Merged 3x: Semi-Official Disappointed with Culpepper Thread | Page 12 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged 3x: Semi-Official Disappointed with Culpepper Thread

Hostile 17 said:
Nice speech, real flowery, like a chick. But the only thing that's "owned" around here, "homey", is the Dolphions future for the next 3 or 4 seasons. And the only door getting slammed is not the one on my a**, but the one on you and (now) your franchise's future.

No more for me. Saban just put the nail in the coffin of my lifelong love of this team. All my Fins merch is going into a box. Time for either a new team or to just give up on the NFL altogether. It really is a shame...

I will be noting, however, as the season goes on just how funny this team looks with that imbecile running around the backfield and fumbling left and right. Should be good for a few laughs. I'll just imagine how the rest of you will still be here, making excuses for this dolt when he takes a full 5 seconds on every play, trying to figure out any coverages which aren't deep patterns.

:sidelol: :boohoo: :tantrum: :mad:
First off...WTF are you still doing here? You're not a Finfan anymore , go away! Does that sound like a "chick" bit*h?
I hope Pepper has a 4000+ yard season and 40 TD's just so you can cry and beg your way back on here!:fire:
Hostile 17 said:
Nice speech, real flowery, like a chick. But the only thing that's "owned" around here, "homey", is the Dolphions future for the next 3 or 4 seasons. And the only door getting slammed is not the one on my a**, but the one on you and (now) your franchise's future.

No more for me. Saban just put the nail in the coffin of my lifelong love of this team. All my Fins merch is going into a box. Time for either a new team or to just give up on the NFL altogether. It really is a shame...

I will be noting, however, as the season goes on just how funny this team looks with that imbecile running around the backfield and fumbling left and right. Should be good for a few laughs. I'll just imagine how the rest of you will still be here, making excuses for this dolt when he takes a full 5 seconds on every play, trying to figure out any coverages which aren't deep patterns.

:sidelol: :boohoo: :tantrum: :mad:
If you're going to leave the team, just leave already. Brees was my first choice too, but that doesn't mean I complain and quit like a 5-year-old on a Little League team. I look forward to seeing what Culpepper can do here. There are people with legitimate concerns, so please just leave and give the real fans room to discuss this.
Some posters on here are just absolutely pathetic. It's not even about the team getting better - it's just about their choice being the only choice. These guys who are crying their little eyes out about not getting Brees could care less about the state of the franchise, because if they did they'd realize we got one of the two franchise QB's available........chose between QB 1a and QB can you find room to complain? It would be different if we lost out on one of them and had to settle for John Kitna.

Seriously, get over the egos!!!!! If you can't see that we're better regardless of who was going to be QB'ing for us between DC and DB, then you are not a very intelligent football fan and care only about satisfying yourself and your opinion.
First off...WTF are you still doing here? You're not a Finfan anymore , go away!

If you're going to leave the team, just leave already.

Aww, wassa matter, little nancys afraid of the big bad man?

How about reading the title of the thread, skippy? I put in my time for this team for nearly three decades. If I want to blast it on the way out the door for this franchise-killing move, I'll have that prerogative. Wimper away.
Hostile 17 said:
Aww, wassa matter, little nancys afraid of the big bad man?

How about reading the title of the thread, skippy? I put in my time for this team for nearly three decades. If I want to blast it on the way out the door for this franchise-killing move, I'll have that prerogative. Wimper away.

I can't believe that someone doing as much whining and simpering as you is calling someone else a nancy.

Just go already. Or keep calling people names so that the decision whether or not to go is taken from you.
Hostile 17 said:
Aww, wassa matter, little nancys afraid of the big bad man?

