Merged: Ricky in India/Ricky Missed Test | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Ricky in India/Ricky Missed Test

CaptainK said:
Local Miami news stations are reporting that Ricky is currently in India. Additionally, at least one station is saying Ricky may have simply failed to show up to take one of the tests which would result in a "failed" drug test.

if this is the case lets track down all those bandwagon jumpers who are now trashing ricky after singing his praises earlier. He could win this senerio on appeal.
byroan said:
Which brings up the point, was Ricky aware of his drug test?

I would think so. I'm sure the NFL gave Ricky a sch when his tests was and that is why I don't know if he can win a appel to it. The NFL prob preach to him that if he doesn't show up for one, that it would count as a failed test and it doesn't matter if he forgot or not.
dolphan117 said:
And if this turns out to be true that is exactly what a very good lawyer will argue at a protest hearing. I just dont know what the precident is for a situation like that. Hasnt this happend to other players in the past? Whatever was decided would give us a good read on what to expect.

The NFL may say they were never notified he was going to be in India. It might be a requirement to notify the NFL. This is all just speculation though.
First of all- I agree that because the NFL or whoever the source is is not telling us what he used we can presume he mistakenly missed the drug test
2nd- How come Denver is the first people to report it, especially if Ricky is in "India"
3rd- If this has indeed happen we would of hear something from the Dolphins, the league, Ricky's representative, or a reliable source like ESPN, or maybe Ricky himself to confirm he is in India by now
Ace88 said:
I would think so. I'm sure the NFL gave Ricky a sch when his tests was and that is why I don't know if he can win a appel to it. The NFL prob preach to him that if he doesn't show up for one, that it would count as a failed test and it doesn't matter if he forgot or not.

could he email it in. :goof:
Ace88 said:
I would think so. I'm sure the NFL gave Ricky a sch when his tests was and that is why I don't know if he can win a appel to it. The NFL prob preach to him that if he doesn't show up for one, that it would count as a failed test and it doesn't matter if he forgot or not.

The NFL also does random drug tests. We don't know if this one was a random drug test or not.
FSF said:
First of all- I agree that because the NFL or whoever the source is is not telling us what he used we can presume he mistakenly missed the drug test
2nd- How come Denver is the first people to report it, especially if Ricky is in "India"
3rd- If this has indeed happen we would of hear something from the Dolphins, the league, Ricky's representative, or a reliable source like ESPN, or maybe Ricky kimself to confirm he is in India
It came from Denver because the local news station was in contact with the NFL trying to get information from them about a possible trade. Somehow, the league slipped them the news.

It was reported in one of the local newspapers.
even if the reason he failed is that he missed the test, this will only lower his tradeability, because it simply brings to the forefront how close ricky is to being out for the season. This was a close call that would make GM's less likely to want to pull the trigger on a trade for ricky i would think.

Also, if it is to be appealed, I wonder if he will be able to get complete immunity, or if the league will suspend him for a game or two as a way of punishing him for missing the test.
305 LoCaL VoCaL said:
mark my words I promise u the violation is not due to marijuana...weed is not addictive :wink:

I don't know about that Im craving it right now!!!!
Nublar7 said:
It came from Denver because the local news station was in contact with the NFL trying to get information from them about a possible trade. Somehow, the league slipped them the news.

It was reported in one of the local newspapers.
Was the possible trade b/w Miami and Denver because if it was'nt then why would the league and the News station talking about it from nowhere
Isn't it funny that we have not heard from this news station since about this report
Why is Ricky failing his Drug Test not on the Nfl front page?????
Adding to the speculation,
If in fact the "failed" test was a "missed" test
being that the substance that got him onto and has kept him on the program was always marijuana
considering the fact that marijuana can be conclusively tested for, weeks after use,
with a proper appeal and appropriate tests proving non-use this situation can have a favorable outcome.
Nublar7 said:
Him not showing up would be the best possible news for him and the Dolphins. He may be able to win his appeal if that is why he failed.

Offseason vacation!
dolphan117 said:
And if this turns out to be true that is exactly what a very good lawyer will argue at a protest hearing. I just dont know what the precident is for a situation like that. Hasnt this happend to other players in the past? Whatever was decided would give us a good read on what to expect.

And how about some unexpected situation where he couldn't make it back from a foreign country? If this is the case, he should easily win the appeal.
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