Merged: "Thugs and Hoodlums" -Bill Parcells | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: "Thugs and Hoodlums" -Bill Parcells

That's a HUGE leap from "not answering questions" to being a "thug or hoodlum." you may want to rethink what a thug or hoodlum actually is by today's NFL standards....
You don't justify bad behavior by giving more examples of bad behavior. If you want to compare Johnson and his antics to someone, compare him to normal everyday people. Using todays NFL standards as an example is like saying "50 cent isn't so bad, look at all what all the other rappers are doing".

Ocho is an immature unprofessional punk and he should be kept as far away from Miami as possible. Pushing a reporter, if the reporter wanted to make a case for it, he could have had Ocho arrested for assault (at least by NY law). Do we want someone on our team who is too immature to handle an everyday situation? He can't just ignore the reporter, he has to push him and stare him down too? :lol: The more I read about this ******* the more I laugh at the circus he has become.
Not that it matters because I doubt CJ comes here, but it does make me wonder about a couple of things. Why was the reporter close enough to be shoved out of the way after having his initial question ignored? Was the reporter blocking CJ's way?Was it really a shove or a push to get away from the reporter?

As for the thug and hoodlum reference, that applies more to what Porter did than what CJ did...not even close. He falls more in the "problem children" category.
Yep, that puts him right up there with Rae Carruth.

No offense Boom, but as a rebuilding team that will be going the way of youth over the next year or two, we need to take character into consideration and steer clear of players like Johnson. I feel it's best to surround young players with leaders and quality individuals and not players that are a distraction. Ocho isn't Rae Carruth, but he isn't Zach Thomas either. ;)
I've never liked hearing those words "thugs and hoodlums" because to me it was always an unfair characterization of a black athlete who portrays himself in a certain way.

Did Parcells use those with that kind of connotation? I don't think so, but I think most people who use them don't realize the nature of the words. Before I would ever call Chad Johnson a "thug" or a "hoodlum," I would simply say he is a malcontent. Of course, he's on the Bengals, so it wouldn't surprise me if it is contagious.

Ah, feels good to be back at FH.

Why does someone always bring race into it whenever we use the word thug. A thug is a guy who continually gets in trouble time after time regardless of color and I dont want a black thug, white thug, or green thug anywhere near this team.

Not saying you are, but in my opinion, the ones who scream racism when the word thug is used, without any black, white, or whatever connotation attached to it (which happens alot here) is more of a rasict than the one they are calling a racist for starting the thread in the first place. (again, not saying you are one of these guys)
Yep, that puts him right up there with Rae Carruth.


did anyone call him a murderer?? I must have missed that.

thug, hoodlum, punk, bully.....those are the words I heard thrown around. He pushed and intimidated a smaller man who was simply doing his job. I think that the terms used are justified in relation to the actions.
Remember this?

There's been a lot of speculation about Chad Johnson on the Dolphins, although most of it died when he went on to make media overtures toward pretty much every other team in the NFL after his infamous "Parcels, call me" remark.

I admit, when it looked like he wanted specifically to go to Miami, I thought it was possible he was growing up a bit...just because there could be no doubt he's spoken to Keyshawn Johnson about what Parcells is willing to accept on his teams, and if Chad still wants Miami then I guess he must be willing to change.

So much for that.

"Thugs and hoodlums"

Remember that line. Parcells won't touch Chad Johnson. If he does, he's a hypocrite.

This guy is annoying me and hes not even are team.
did anyone call him a murderer?? I must have missed that.

thug, hoodlum, punk, bully.....those are the words I heard thrown around. He pushed and intimidated a smaller man who was simply doing his job. I think that the terms used are justified in relation to the actions.

And that makes him a thug and a hoodlum?

did anyone call him a murderer?? I must have missed that.

thug, hoodlum, punk, bully.....those are the words I heard thrown around. He pushed and intimidated a smaller man who was simply doing his job. I think that the terms used are justified in relation to the actions.

doing your job is one thing, but when reporters start badgering the guy, getting in his face, following him around, asking questions and being annoying, when the guy just wants to be left alone, justifies his actions. Id do the same thing if a reporter wouldnt leave me alone, time after time after time after time of me telling him to get out of my face, am I a thug now?

