Lakers Rally Thread. HATERS WELCOME | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Lakers Rally Thread. HATERS WELCOME

I just don't understand why Karl can't have the Nuggets better prepared on inbound plays. Sure, the defense of the Lakers has something to do with those problems but IMO the problems run much deeper......
Amars, only a matter of time until I showed up :)

Been a great series, good win for the Lakers last night. Lakers in 5 :)
Kenyon Martin has to be the dumbest player in the NBA. He makes horrible decisions, takes stupid shots, throws the ball away. The Nuggets could be up 3-0 but they just don't know how to close games out.
Either team could be up 3-0. Its been down to the last 2 min of every game. Coaching is a huge factor in this series.
Kenyon Martin has to be the dumbest player in the NBA. He makes horrible decisions, takes stupid shots, throws the ball away.

I'm no Kenyon lover but in his defense, I think that coaching had a lot to do with the inbound play. It has happened too many times during this series. Kenyon has never been a great offensive player to me. He's great defensively but don't count on him to give you much scoring.

When Martin was a free agent, I was hoping that the Nuggets would have made a stronger effort to get Carlos Boozer, who was also a free agent during the same time frame. Now, I'm not a big fan of Boozer either but when you look at what it took Utah to get him signed, I would take him in a heartbeat. I think that Boozer's deal was about $64 million. K-Mart got $92 million which has been one of the worst contracts in at least Nuggets history if not the history of the NBA.

The Nuggets could be up 3-0 but they just don't know how to close games out.

Again, I think that coaching has a lot to do with that.....
You Got Your Manhood Back Mr. Coach Karl!


The lakers can not out score the Nuggets.
They dont have any effort for rebounds, Odom is as lazy as they come.
Not lookin to good for the lake show
Not lookin to good for the lake show

Boy, do I hope that you are right! :D

I think the Lakers are tired. These two games in Denver took a lot out of them. Denver needs to send the scouts ahead and hide that recuperating fountain out in LA..... :chuckle:
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