Looks like Mark Sanchez is in some hot legal water | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Looks like Mark Sanchez is in some hot legal water

Don't be mad because your vagina headed QB can't get laid.

First, he's married and I believe that unlike some lapband-bursting blowhards, both he and wife honor their wedding vows of fidelity. But otherwise, sure he can.. but he's just not desperate enough to plunge any or all of that skank Michelle Ryan's 3 openings while letting Rex suck his toes.
I'm pretty sure that isn't the girl.

That makes me feel better. NFL player or not, Sanchez is one goofy looking dude. He shouldn't be getting with girls that hot. Of course, being a millionaire pretty much negates the attractiveness barrier when dating...
It doesn't sound like he did anything illegal but I think he should check IDs before his next fling.
Nothing was legally wrong of what Sanchez did. But it is extremely bad PR. On another note, this is nowhere near what Rothlisberger did. Forcefully raping someone is not the same as consenting 17 year olds. I mean shame on Sanchez for what he did, he should know better but there is no way he's getting into legal trouble.
Young millionaire QB hooks up with hot blonde at a nightclub. Shocking revelation from Deadspin.

If anything that story was about how the girl is a moron for thinking AJ would defy his scumbag nature and not put it up on his site after she talked to him.
Jets QB Sanchez dating a girl in high school

Can't post link from cell phone but it's on fox news if you google his name. Atleast Henne isn't chasing all the girls at St. Thomas lolol!
she's a smoke and mirror beard: his commercial handlers want the public's perception of him more focused on just-beyond jail bait than on Lance Bass's butthole.
What the hell is a 17 year old doing at a hip NY night club partying? While I think Sanchez is a douchbag, he probably didn't know she was only 17.
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