler for MVP
i dont buy into all the "nightlife trapping" stuff...ybor city in tampa is freaking insane

I'll give you that. Well that may be tha case why tampa sucks this year. They've been partying@ ybor all year.
Originally posted by A.J. Fin
Junior was brought in to provide leadership. His contribution last night...a whopping THREE tackles and a critical bonehead Roughing the Passer penalty that cost us huge!

Who was the Miami player that looked like he was going to kill Seau after the roughing the passer call? I think it was one of the defensive lineman, but I'm not sure.
Originally posted by CirclingWagons
yes it is..that place is more like N'awlins then Miami. Still, nightlife trapping" is true....Miami has the best clubs in the country

Wagon, are you kidding? Ever hear of Las Vegas or freakin NEW YORK?

Miami clubs suck IMO.
Re: Re: Junior partying all night!

Originally posted by TKO

Who was the Miami player that looked like he was going to kill Seau after the roughing the passer call? I think it was one of the defensive lineman, but I'm not sure.

Originally posted by A.J. Fin

Muck, excellent point. Back in the Dolphins glory days of the 70's, the city of Miami was much less of a party town than it is today.
Many people firmly believe that the reason why New Orleans has never gone far is because there is just too much distractions in that city, too much temptation.
I hope that the Fins' long stretch of not making it over the top is not directly linked to the citys social growth. But it is a distinct possibility.

i think this is exactly why the dolphins can never pull it out at the end of the year.. not only are there social distractions in Miami (especially for very wealthy football players), but i think the weather plays a great deal into it as well.. its kind of sad to say though, because what can you do about it?
the only thing you can do is get a head coach thats a nazi or move the team to belle glade.
Great posts. Seau blew it last night. And with O-Gun looking like her wanted to kill Junior, you have to wonder how much the other players are really respecting him or looking up to him anymore.
Maybe the other players are aware of his not-so-focued efforts these days.
He might be part of the house cleaning this Spring.
Sounds like bull**** to me.

Let's see..the game ended around midnight, if he did go out he probably gets there around 1 or 1:30..

eh..sounds fishy is all.

I'd be out drinking to if I knew our playoffs are bye bye now.
I thought the players stay at a team hotel the night before the game. If so he couldn't have been out the night before. I know someone who works for the Traitors and they stay at a hotel in Alameda the night before. I can understand why for their sake. Maybe since it was a Monday night game they didn't.
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