Merged: Frerotte Likely Gone/Looks Like Carter Is Staying | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Frerotte Likely Gone/Looks Like Carter Is Staying

I started a thread earlier about who I think our Qb would be. I believe now that because of the CBA mess we wont be able to sign Brees (and I really liked the idea of getting him by the way). So our next option will be Ramsey. I believe that he will be brought here to compete with Lemon for our starting Qb position. Remember Sage is a FA, and the latest word aroung here is that Frerotte will be a cap casualty. So the way I see it is that we will draft a Qb, but i dont think in the first few rounds. And make the rook our 3rd string qb.
PhinsPhan said:
I have no idea how we got so lucky to get a guy like Carter last year. Great leader in the locker room, great player on the field and to top it off he is a great guy in general.

I am neither suprised nor disappointed about the news on Gus though.

do you have a clue on how it happened? i wasn't a member last year so i dindt know about any rumors or anything. how did we actually have an interest in him? do you know? thanks
Mawae had the same injury that strahan and seau had 2 seasons ago this year and they recoverd fine from it. So im cool with the injury but yea im not willing to pay top dollar for him. Im not sure what to think of cuting Gus. I would like to keep him as security incase whoever we get (BREES) gets hurt (not saying he will).
You ever notice we are interested in everybody? Saban is playing people for fools. I think gus will be gone though, too much money coming to him and this whole CBS deal is making Saban clean house.
Wallace758 said:
not that i didnt like gus but he had to go...he wasnt our qb of the future...and to me this only helps us become better...and signals two things
1.Saban knows there's a qb who will be available
2. That player will be significantly better than Gus

I like the idea of Mawae as well...he could help this team immensely...he may be old but he's still a top center in this league

Great News in a bad time...

I'm glad that Gus appears to be gone, and like you feel that Saban already has a plan for a replacement...but in regards to Madison, Jones, Diamond, etc being released already, my guess is that these moves were planned and would have happened even if a CBA had been agreed on sooner....I read that the players released are still able to be recalled from waivers by the teams because of the extension in the talks, but just don't see those guys back unless it is at a substantially lower cost against the cap...
finfan54 said:
You ever notice we are interested in everybody?
Not quite everyone. I mean, that Fiedler guy, whoever he is, doesn't get mentioned much as a possible free agent pickup.
PHINSfan said:
I started a thread earlier about who I think our Qb would be. I believe now that because of the CBA mess we wont be able to sign Brees (and I really liked the idea of getting him by the way). So our next option will be Ramsey. I believe that he will be brought here to compete with Lemon for our starting Qb position. Remember Sage is a FA, and the latest word aroung here is that Frerotte will be a cap casualty. So the way I see it is that we will draft a Qb, but i dont think in the first few rounds. And make the rook our 3rd string qb.

Ramsey is not an option. The Fins have already gone on record that he is only a backup.
LarryFinFan said:
....I read that the players released are still able to be recalled from waivers by the teams because of the extension in the talks, but just don't see those guys back unless it is at a substantially lower cost against the cap...

That only pertains to players who were released on Thursday because they never officially cleared waivers yet. The players who were released on Wed. (our players) will stay on waivers. Adam Schefter gave a clear explanation of it on NFL Access last night.
SR 7 said:
do you have a clue on how it happened? i wasn't a member last year so i dindt know about any rumors or anything. how did we actually have an interest in him? do you know? thanks

I believe it happened when Saban decided he needed some servicable veteran leadership on the field, and in the locker room. He signed Carter, Holiday and Traylor for that very purpose.
RAMSEY could NOT come in and start THIS year ... point blank !!

That doesn't mean that he isn't being looked at as a potential starter in '07 ... we wouldn't even consider signing him if it were purely to be a back-up ... and NOR would he sign with us ...
We are looking at MAWAE ... because we NEED a CENTER like him ... its been the missing link on our line for over a DECADE !! [Since STEPHENSON]

We won't pay top dollar for him ...

1- because of his injury

2- because of his age

3- he is a good, cheaper option to BENTLEY

BOTTOM LINE ... HE KNOWS THE JETS AREN"T GOING ANYWHERE - ANYTIME SOON -- so he'll want to sign with a team that will give him a chance to go to the playoffs ... may not mean the PHINS ... but it surely means NO to the JETS !!! SO, either way - we win .....
Gus did a poor job completling passes on the feild. Marvin Demoff said it's clear the franchise is trying to find a new starter.

And now His agent has no clue. Cut Gus for being dumb and fire his agent being dumber :sidelol:
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