Merged: "Thugs and Hoodlums" -Bill Parcells | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: "Thugs and Hoodlums" -Bill Parcells

Tell me the last time you heard of Jason Taylor pushing reporters around because he was hounded during a 1 win season? Being hounded comes with the big payday, you get the glory when you win and you get the blame when you loose. Marino made a career of it and did it with class. I'm tired of everyone making excuses for these high payed premadonnas to ack however they want to without accountability. He's not the type of character who will be all Suzy Sunshine on a rebuilding team, WAKE UP AND REALIZE THIS YOU GUYS!!!!!:shakeno:

When did you ever hear anything bad about Chad Johnson until yesterday's minor incident? Parcells has experience with guys like Lawrence Taylor and Keyshawn Johnson and managed to put with T.O. (against his will). I see no problem with adding a player who could help a rebuilding team climb out of the cellar. Your Marino comparison is a little off, Chad Johnson is not a QB. The QB gets the glory and the blame (see Eli Manning until the Super Bowl win). Carson Palmer has a quiet personality and there are no real leaders in Cincinnati; there haven't been since Anthony Munoz, so the one boistrous personality stands out. Big deal. There's far worse players in the league than Chad Johnson.
So getting manhandled by a PR rep and jerking away makes Chad a bad person? And JT did have to do something for Katina to contemplate divorcing him and it couldn't have been good. Could it?

Like being a multi millionaire
look at the total of everything you know and try to make the best decision possible. everything is a risk/reward, cost/benefit for me. tough to do with today's media. chad is a dam good reciever, but for what i believe he'll cost i say no thanks, go with the draft or less expensive option. if they release him or kick him to the curb, like randy moss which was the most ridiculous thing i've seen, then sure we take him.
How do you think that person stopped Chad? Chad wasn't talking to anyone and the only way they could have stopped him was by physically doing so. I'm not reaching on JT. Chad has had this one incident and people act like he is that POS TO. The post I quoted said that you never see JT involved in anything and I corrected that with a couple of recent incidents. You peoples "Chad is a bad person and teammate" POV doesn't hold any water because Chad has been a target of the media's for a very, very long time and this is the best anyone that don't like Chad can rip him for. Eli cried on draft day and people embrass him now. Would you like Alan Faneca on our line next year? He ripped the Pitt FO since the start of last offseason. Look at how Cam done Daunte and really gave him no chance to succeed by not only holding him until the players union got involved but not even letting him work out or practice. Their is ****ty people all over the world and especially in NFL FO's. Chad is not one of those people because he just wants to get away from whatever the hell that crappy franchise has going on.
look at the total of everything you know and try to make the best decision possible. everything is a risk/reward, cost/benefit for me. tough to do with today's media. chad is a dam good reciever, but for what i believe he'll cost i say no thanks, go with the draft or less expensive option. if they release him or kick him to the curb, like randy moss which was the most ridiculous thing i've seen, then sure we take him.
Think we can get him for a 4th? I doubt it because Chad don't play when he wants to play he plays every second of every game. He couldn't do nothing but help and make it to where we would have an easier time getting Ginn in mismatches. BTW we will have plenty of money considering he makes about the same as Chambers was making with less drops and more of everything else.
They just showed a clip of ESPN trying to interview Chad. He walked away without incident after he found out they were from ESPN. Rosenhaus came on after and it seems like they're trying to quiet things down and "work from behind the scenes" according to Rosenhaus. I think a lot of people are making a big deal about nothing and have misconstrued Parcells words.
They just showed a clip of ESPN trying to interview Chad. He walked away without incident after he found out they were from ESPN. Rosenhaus came on after and it seems like they're trying to quiet things down and "work from behind the scenes" according to Rosenhaus. I think a lot of people are making a big deal about nothing and have misconstrued Parcells words.
What did Bill say?
look at the total of everything you know and try to make the best decision possible. everything is a risk/reward, cost/benefit for me. tough to do with today's media. chad is a dam good reciever, but for what i believe he'll cost i say no thanks, go with the draft or less expensive option. if they release him or kick him to the curb, like randy moss which was the most ridiculous thing i've seen, then sure we take him.