How would you feel had it been you getting the badgering, telling the guy to leave you alone and no matter what you say he just keeps flapping his lips a foot in front of you, getting in your way of trying to get away from him?

These reporters are just like the popparazi sometimes, and when they act like that they deserve what they have coming.
doing your job is one thing, but when reporters start badgering the guy, getting in his face, following him around, asking questions and being annoying, when the guy just wants to be left alone, justifies his actions. Id do the same thing if a reporter wouldnt leave me alone, time after time after time after time of me telling him to get out of my face, am I a thug now?

How would you feel had it been you getting the badgering, telling the guy to leave you alone and no matter what you say he just keeps flapping his lips a foot in front of you, getting in your way of trying to get away from him?

These reporters are just like the popparazi sometimes, and when they act like that they deserve what they have coming.
First of all, you have no proof that this reporter was acting like a paparazzi. Johnson didn't shove the reporter himself, he shoved the member of the NFL media relations department.

Johnson brings this all on himself, he's a shameless self-promoter and does everything in his power to bring attention to himself. His recent antics of running from one media outlet to the next begging teams to trade for him have put him in the media spotlight. He did it to himself and now he has to deal with it. You can't just turn off media attention after weeks/years of begging for it. And when you go on a crusade to force a trade, don't be shocked when people ask you about it, and definitely don't push someone for doing their job.

The reporter and league employee weren't from the National Enquirer, so to imply that they were hounding him like the paparazzi hound Britney Spears is silly.
No offense Boom, but as a rebuilding team that will be going the way of youth over the next year or two, we need to take character into consideration and steer clear of players like Johnson. I feel it's best to surround young players with leaders and quality individuals and not players that are a distraction. Ocho isn't Rae Carruth, but he isn't Zach Thomas either. ;)

Is he Jason Taylor though?
Lipman tried speaking with him again, only to get shoved. The much-bigger Johnson then stared down Lipman before stepping onto a jitney headed toward the players' hotel.

that's not a thug? bully?
The media or whomever is going to report one side of the story. Has CJ said anything about the incident? We all know the media can drive players crazy with their relentless, nonstop approach to asking questions. When it says "Lipman tried speaking with him again" maybe CJ didn't want to talk at the time, maybe the guy kept standing in his path......WHO KNOWS!? I'm not sticking up for CJ, I'm just saying we should all have an open view since it's only one side of the story that we're hearing
And that makes him a thug and a hoodlum?


thug and hoodlum were Parcells words. I would say punk or bully are MORE accurate for how CJ acted.

you have a FO guy who said no thugs or hoodlums. present him with a case of a guy bullying an NFL employee (on top of openly lobbying against his former team) and ask him directly if that's the kind of player he wants....he's likely to say no.
First of all, you have no proof that this reporter was acting like a paparazzi. Johnson didn't shove the reporter himself, he shoved the member of the NFL media relations department.

Johnson brings this all on himself, he's a shameless self-promoter and does everything in his power to bring attention to himself. His recent antics of running from one media outlet to the next begging teams to trade for him have put him in the media spotlight. He did it to himself and now he has to deal with it. You can't just turn off media attention after weeks/years of begging for it. And when you go on a crusade to force a trade, don't be shocked when people ask you about it, and definitely don't push someone for doing their job.

The reporter and league employee weren't from the National Enquirer, so to imply that they were hounding him like the paparazzi hound Britney Spears is silly.

You have a point, i guess he did bring this upon himself, but we all know how the media acts and if the guy just wants to be left alone they should just leave him alone. The media thinks they are gods and this is something we all know. They think because they have a press pass its a pass to do whatever you want to whomever you want and disrespect everybody with no consequence.
You have a point, i guess he did bring this upon himself, but we all know how the media acts and if the guy just wants to be left alone they should just leave him alone.
I don't think Ocho wants to be left alone, I think he just wants to give his side of the story without being questioned about it. ;)

The media thinks they are gods and this is something we all know. They think because they have a press pass its a pass to do whatever you want to whomever you want and disrespect everybody with no consequence.
I agree, but that didn't happen in this case.
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