MERGED: Miami Could Miss Out on Culpepper, Brees | If we miss out | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Miami Could Miss Out on Culpepper, Brees | If we miss out

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havanahec said:
How do you know he isnt part of the trade?

good point, but I would assume this based on what I heard previously about Linehan getting Pepper for cheap and then shipping Bulger.
Pretty soon we are going to hear the Dolphins are talking with Jay Fiedler to be the next QB. :tantrum:
PhinsPhan said:
is this a rhetorical question?

If that is the case how is Culpeppers knee?

If not, I am sure his shoulder will be good enough by TC.

It's not a rhetorical question, and I would ask that about Pepper's knee and Drew's shoulder as well. I saw what Bulger did. It was among the dumbest plays of last season, and I fear he screwed his career up good trying to be the hero.
Roman529 said:
Pretty soon we are going to hear the Dolphins are talking with Jay Fiedler to be the next QB. :tantrum:

:boohoo: don't say that. you'll jinx us! LOL
How about this:

Three way trade between Minnesota, St. Louis and Miami.

Miami sends it's third round draft choice to Minnesota. Minnesota ships Culpepper to St. Louis and St. Louis hands over Bulger.

Linehan gets his former QB (DC) and Mueller gets the QB he drafted originally. Phins get a risk-free QB (something I'd feel much more comfortable with).

It won't happen but I can dream can't I?
Jersey54 said:
Brees to NO. He can flush his career down the drain.

I don't think he's that dumb or greedy! I hope not anyway :rolleyes2
chambers84 said:
I still think that Culpepper is coming to Miami and that stupid Vikings Board is all BS. I have been to every newspaper website from St Louis and Minnesota and I have not even come across with on eounce of a suggestion that the Rams are/would trade for Culpepper. ALSO that stupid Vikings board wouldn't know and post it before ESPN,, NFL Network, FOX, etc would anyways.

moss is in oak town he would love to be back wit him yeahhh:D
Jimmy James said:
It's not a rhetorical question, and I would ask that about Pepper's knee and Drew's shoulder as well. I saw what Bulger did. It was among the dumbest plays of last season, and I fear he screwed his career up good trying to be the hero.
Well I think the following:
1) Bulger
2) Brees

3) Culpepper

in terms of how worrying their injuries would be. 1 being least worried.
miamirw said:
How about this:

Three way trade between Minnesota, St. Louis and Miami.

Miami sends it's third round draft choice to Minnesota. Minnesota ships Culpepper to St. Louis and St. Louis hands over Bulger.

Linehan gets his former QB (DC) and Mueller gets the QB he drafted originally. Phins get a risk-free QB (something I'd feel much more comfortable with).

It won't happen but I can dream can't I?

Bulger is far from risk free. If anything I would have more concern for his shoulder then Brees'.
fishfan34 said:
For some reason, i'm not buying the whole New Orleans thing. I think we'd beat out New Orleans regardless of how much more $$ they threw at him.

exactly. did he not say he will go win a championship somewhere else and not in SD if htey dont want NO...a ring? HAHA yea right. i think thats just to take his price tag up thats why his agent said tahts where he is going right now so miami will offer more.
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