Merged: Shifting Gears: Croyle, Whitehurst, and...McNeal | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Shifting Gears: Croyle, Whitehurst, and...McNeal

Great Post CK.. I too am VERY high on Brodie Croyle. I saw at least three Alabama games this year to specifially look at him, including the Cotton Bowl. He seems to have alot of poise and control of the pocket. He seems to have a calm about him to just slow eveything down and make the throw. I know there is a knock about his Comp %'s and accuracy, but, from what I saw, both dropped off when Prothro and the other receiver got injured and they had to play the freshman receivers (Many many dropped balls).. Watching him engineer that last driver of the Cotton Bowl really clinched my opinion of him. He was calm and in control.. TT was bringing everything at him and he made his throws and marched them calmly down the field and into FG Range for the game winning FG.. I saw a very good quarterback bascially will his team down the field.. I was sold.. I can certainly see us going either O-Line with Justice or McNeil in the first and then Croyle in the 2nd.. I know everyone things Huff might be around still.. but I think Pat Watkins is not far off of where Huff is Safety wise and can be had in the 3rd round..
CK...good analysis. I think this years overall class of QBs is better than last, by far. Funny thing tho, your analysis of Croyle reminds me of the analysis of Rivers a couple of years for the physical aspects. I'm sure we can come out of this draft with a guy that can be successful and it doesn't have to be in the first round, however it'll surely be day one....
As usual, great job. Given my druthers, and the likely way the draft breaks down, we will probably pick a QB in the second or third round. Of these three who would you pick CK?
Well done... I appreciate the work.

Additional information on Croyle according to Mike Shula....

He is very familiar with the pro offense... it's basically the Norv Turner offense as learned by Mike Shula and run at Alabama.

According to Shula Croyle has the "intangibles" required to succeed at the pro level... he's very smart and has the ability to make the mental adjustment and focus from live gameplay to sideline instruction back to live play. Shula points out "it's as if his heartbeat goes down and he becomes very calm and focused when given instructions in high intensity situations... and then he just goes out there and executes"

In the for what it's worth category.... Cutler gets selected before Leinart
Thanks for the insight. A very interesting read. I forgot all about the game last weekend so your post helped soften the pain of not seeing it. Brodie seems like a winner while Whitehurst seems like he is on another page. I work with a EX Clemson player and he isnt sure Whitehurst will make it in the NFL because of his decision making. I tend to agree.
If we miss out on the Cutler sweepstakes, I'm still a proponent of offering our first for Phillip Rivers. If we do indeed draft a QB in the later rounds, my list goes like this

1) Omar Jacobs
2) Drew Olson
3) Brodie Croyle/Charlie Whitehurst (both are too close to call right now)
Awesome post.
I agree with you that we may be looking at these guys. I for 1 like Croyle. I just don't see us having at shot at the top 3 QB's. Maybe Cutler falls, but he would have to have a pretty bad game and combine.
Pocoloco said:
If we miss out on the Cutler sweepstakes, I'm still a proponent of offering our first for Phillip Rivers. If we do indeed draft a QB in the later rounds, my list goes like this

1) Omar Jacobs
2) Drew Olson
3) Brodie Croyle/Charlie Whitehurst (both are too close to call right now)

Interesting list.
Lazy1 said:
Mcneal if he doesnt change position is a major major project. Even if you were impressed with how he perfomed in the shrine game.... you should'nt have been. A scrambling qb's dream is to have a defense not prepare and have a game plan in stopping you from running wild. I think mcneal is a good prospect, but most likely at a wr position. If he stays at qb he will needs years to be groomed including some years in nfl europe.

i agree. he also had some injuries, didnt he?

all that aside- Great Post! that is some serious research!
Nice analysis CK. Count me in as part of the Whitehurst clan after seeing him yesterday. And Colin pointed out what impressed me the most...

The rangy Whitehurst certainly looks the part of a prototype pro pocket passer. Whitehurst is a long strider who sets up easily in the pocket and has a very smooth throwing motion.

This is especially true after seeing tape of Vince Young and Darryl Hackney. ;)

The main question mark for me is his decision making because physically and mechanically he's where he needs to be. And I'm not sure that can be throughly evaluated at Senior Bowl practices (where coverage is very vanilla) and the combine (where physical attributes are a prority). As a result, I wouldn't be surprised to see him shoot up draft boards come April.
My fear is if Brodie plays well in the Senior Bowl that he will not be there in round two for us. If Cutler goes top ten that is an awfully long time for another team not to take a qb.
I've been impressed with Whitehurst since early in the season when he brought his team back to beat my team...the Maryland Terps. He showed a mature leadership and patience using a balanced attack to grab the momentum of the game and never let go.

He has a history of winning games. "...has a perfect 3-0 record in career overtime games, including wins over Virginia (2003), Wake Forest (2004), and Miami (FL) (2004)."

The knock on him that you will continue to hear from Maylock is "Inconsistency". Mainly, that knock comes from his dip in performance during his junior year. Perhaps, for anyone who cares...there are real team related reasons for his lack of progress that year.