Oakland traded Moss for a 4th
funny, that most of the people here citing this unsubstantiated chad johnson story are the ones who bash PFT for throwing rumors around.

FWIW john clayton of ESPN said johnson 'brushed aside' the PR Rep

so before you crucify johnson, let the truth come out
How do you think that person stopped Chad? Chad wasn't talking to anyone and the only way they could have stopped him was by physically doing so.
That's nothing more than an assumption on your part. It doesn't say anywhere in the article that Michael Lipman tried to physically stop him, it says that Michael Lipman (a member of the league's media relations department) was doing his job and Lipman tried "speaking with him again, only to get shoved". Huge difference.

I'm not reaching on JT. Chad has had this one incident and people act like he is that POS TO. The post I quoted said that you never see JT involved in anything and I corrected that with a couple of recent incidents.
You took 2 situations completely out of context in order to support your side of the discussion.

And I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but Ocho and TO are indeed the same type of person. Both are unabashed attention hounds that only care about themselves and neither one cares about the team concept.

You peoples "Chad is a bad person and teammate" POV doesn't hold any water because Chad has been a target of the media's for a very, very long time and this is the best anyone that don't like Chad can rip him for.
It does hold water because the things that we are pointing to are his fault and his fault only. Did the media make Johnson scream at Palmer? Did the media make him throw a punch at one of his coaches? Did the media make him commit fraud by reneging on the raffle? If any regular person did that they would receive a hefty fine and possible jail time. Did the media make him run around to every news outlet to *****, complain and beg other teams to trade for him?

Eli cried on draft day and people embrass him now. Would you like Alan Faneca on our line next year? He ripped the Pitt FO since the start of last offseason. Look at how Cam done Daunte and really gave him no chance to succeed by not only holding him until the players union got involved but not even letting him work out or practice. Their is ****ty people all over the world and especially in NFL FO's. Chad is not one of those people because he just wants to get away from whatever the hell that crappy franchise has going on.
Final time, you don't justify bad behavior by giving more examples of bad behavior. When a person does that, that means that they can no longer back up their side of a discussion with facts, it means they have run out of excuses and are now trying a last ditch effort to support their point by saying "but other people do it too".

For example:

Teacher says: "G-Force, did you copy off of L2G's test?"

G-Force: "No ma'am, I have no idea what you're talking about. I studied hard last night"

Teacher: "G-Force, you sit right next to L2G and I saw you looking over at his paper"

G-Force: "What? No, I was just stretching. I didn't cheat". (excuse)

Teacher: "G-Force, Both you and L2G put C down as your answer for #6 and both of you changed it to B. You and L2G both got 100 on the test, L2G told me that you were looking at his paper and so did the other children. You have never gotten a 100 on a test before"

G-Force: "Oh yeah, well L2G cheats off of me all the time. And so does FinFang, and I know that GridIronKing34 cheats off of everybody, just ask him. And L2G was chewing gum in class and so was Aqua4Ever, and...." (last ditch attempt to support your argument by giving more examples of bad behavior)
funny, that most of the people here citing this unsubstantiated chad johnson story are the ones who bash PFT for throwing rumors around.

FWIW john clayton of ESPN said johnson 'brushed aside' the PR Rep

so before you crucify johnson, let the truth come out

thank you a million times over.
again, i would advise that nobody say things like

"he punched a coach", etc. unless they have a legitimate source to cite
So your saying I would rat on buddies huh?:lol: All I can say is I never heard of any incidents before this year and I will give Chad the benefit of the doubt. Chad hasn't mentioned anyones name like TO and I'm pretty sure If he were traded to the Ravens he wouldn't cry and refuse to play so he could go ruin a differant franchise. On top of that TO has been a problem from the start. Jerry Rice tought him evrything he could and obviously TO didn't listen when it had to do with grace and respect, only to be forced out by TO. Then TO throws Garcia under the bus and gets traded to the Ravens only to cry to play with Donovan so he could throw him under a bus. One year and don't make a bad person IMO and Chad would be welcome on my team anyday.
again, i would advise that nobody say things like

"he punched a coach", etc. unless they have a legitimate source to cite
So that is just a rumor? Seems to me that I am the one accused of twisting things to help my side.:unsure:
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