How about reading the title of the thread, skippy? I put in my time for this team for nearly three decades. If I want to blast it on the way out the door for this franchise-killing move, I'll have that prerogative. Wimper away.
You'll fit in perfectly on the Steelers or Jets bandwagon. Most of them are illiterate to. I hope you have a miserable life rooting for Chad Robo-pennington!:cooldude:
Send me a plane ticket and your address and I promise I'll show you "little nancy"! You want to get personal so be it, it wouldn't take much to arrange it if you were really serious. :)
yah and all of you "fans" that say that DC is a bigger health risk are full of crap, a knee injury isnt half as bad as a shoulder...

last time i checked you dont throw with your knee
(and if that true then the bengals should drom carson palmer immediatly without thinking)
nopony said:
I can't believe that someone doing as much whining and simpering as you is calling someone else a nancy.

Just go already. Or keep calling people names so that the decision whether or not to go is taken from you.
Ah, look, it's my personal pet on FH. The one who follows my posts everywhere. I wondered how many minutes would go by before you leaped to reply to me. I own you like no ones ever been owned before, little pony.
PhinsPhan said:
I have never liked him.

But besides that he won't even be able to play until mid season. That and we gave a 2nd rounder to get him.

Was Brees really that badly hurt, wouldnt it be better to just give him an extra million and save a 2nd rounder?

Wow, we get the best QB we have had since Marino and your complaining. :shakeno:
dolphindude13 said:
Send me a plane ticket and your address and I promise I'll show you "little nancy"! You want to get personal so be it, it wouldn't take much to arrange it if you were really serious. :)
Woooah, a tough guy! Now I'm quakin! I'll bet you're the meanest junk yard dog in the pen. pfffft...

Don't worry my little friend, I'm sure you'll be there to cheer like it's the Special Olympics when your new buddy runs around in circles on his gimpy leg, then gets crushed under a fiercesome pass rush.

If I'm on the Fins schedule next year, my plan is simple: blitz on every down. Let numbskull make a quick read. Unless you have the Vikes o-line from two or three years ago, when your boy had an eternity in the pocket on every throw, you're going to be in for a rude awakening.

But then most numbskulls are, when reality finally hits.
dolphindude13 said:
You'll fit in perfectly on the Steelers or Jets bandwagon. Most of them are illiterate to. I hope you have a miserable life rooting for Chad Robo-pennington!:cooldude:
Illiterate? At least I know how to read the title of a thread. You don't see me going to your "How to Perform Analingus on Daunte Culpepper" thread and posting there, do you?

And better watch that Jets smack, son. If they get the guy we should have had this offseason, Jay Cutler, you'd better hope Eric Mangini isn't the real thing. The Jests, along with the Patsies and Jills, will be owning you for many years to come.
Hostile 17 said:
Ah, look, it's my personal pet on FH. The one who follows my posts everywhere. I wondered how many minutes would go by before you leaped to reply to me. I own you like no ones ever been owned before, little pony.


Good grief. Don't you have anything better to do?

Just run along, will you?
Hostile 17 said:
Illiterate? At least I know how to read the title of a thread. You don't see me going to your "How to Perform Analingus on Daunte Culpepper" thread and posting there, do you?

And better watch that Jets smack, son. If they get the guy we should have had this offseason, Jay Cutler, you'd better hope Eric Mangini isn't the real thing. The Jests, along with the Patsies and Jills, will be owning you for many years to come.

Yeah, right, we should have gotten Jay Cutler, the player, the QB who our division rivals the Jets were eyeing off in a much better place in the draft than we were.

If the Jets wanted Cutler and wanted to get him before us there was nothing, NOTHING that we could do about it, they had more leverage and more things to offer.

We got the best possible deal we could in our situation, we got a 40 td 10 pick QB who did most of that without his star receiver in Randy Moss who was basically injured for most of the season except in the red zone against 5'8 CB's.

If you truly are not a fan anymore you would have moved on, but I garauntee you will sign up again 9 months down the track when we are 8-2 and Culpepper is lighting up the AFC East, you'll also do it under a different name because you have definitely burnt bridges and created a base for embarassment next time you come on here.
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