...Whitehurst is coming off a very disappointing junior season in which he completed barely half of his passes, although that can be blamed at least partially on the Clemson line’s poor pass blocking performance. He needs to bounce back and show that his confidence has not been shaken. Whitehurst will also have to adjust to a new offensive scheme in which he will make the pre-snap reads instead of a coach signaling them in from the sideline. (2005)
But, we really need to focus on how the kid played THIS year. He really made some positive strides in a balanced attack and brought his completion percentage up to 67%.

And another plus is the genetic engineering...his father was a QB for the Packers.
Thank you guys for all your praise. Now, to address some of the issues brought up.

Dol-Fan Dupree said:
made me wish I watched the game. Good read as always. Long as always as well .

Well, you know me man. ;)

Lazy1 said:
Mcneal if he doesnt change position is a major major project. Even if you were impressed with how he perfomed in the shrine game.... you should'nt have been. A scrambling qb's dream is to have a defense not prepare and have a game plan in stopping you from running wild...

As I was trying to say in the main post, his converting first downs with his legs did not impress me. What impressed me was A) He always kept his eyes up looking for the pass and only ran when he really had to, B) The passes he threw were accurate rockets with a pretty spiral and great trajectory, C) His ball placement was very good. Over the middle and on the skinny post the ball was placed nice and high where the receiver could stretch for it (and never behind the receiver), on the other stuff it was lower toward the front hip where it needed to be, and of the three deep passes two of them were directly in front of the receiver so he could catch it on the run over his shoulder, and the third was a slight underthrow to where Watkins could go up and make a play in single coverage. Basically McNeal put on a clinic on ball placement. He also put on a clinic on overconfidence in your arm. Remember, the PASSES are what haunted me, not the runs for a first down. McNeal sat in the pocket and completed passes, allowed an offense to work for him...this is not the stuff that a WR convert like Michael Robinson does. And not for nothing, but I've yet to see Jay Cutler show as good ball placement as Reggie McNeal showed (in that one game, mind you).

Finfan54 said:
Ck, do you bring your laptop and write as you watch? Incredible. Good stuff. Tanks bro!

Actually I was up in Gainesville during the game itself visiting my gf, and I was using her laptop downstairs while the game was on to post in my thread in the Draft Forum as the game wore on...posting my thoughts as the game happened so that I could revisit the thread and collect them into one solid piece.

mbsinmisc said:
As usual, great job. Given my druthers, and the likely way the draft breaks down, we will probably pick a QB in the second or third round. Of these three who would you pick CK?

I would wait until the 3rd round and draft Croyle or McNeal, whichever is available (and if both are available, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it). I would try not to draft Whitehurst until the 4th if I could get away with it. If neither Croyle nor McNeal were available in the 3rd, I would maybe think about taking Whitehurst to make sure we got ourselves a top level QB prospect instead of some guy who will sit 3rd string for 4 years. BUT! I reserve final judgment on where to draft these guys until just before the draft, because even if you evaluate a guy as a 3rd rounder, if everyone else is evaluating him as a 5th rounder you'd be nuts to take him in the 3rd round, because you could get away with having him in the 4th or 5th.

As for people being high on Brodie...there are still a few things that disturb me. His accuracy at the Senior Bowl has not been good at all so far. That disturbs me. He's basically working in the homefield offense. Mike Shula brought with him to Alabama a derivation of the same Norv Turner offensive playbook that they had in Miami when Shula was the QBs coach here. So now Norv is running the offense at the Senior Bowl and this should be the hometeam playbook for Brodie yet he's still been very inconsistent in his throws. I think he'll work that out as the week progresses, and I expect to hear a far better report on him in today's and tomorrow's action...and for him to follow that up with a strong showing in the game itself. But keep in mind, if he disappoints me by not showing strong today, tomorrow, and Saturday...then my opinion of him could change a bit.

And btw, Whitehurst isn't perfect in OT games. If I'm not mistaken the Miami game went to OT this year and he lost to us.
fishfan34 said:
Great Post CK.. I too am VERY high on Brodie Croyle. I saw at least three Alabama games this year to specifially look at him, including the Cotton Bowl. He seems to have alot of poise and control of the pocket. He seems to have a calm about him to just slow eveything down and make the throw. I know there is a knock about his Comp %'s and accuracy, but, from what I saw, both dropped off when Prothro and the other receiver got injured and they had to play the freshman receivers (Many many dropped balls).. Watching him engineer that last driver of the Cotton Bowl really clinched my opinion of him. He was calm and in control.. TT was bringing everything at him and he made his throws and marched them calmly down the field and into FG Range for the game winning FG.. I saw a very good quarterback bascially will his team down the field.. I was sold.. I can certainly see us going either O-Line with Justice or McNeil in the first and then Croyle in the 2nd.. I know everyone things Huff might be around still.. but I think Pat Watkins is not far off of where Huff is Safety wise and can be had in the 3rd round..

Totally agree. The guy is a winner and he showed it on that last drive. Very true that his completion % when down when Prothro got hurt. Wasn't a lot of talent on that offense either.
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