MERGED: Breaking News: Ricky Williams Retires | Page 21 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Breaking News: Ricky Williams Retires

Shamrock said:
David Boston and some nobody for a QB. An old LB who's slower than a 3 legged dog. An injured OT who won't contribute little this year, and when he does, he'll show you Flipper fans a new meaning for "false starts."

The Bolts have some more scrubs they'll sell you.

But not Tomlinson. Not for any price.

Flipper fans are just pizzed that Ganja Boy did this after they could have bid on Eddie George.

Take heart Flipper fans, you're only the third rudest and most obnoxious fans in the NFL. Denver and the Cheeseheads have you beat.




Shouldn't this place be renamed "Flipperhell" ?????

I don't think we'd even attempt to make a trade for Tomlinson. It would cost us at least multiple 1st rounders, in addition to multiple 2nd rounders on top of other would have to be an offer that our FO would put together of "biblical proportions" to get him away from your GM.....Tomlinson is the bona-fide #1 all-purpose offensive threat in the'd be the same as trying to pry away Peyton Manning, or Ray Lewis away from their respective teams....and Tomlinson is younger than either one of them and in the middle of his contract with SD. I've got alot of respect for that GM of yours after he raped the Giants on draft day....I'd hate to see our FO sit down and try to play poker with your new FO....especially in these desperate times.

We'll pick up somebody, nobody of Tomlinson's ilk though....that was crazy talk.
His Timing Sucks......why Didnt He Say This Months Ago?.....
.something Dont Make Sense....somebody,,or Better Yet,something,must Be Clouding His Judgememt....dolphin Land Continues To Get More And More Frustrating!
I go to the beach for a week and comeback to this news? I shoulda just stayed down there another week w/out TV, Internet, and all that just so I wouldn't have had to hear this news. I guess my Ricky jersey is now a throw-back.
As a Bills fan, I honestly feel really badly for you guys, but as a human being I also worry a bit about Ricky's state of mental health here--he always was a bit of a free spirit, but this is a bit extreme even for him. God Bless and may he find the happiness he's looking for and that he believed he couldn't find in the Nfl....
This is so bad for the dolphins, so you lost your offense, are depending on a 3rd string QB, a headcase of a reciever, a o-line that hasnt been together, and a wife-beating TE. Ouch.

hey hey hey hey lets go buffalo! ricky is off to asia to get high :roflmao: the only hope for my miami is gone...must stink but as a bills fan i gotta love it. the superbowl isnt coming with no offense. bring back marino at this point and shula. fins will win no more than 4 games next year. i will laugh as they get crushed by the bills. oh and if u think that can win without a running back like the patriots then your stupid because u dont have a qb or a coach that will take u anywhere. i used to be a fins fan but its all down hill from here.
bbills said:
hey hey hey hey lets go buffalo! ricky is off to asia to get high :roflmao: the only hope for my miami is gone...must stink but as a bills fan i gotta love it. the superbowl isnt coming with no offense. bring back marino at this point and shula. fins will win no more than 4 games next year. i will laugh as they get crushed by the bills. oh and if u think that can win without a running back like the patriots then your stupid because u dont have a qb or a coach that will take u anywhere. i used to be a fins fan but its all down hill from here.

ROFL i love the people that change teams, there is a real fan, what a loser.

Maybe since RW quite I should cheer for someone else, a real fan gets angry at these things, however, we still stick by our team.
The fins may suck but the Buffalo Bills are certainly not going to win anything spectacular in 2004 either. Drew Bledsoe is not a winner it's that simple.
My mom and her two other kids were visiting from a china. I haven't seen my grandma in months. After a nice family dinner at Azteca I come home and I check an message on my answering machine and it said, "he he, did you hear news about ricky?" and that was it. I went over to check the e-mail, go to, and there it was "ricky Williams is retiring at the age of 27." I just collapsed in front of my desk screaming, "noooo, nooo, nooo" and every other cuss word in the book. I couldn't control my disapointment. I was crushed. What horrible horrible horrible news. It would of been better if he had a career ending injury. He just up and gave up and quit on his teams, and his fans and everyone. I still can't believe it. Couldn't he have come to this decision in Feb.? Or at least wait till the end of the season? I know it would of been hard on him, but that is something a man does. Heck, most things what makes a man is doing something that he doesn't want to do. Well at least from what I read there isn't a cap hit because of the retirement.

Well I am officially bummed about the upcoming season. I am totally off the bandwagon. This is the worst offseason ever.
Hey fins fans-
I'm a Chargers fan and I just wanted to come on over and offer my condolences. I gotta say that the Bills fans are being jerks (only Yankees fans deserve grief like this). Seriously, I know this has gotta hurt and I feel for you guys. You had a real decent team that could have made a run until he screwed you over. Best of luck for recovering and trying to salvage this season. And hey, next year's draft should have some solid RBs and QBs for you guys.
They are our sworn arch enemies. Its like Batman vs. The Joker. Dont even try to tell me if Travis Henry all of a sudden retired the bills boards would not be flooded with fin fans. Its all in good fun, and it is, now this may come as a is just a game.
Hey, New England was freaked out :fire: when Milloy was let go. The New England boards were a mess with fan jumping ship. Look what happenned.

The coaching staff need to get this behind them and come up with a plan. They have some more cap room and an entire training camp to pull this off. :cooldude:

The fins can either pull a Detroit when Barry left and tank the season, or pull together and play like NE last season.

Don't give up the ship....
Flan said:
Hey, New England was freaked out :fire: when Milloy was let go. The New England boards were a mess with fan jumping ship. Look what happenned.

The coaching staff need to get this behind them and come up with a plan. They have some more cap room and an entire training camp to pull this off. :cooldude:

The fins can either pull a Detroit when Barry left and tank the season, or pull together and play like NE last season.

Don't give up the ship....
no way those two r even close in comparisson. Milloy wasnt even the best DB on the team(arguably). Ricky on the other hand was our offence.
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